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Sean Hampsey

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Everything posted by Sean Hampsey

  1. Think that's a really good point Mike. The equipment - and the context - is so important. Some things I wouldn't give shelf space to at home, sound great in a club, in the right environment, booming out of those big speakers. In contrast, there are many things that I might enjoy at home, or in the car, that I'd never play out. They just wouldn't work. Context and perspective. Very important. Sean PS: But some stuff really IS just crap!
  2. "Going Through The Motions" (aka The Sewage Worker Song) Sean
  3. Yep - So did I. Bought them both as new releases. The Sally Sagoe topside was a cover of a VanMcCoy / Brenda & The tabs track "A Little Bit Of Love". Must go dig them out. Sean
  4. Yeh, I guess the term 'Home Grown' would have been a better one, but it was picked up by the Scene in the same way as "Stop What You're Doing" "Honey Bee" and "A Man Like Me" etc. also great Biddu tracks. Biddu definitely knew how to capture 'that' mock-Motown sound in his work, so if not 'tailor making' he was certainly paying tribute cos he knew that was the sound certain clubs wanted. Suppose his only clear tailor made 'Northern Dancer' was.... 'Northern Dancer'... .... will say no more about that one though ;o] Sean
  5. It is a sweet thing isn't it. Produced back when 'Tailor Mades' were actually pretty good! Cleverley pulled together all those cool phrases about 'Western Union Men' and what have you. Would certainly make a refreshing change to hear it played out. Don't think they ever were a proper group, more likely a 'Biddu' put together. And don't believe it was released anywhere outside the UK. Anyone remember the Sally Sagoe 'STOP' on the same Polka Dot label? Sean
  6. Errr........... Lou Johnson "Unsatisfied" (if that's the record you mean) has been a UK club spin since the sixties. It got heavily revived in the mid 70's and tends to fetch around £75 on UK London label issue (Black/Silver) and £150+ on UK London Yellow Demo with the US Big Top label copies going for around £35 - £50, though someone like Pete Smith would be able to provide more accurate (current) valuations. Sean
  7. Covered a few days ago. All the details here:- /forums/topic/122683-northern-soul-and/page__p__1256548__hl__bill%20oddie__fromsearch__1entry1256548 Sean
  8. Sadly not mate. Its a Fabulous track, isn't it. I've played it off the album over the years but its never had the plaudits it deserves. Sean
  9. Not trying to be a smart ass, but you mean the MCA LP don't you? Sean
  10. I think Mr Rounce may have called this right. It's probably some dude, with the same name as our hero, doing a cover version on a Private press, hence the title change. This did happen on occasion so it is likely. Sean
  11. Yeh, I agree with you Dave, you've summed it up in one. I've always loved both Barbara & The Browns and the James & Bobby versions of this superb piece of Southern Soul (could never really decide which i prefered TBH) but the Billy Butler here is a nice 'raw' take on a classic deepie. Strange one as it is... ...I want one! Sean
  12. Ah! Pitches monster "Put Our Love Together" and the heavyweight "Lonely Stranger" are classics... but rarely see mention of "Is That You Love" a personal fave. Wonderful stuff. Have it on 45 too, Gareth. Sean
  13. Thankfully, that 'long line' dried up a very long time ago, Ian. The scene moved on, over 30 years ago and started playing, mainly, Soul Music. But in any case, it's no great recommendation comparing it to other poor records is it? Or saying that Ralph Tee played it on his show, for that matter! Joking aside, I think we're in danger of making this a 'colour' issue. It's not so much a question of colour for me with this one, I wouldn't want anyone to think I'm not a fan of the record because it's Blue-Eyed I've championed the Buddy Causey Capitol 45 for a few years now, so no way is it simply a 'colour' issue with me. It's just that this recording is so very MOR and Soulless... but I do admit, I'm intrigued by the interest its received on here. That could be attributed to the word 'Rarity' in the headline... or it might even be the 'Dewhirst Enigma'... but I'll wager its a bit of both Let's be honest, far too often, 'rarity' tends to fly in the face of 'Soulful Quality' on the UK Soul scene. Its a fascinating thread though Ian, with