Have you noticed how many Weekenders there are,nearly one every week,with people feeling the pinch at the moment someones is going to get there fingers burnt.
Yes,I thats how I got my copy, off a well known Dj, I think it was £2,and dont tell where you had it from.
Ps,I thought it was 76,but hey its a long time ago
I sold my collection off 8years ago to a well known record dealer,ive not regretted it with the proceeds we had a good holiday in the states,
I always think if your not Djing why collect records,if your only playing the in your house,get them on CD its easier,and a lot cheaper.
Hi yer,Billy,
Not heard you or seen you for a while mate,I cant understand people who travel 1 or 2 hours or 4 in your case, to get to a event then leave after 4 or 5 hours,I know you Billy are there until the end.
What time should a Allnighter end,I dont know if this subject has been discussed before?
I always like 8am or 7am finish but the trend is 6am now,a 4am i.e. is no use to man or beast I think they call them mini nighters, I think Rugby nighter this weekend is finishing at 5am,what a strange time to finsh.
Terry Christian and Dave Evison,used to do a radio show on radio Derby,with David playing N/Soul in the radio show,many years ago,and David says he's a nice guy,and thats good reference for me.
I know you can start a argument in a empty room,but how much have you spent on records,just a rough guess Ian,
And thankyou I know how many sounds you have turned up for the unwashed over the years.
At one time Bretby,was a miners welfare,but I dont know when it was sold into private hands,I just live a stones throw away from Bretby,and walk the dogs on Bretby estate every day.
I think the death nail for clubs was when you could take kids into pubs,every Saturday and Sunday night, my Mam and Dad took me to one club or another,it was the only place you could get kids in,and have a drink.