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good angel

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Everything posted by good angel

  1. The true Answer for Spiritual Home of N/Soul,is in your heart,because we are Nomads going from venue to venue,to hear them records. Kev.
  2. I know Alan Day,was a 76,club Burton-On-Trent Dj any storys of the 76,Club,Alldayers after the Torch. I was far to young to attend back then. Kev.
  3. Gilly, Did you know my old mate, Gedder Clamp? Kev.
  4. I think its the sign of the times,even my local leisure centre is going to be knocked down. Sorry to say knowing local councils this is probably a done deal. Wishing you look,Kev.
  5. I love that term,Sarah Shall we call them BPB, for short Kev,once a BPB,many years ago.
  6. [quote name='ImberBoy' date='28 September 2009 - 11:49 AM' timestamp='1254131360' post='1160623' I would love to see Sean Chapman double deck with Karl Herd, can any one make this happen? Andy? Simon, It sounds that your writing a script for a porn film. Kev
  7. Ah Up,Mate, Come on name and shame them. Regards,Kev.
  8. Webby, It was you that bought that record then Kev
  9. I for one just love, soul dance music, not just N/soul.R&B TO PRESENT There is to many pigeon holes. And I think the numbers are dropping because people are being careful with their money,how many folks can say their jobs are safe now adays. Kev
  10. Yep, Terrible it is. Kev.
  11. Roger, do you know anything about it? Kev.
  12. Micky Valvano, She's Fire. Kev.
  13. Ive noticed JM,has got a Wilee McEwen, Hello Darling. S.T.Y.B. lable. Any info about this record please. Kev
  14. My Canyon Demo,cost me 10p I think from a junk shop many moons ago,I picked one or two good records up from that shop. Kev
  15. Sorry,Davie, But Maximes is what style I want in a Allnighter Kev.
  16. Simon, I have to agree with you,we must have similar tastes, All I kept seeing from you allnight was one big grin so I knew you was having a goooood time. Like you said the sound system was spot on,John who was with me is a sound engineer, also said it was very good All the best mate,see you soon. Kev.
  17. The French Ep, has a low volume compard to the single. Kev
  18. Years ago when I first started,when we knew a Dj had not got a certain record probably a big record at the time, I would ask for it,then one mate at time would ask just to wind them up,and it worked Kev.
  19. I think it was a record on Roulette,for £10,I was on £13 a week for my life I cant remember what it was, I know I got from Russ&Richards Records. Kev
  20. Cheers Eddie, I will look out for it,thanks again. Kev
  21. Cheers Mark, I will find it on a Cd,with abit of luck. Kev
  22. Pete, Whats a cassette? Kev
  23. Anybody know what CD, Betty Wright, Brick Grits.track is on. Kev
  24. Well I pre ordered my 100 Club Cd from Amazon,and its just arrived and its on in the back ground,I cant put it up loud,the first wife still in Kev
  25. Mike, It wont be long before its up to 200 then I might say something Kev

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