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Sean Hampsey

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Everything posted by Sean Hampsey

  1. Those who don't seem to know better have corrupted the original definition, Richard. But they're wrong. Sean
  2. In between northern and modern, in between 60s and 70s I thought - stuff like Ruby Andrews - Just Loving You maybe? - not quite 60s or Modern - just in between - transitional - crossover. Yep. That sums it up nicely. :-) Sean
  3. Can you have a word and tell her I'd like 'em as well mate! Good spot Chalky. They look great. Thanks buddy, Sean
  4. Loved the Tops version for a lifetime. World Class, in every department! Sean
  5. Sorry Webby, I knew I should have made allowances Sean
  6. You didn't ask for facts. You asked for opinions. Sean
  7. Coincidentally, I had a box of Mint Black Stockers of Micheal & Raymond in my hand only last week (must have been 8-9 copies). Sean
  8. One for the 'Just Soul' crowd! Sean https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ek4ZAG19HHg
  9. If you think its good, it's good. If you think its bad, it's bad. That's how it works, Webby. Sean
  10. Terrible Tom "We Were Made For Each Other" Sean
  11. One here for £100 https://www.rarenorthernsoul.com/Rare-70s-80s/9457/irie-blessing/ One here for £35 One here for £110 https://www.musicstack.com/item.cgi?item=201550926 One here for £40 https://northern-soul-records.com/printlists/printnorthern789.shtm One here for £3.50 https://www.juno.co.uk/products/242664-01.htm That last one seems about right! Sean
  12. Coincidentally, Brett, I just read the article only minutes before seeing the thread on here... and had similar thoughts as yourself. Its unfortunate that the media seem to associate the passion for Soul music in this country with the pop hysteria of the mid 70's and the 'Bay City Roller' style and 'fashion' of that time. That most 'commercial' period in our history, Wigan and the fashion associated with that time were no more than a 'snapshot' on a 45 year timeline. The time when 'underground' became 'mainstream' for a short while... and about as deep as most journalists are only able to venture. Important and relevant, sure, but in no way absolute, as you well know. Sean
  13. Seems about right mate. But in terms of quality it should be a fortune! A Soul Essence Monster some 15+ years ago - and much too good for the mainstream! A truly great record. But then, LJ Reynolds could sing the Phone Book... and I'd buy it. Sean
  14. Agree Gareth, I've got a Black Lady copy with "Cookin' With Nixon" on the flip too! To be honest, the LJ Reynolds is much better (to my ears) than the Temptations version. LJ Reynolds vocals are just INCREDIBLE! (I've always thought he's probably the most underrated'Mega Voice' on the planet). Sean
  15. I've got a Black Lady copy with "All I Need" on both sides too. Note - on most other copies around, the label is just 'Lady' with the word 'Black omitted. Sean
  16. Ha! I dont listen to that show. Very interesting clip though. I'd not heard it before. Thanks Sean
  17. Hi Kevin, Am now back in blighty. Apologies if any of my messages sounded curt. They were done from my iPhone, which does not afford me the same dexterity I get from my laptop! Surprised you thought I was insinuating anything. I'm well aware of the rumours surrounding the disappearance of some of Dave's records and other personal effects from Norwood Road and I am quite comfortable that you were not a party to that - so relax! I'm just asking perfectly reasonable questions about a record collection which belonged to a very close friend. From the outset I was in touch with the executors of Dave's Will and also other individuals very close to Dave. We discussed at length the Funeral / Wake (Party!) arrangements etc. but there was (as I understood it) no formal agreement regarding the record collection which (again as I understood it) was owned by Dave and his long term housemate Alf Billingham. There was talk, initially, that Dave's part of the collection was to have been archived by Liverpool University. Another conversation centred around it being donated as a 'resource' for Ace / Kent records who had released Dave's own compilations (The Deep Soul Treasures series) but that these discussions were not concluded. I've been asked many times, by many different people, what became of the collection, so, I'm naturally curious that some of these artefacts are now appearing in an eBay sale. If there is a letter which clearly bequeaths the collection to you, then, purely out of historical interest and curiousity (if nothing else) then I'm sure many of us would like to see it. Hope you can oblige. Best regards, Sean
  18. On my way back from the states so no access to my email right now. Please post on here or send to me by pm. Many thanks Sean Hampsey
  19. Yes, I'd very much like to see such correspondence. Where did you collect the records from? Did you collect them from Rotherham or Sheffield? Sean Hampsey
  20. Hi, the question I'd like an answer to is how you came to be in possesion of these items. It is my understanding that all of Dave's possesions were to have been sold to raise funds for the Donkey Sanctuary. Sean Hampsey
  21. Yooou boys ... Hope you're well Ken. Was really good to see you t'other week at Rugby. Sean
  22. Hi Malc, Yep - I guess so, if you don't count Clifton Hall itself. We played most of the brand new and big tunes of the day from Clifton.... Bobby King "If You Don't want My Love" - Zingara "I Surrender" / "Haunted House" - Gary Glenn "Gonna Give You My Love" - Tony Fox "Love Let Love & Be Loved" - Melba Moore "Lets Stand Together" - Gayle Adams "Lets Go All The Way" - Leon Bryant "Mighty Body" etc. alongside some great 60's & 70's. So yes, I would say you're right and that the Greyhound was the first place to play Never Too Much outside the Nighter scene. Good times my friend. Very good times. And, as you know, you are one of my favourite people ever! Sean
  23. Think its been knocked down Ken (or so I was told) and Houses built on it. Yep - Some great times at the Greyhound. Sean

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