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Sean Hampsey

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Everything posted by Sean Hampsey

  1. That reminds me, I was once in a warehouse and a pile of 100 or more of these was stood in a 1/2" puddle wedging an internal door open. I meant to pick a couple up, on the way out, but forgot. Sean
  2. Hi Alan, not sure why they dropped the 'Black'... (but I can probably imagine). I have both and always felt the 'Black Lady' one was the first and its certainly the hardest of the two. Steve also has the 'Black Lady' copy as I recall mentioning it to him, many years ago. Sean
  3. It's the pint of Beer I'm struggling with! Sean
  4. Of course Steve... ...now where did I put the bloody old thing! You have a good one too me old love. Just got to be carefull you and me don't end up like Simon & Gary! Sean
  5. Sad news indeed Ian, spent many a happy hour, over the years, in there. :-( Sean
  6. Thats the one Sebastian! Think I have the same clip somewhere. Full length is better still! Sean
  7. Don't know about that Gareth. It was from the Poet sessions, for sure. Nice tune too! Sean
  8. In your dreams, Steve, in your dreams! Sean
  9. Huh - You can stick your drink up your arse!
  10. Awesome mate. Just love it. Another Taylor-Hampsey LLP exclusive! Sean
  11. Oooh! Bitch Bitch! Don't be like that... ...just cos you missed it, Steve What you probably don't know is... we'd both seen it and were both gonna bid for it seperately, but when it became apparant that we'd both bid to eternity for said magnificent and highly desirable item we realised that we'd end up paying well over the odds. So, we took the sensible and pragmatic view and agreed that I would bid... and that I'd let Tats buy a half share in it, purely as an investment... ...however, we didn't agree at the time that he would have 'play' rights...cos if you'd seen his box you'd know it could soon get very messy and this little investment 'one-off' could soon become a total 'none-off' You'll be pleased to hear though (as you're obviously so concerned ) that we will have joint access to the Womack (and various other exclusives - under my strict supervision) at the launch of our new event - Just Soul - Coming Soon! Might even play it especially for you! Sean
  12. Lonely don't stay out all night and lonely wants to hang around... Lonely don't get drunk and fight and lonely comes to bed at night... ...and lonely don't let me down! Beautiful mate! Sean
  13. Yep... also played it off CDR two or maybe three times, John. Them old acetates don't last five minutes... and I promised my co-investor I'd look after it. Might be giving it a spin at Modernism next Friday though. Don't think Martin would have me back again if i didn't. Sean
  14. Yeh... ...and some were going in reverse!
  15. We were motoring many years ago, Steve. Its just that some folk took the wrong turn along the way. Sean
  16. Last time I wore a vest - people kept getting me and Fraser mixed up, so I thought better of it ever since.
  17. I'm all Lifelined out, Brian, having done my 5 hour 'OVO' set last year... Been in recovery mode ever since Hope it goes well for you, though. A top bunch of lads involved, no doubt. Yep - looking forward to a Beer or two... and a few tasty Southern tracks in April! Sean
  18. Do you really think he's a changed man Simon? He certainly used to promote the whole of Soul when dejaying... but it does seem fashionable to veer more towards that rare vinyl only thing these days. Personallly, I'd like to hear a few more new and recent CD tracks in all DJ's sets... especially at Essence etc. What do you think? Sean
  19. Ho Ho... I knew you'd bite on that bit of bait about Natural Impulse... but as I said, I've got loads of stuff that needs an airing way ahead of that (lets face it, its been well overdone for 20 odd years). If we're talking about 'collectors' and rarities that's a different matter, but as a DJ I've always kept the two things seperate... something that many seem unable to do. We end up with Soul Nights becoming nothing more than a collectors showcase - not my idea of a good night out and nor would I consider it conducive to the promotion of the music... or of any given night - I think that style of DeeJaying is a major contributor to falling attendances everywhere. Exclusives - always nice - but I've had my fair share of those that have gone on and sold in quantity once issued over here, so I don't see them as not contributing to promotion. Womack acetate is a collectors piece, I've only played it out twice since we bought it and if you think I'd let the other stakeholder, Tats, have it you're having a laugh... it would be covered in Brown sauce within days As for cutting you a copy... sorry, I don't have the rights, but I have been in discussion with those who do so, who knows, we might see him on TV with another hit on his hands later in the year... ... but I doubt it! Sean
  20. It is an interesting point, no doubt, So to clarify... What you're suggesting is that because some of these artists aren't around... and only the current owner of the actual 'rights' stand to benefit, then that somehow makes it OK to veto the promotion of these reissued works? Sorry mate, cuts no ice with me and sounds very much like an apologist argument for some kind of elitism... but hey, lets not kid each other... that's always been one of the building blocks of the scene... ...along with the actual promotion of Soul Music itself... something I've always thought we were both interested in. To be honest, Steve, I'm surprised if you don't genuinely (privately) agree with me in every respect... ...and I reckon you really are playing the devils very mischievous advocate. Sean
  21. Misinterpreted... (and you know it... ) The question was whether anyone could argue about the fact that 'such promotion' had done a helluva lot to advance Soul music in the UK. I dunno........... .......it appears there's some mischievous types who'd prefer to keep it to themselves
  22. Nowt wrong with playing originals, matey,....... I've got absolutely thaaaaaaaaaaazands of 'em... ...but there's nowt wrong with playing proper, kosher, reissues either. By the way, if you don't think the playing of reissues could ever be good for an artist, you obviously missed The Tams in 1971 and Robert Knight in 1973 on Top Of The Pops... Apart from the obvious benefits to the artist, such promotion did a helluva lot to advance Soul music, in the UK, too... ... and who could possibly argue with that? Sean
  23. Think Steve was onstage while the pictures were taken, Di. That always freed up a bit of space! Sean

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