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good angel

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good angel last won the day on April 9 2012

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About good angel

  • Birthday 07/06/2010

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Republic Of Derbyshire
  • Interests
    Gun dogs.Im just a country Boy.
  • Top Soul Sound
    Just to many to name.R&B to Present

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  • A brief intro...
    Never ever grew up,still as daft as

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  1. Ive been patched up many a time
  2. Martyn, how long have they been ringing birds now,and don't you think we should know their habits and it courses stress for the birds.
  3. That reminds me of someone telling the RSPCA that when he goes into the park at night he feeds night squirrels so they set up night cameras,he was letting rats run all over him and feeding them.....Errrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  4. A Blackbird was watching me today eating some shortbread in the garden so I chucked some down for him and as soon as I turned my back he swooped down and gobbled it up..
  5. Standing with a gun yesterday he said oh look a Dove, I said oh yes , it was a Sparrowhawk..=^))
  6. Moving a log pile today a little cock Robin was in and out of the pile and sitting on my handle of my wheelbarrow and then he followed me in the garage,I love things like that.
  7. A Sparrowhawk grabbed a collard Dove and fell out of the sky about a yard in front of me today, I must have disturbed him he flew off an the Dove.
  8. Got snagged on a bramble and arse over tit I went
  9. I fell nose first into briar bush today I look like I have been attacked by a hawk..ouch
  10. Cutting wood in the wood today and a Robin was being nosey seeing what I was doing.
  11. I was putting up loads of pheasants this morning, well the dogs was.
  12. Yes your right,a pair will soon strip a hedgerow of all its nests.
  13. I had all longtail Tits around me yesterday,love these little busy birds
  14. Watched the dvd today Sunday enjoyed it everybody can relate to some part, I remember my Mam catching me dancing in the bedroom and shouting that's why my bloody carpets worn out...

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