I wouldnt let Acetone around any plastics,I was on about cleaning the lable off the window.
I used to use Acetone by the 1000lts making up paints,if you want headaches use Acetone
You can try a weak white spirit solution this will work on the record,on the kitchen window car polish,If that dont work try Acetone (nail varnish remover)
I know Vel-Vets,I Got To Find Me Somebody. 20th,Century.always sells well but there must no end of copys out there?
on P.B. auction its at £350, with 2,days to go.
Dj,line up for Keele,10pm-7am,5th September,09, is Bob Hinsley,Dave Welding,Little Scotty, Roger Banks,Pete Hulatt,Keith Minshull,Guest Dj.Sean Chapman.
Modern Room Djs,Kev,Davy Bell,Ben+Guest Djs.
I was collecting in the 70s, but you have to think I was on £13,a week,and my Mam wanted £6 board money,
I remember buying a record for a £10 one week,that was it I could not go out for a few weeks
but I did pick one or two things up for 10p
Iam a bit deaf in both ears,but one more than the other,I got compo of one of my employers years ago,but its when you are in a crowd you pick up back ground noise but not the people talking to you,some times you say yes and nod your head,and you have'nt heard them.
And shooting for years with shotguns and rifles has not helped
I know its a touchy subject the records that we like,its like calling someones children.
But like you say its all about opinions,I still think the,David Thomas,track is to slow for a dancer