Bloody hell Iam not naming venues or Djs,Ive made enough enemys as it is,just have have word at a few venues,ask the punters.
And I know what its like for you promoters,a good mate used to promote nighters but got pissed off,and went off the scene altogether.
Going to bed in the morning.
No mate its not a dig at you,It was that Imberboys, comments struck a cord with me,and I had to get it off my chest about some Djs,playing very slow tunes,that kills the night for me,and it looks like a few others as well.
I will be putting myself up to be shot at,they are all good soul tunes but in my view not dance tunes,but lets go
Lonely Girl. Annabell Fox.
Ocean Of Love. Nancy Wilson.
The Thrill Of loving you. Jimmy Radcliffe.
No Rest For the worried. Clarence Williams.
Call me. Emmitt Long.
Soul searcher. Eddy Hughes.
Iam sorry if some of these tunes are some folks favs,but it only my opinion
As Simon(Imberboy) was on about on Events look backs,the last few nighters that ive attended about 3-4,ish the Djs start putting lullaby music on that kills the floor and its not even as fast as mid tempo music,I like my soul music from R&B to up to date soul, but it has to be DANCE MUSIC,
I think some Djs get a little bit carried away.
Any thoughts.
We have mentioned this before on S/S.
Black Mother Goose.Sam Nesbit. on 444.lable.
Ady Croasdell,had a demo and then let it go,and never to be seen again
I was a nighter,cant remember which one anyway I must been having a good time,and Dude turned to me and said FOR GOD SAKE KEV,SHUT THE FOOK UP,YOUR SINGING AS FLAT AS A PANCAKE
X Factor,Kev