some interesting revelations It explains to me why I'm often dissapointed, in cases where I hear of a so called 'fabulous tune' which people are raving over... when I eventually get to hear it.... what I'm hearing is garbage! I always felt it was all about where you draw your own personal line on 'soulfulness' and on 'standards' of quality. And I know I'm a picky bugger, particularly when it comes to vocals. But SOUL is also about 'emotion' and this Capanni effort clocks up a whacking great zero in that department. Either way, I'm trying to be reasonable and rationalise why anybody would consider this Soulful, it's probably more to do with that hard to quantify 'taste' thing (mentioned earlier). Though some might say its more to do with the lack of it. Taste is a very subjective thing. There's no right or wrong, is there. One prefers Coffee, another prefers Tea... but they both like Beer and what have you... ...and I think this record is a pretty good example of how diverse 'taste' can be, even amongst those of us who like to think of ourselves as Soul fans. For a change, it's not a 60's v 70's debate or a Northern v Modern question, its purely a 'do I like this or do I not' question. Personally, I don't like it. No... its more than that..... I don't like it at all. As I said earlier, its just NOT a Soul record. It's not sung with Soul. It's just NOT Soulful. By any stretch of the imagination. It matters not to me that Bobby Taylor had a hand in writing it. It wouldn't change a thing if Bobby Womack, Philip Mitchell, and Sam Dees had written it by the banks of the Mississippi - its not the lyrics that I don't particularly care for - it's what's coming out of the speakers that, to my ears at least, sounds bloody awful. Its that Pop, Pap, Wimpish vocal delivery and tra la, la, la, la, loungey, Love Boat, Showbiz Schmaltz (that really does owe far too much to the Manilows of this world for my liking) that prohibits me from ever seeing it as Soul, pop-soul or any other kind of Soul music. I know you didn't head the thread 'is this the best Soul record on Capitol' (because we all know it isn't) and that its the obsession with 'rarity' and 'novelty' that causes collectors to get excited (and in some instances 'blinded') with stuff like this. But I'm pretty sure that if there had been 30 copies up on GEMM right now it would be forever known as 'the original but crap version of the Jackson Sisters'. But, in all honesty, its not just a poor version of the Jackson Sisters. Its really bad entirely on its own merit. I know some might think what i'm saying is a bit harsh, but really, this is about as bad as it gets. Get out your James Carr, Bobby Womack and David Ruffin albums, then go compare! There's far too much substandard old jank being passed off in some quarters as Soul Music these days and this is just another example. But as someone once said... 'I've got to admire your balls' Sean
  14. No Webby, Twisted Wheel & Rochdale. Now get those frikkin Spuds peeled!
  15. It's "Bill Oddie "I Can't Get Through" on UK Parlophone R5433. You can hear it here, if you've got a Masochistic streak. Course, Bill is an Ex-Wheelite and got the Northern Soul classic "Black Pudding Bertha" in the charts, so his credentials as a Soul artist are sound. Sean
  16. Crikey.... some Stunning records in there! Top Tips If you're a fan of the Winstons "Colour Him Father" grab the Calvin Arnold.... awsum, Soulful, beaty crossover! And if you fancy a Chery Berdell soundalike go for the Sandra Feva, one of the best Clifton Hall records never to have been played there! :-) (wish I'd had it back then ) Archie Bell, 'Beautiful Child' is bound to have its day.... its just a matter of time. Carl Carlton... getting talked about everywhere. Lovely crossover. I could go on. Really... some lovely records there, going for a song! Fill your boots. Sean
  17. Yes Very rare 45. Has all the right credentials (Artist, Writers, Label, Recording Studio). Quite a nice double-sider too! I'd be biting his hand off at 50 bucks! Sean
  18. mmmmmm think I'd still like to hear it by the Vibrations though. Nice idea! Great record. Sean
  19. True. Also Clifton Hall, for Gary. Sean
  20. It's a good production, right enough Ian, but this particular white boy aint no Eddie Hinton. Tell you what, if I find one, I'll give it to you. And you can put the Ten Bob saved towards that pint of John Smiths. Sean

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