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Sean Hampsey

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Everything posted by Sean Hampsey

  1. Lookin For A Love! Awesome! :thumbsup: Sean
  2. Bobby is in 'recovery' from Cancer. Under the circumstances, he's doing pretty well. Personally, I didnt think I'd see him ever again after the 2011 tour. Long live the king. Sean
  3. Hi all, Well, its that time of year again It's 12 months since we did the last 'Top Tips' thread... so, as it's now a Soul Source tradition, which started in 2007, here we go again! Here's your opportunity to tip the tunes in your box for future greatness, during the forthcoming year... or simply list any number of records that you'd like to recommend to other Soul Sourcers. You might be a DJ with that tasty unplayed, unknown, hardly played or semi-known 45 stuck in the back of your box that you'd love to play out... but haven't quite got around to it... yet! You might be a collector, sitting on a tune that you know, if it got into the right hands, could become massive in the next 12 months. It could be an LP track that, for whatever reason, has never been given the recognition it deserves. It might be a tasty 'B' side that, given the right exposure, might just have what it takes to become a monster! We're talking, Northern, Modern, Crossover or 'Just Soul' Whatever floats your boat! With increased diversity around these days, this should be an interesting list! How about those funky groovers. Are they now providing a rich new seam of quality choonage? No need to post sound clips. Just let us know what you've got that you think deserves a really big plug in the coming year! So come on. Look at your box and let's have your top tip (or tips) for 2013. Oh... and a Happy (and Soulful) New Year to all! Sean Hampsey
  4. Gawd bless you Peter. You are really something. PM Me your Address. Got something for ya. All the best for 2013. Sean
  5. Yep - Clifton & Cleggy. Happy New year Peter. Sean
  6. Think Rod had just the one Chalks. Never had it listed for sale. Yes, late 80's / early 90's Thorne spin. Sean
  7. A truly wonderful singer. Apart from the classic 'Rescue Me' which means so much to so many of us, "I'm Leaving The Choice Up To You" is one of the greatest Soulful ballads of all time. Rest In Peace. Sean
  8. I've always interpreted it as 'it's in the bag'. Anything that's a dead cert, right on the money, stitched up tight, is in the bag (or in the pocket) whether it's a tight groove or something safe and secure. In the bag. Sean
  9. Yep, great playlists folks. Super venue too with an awesome party atmosphere! Am out of the country, escaping the cold, until New Year. Will post up me playlist when I get home. Cheers all. Have a great one! Sean
  10. The LP is on Bojo and apparantley (from those advertised around the net) from 1984. I would say the Bojo 45 is most probably also from this period. The Conclave 45 looks a helluva lot earlier (late 60's). Like you - wouldn't go out on a limb on this - just my tuppeneth! Sean
  11. No Info to speak of mate, other than He was nearly a 'Smityh' by the look of the 'Guilty' side. :0) Sean
  12. Yes Andy, its a legit uk red Atlantic with no centre. In my opinion Andy, it's the most desireable copy. Especially with the original spider Sean
  13. I have the "don't find me guilty" 10" Acetate and it has yet another flipside. I know that doesn't answer your question, but thought it related. Sean
  14. The centre wasn't pushed out Andy. It never had one. Marvellous record. Sean
  15. Top show lads. Varied and soulful - Just the way it should be. Thanks a bunch and all the best for Christmas / 2013 Sean
  16. Here's SS on the Telly! A Soul Train episode from March '79. The late Don Cornelius called him a 'dear friend' 'a pioneer' and the 'Mad Producer'. Sean
  17. Hi Graham, Despite the typo in the 'compiled by' info above 'it was me wot did it'. I compiled the CD, along with the Bobby Patterson, from (what I believe are) 25 of the best of Syl's Hi Output. "Black Balloons" is from Twinight and therefore (as good as it is) was not available to us on this compilation. Just make sure its in your Christmas stocking mate. You'll love it! Have a great one! Sean
  18. Still Looking For The AVCO Dorothy Moore 45's Folks Will Pay Your Asking Price! :0) Thanks a bunch, Sean
  19. Indeed Lorraine. As is so often the case; looks as if someone here didn't get their dues. Sean
  20. Hi Lorraine, Didn't Jimmy help write and get credit on 'Love You Baby'? What else did he write? Sean
  21. Hi Lorraine, We posted at the same time. The Jimmy Coleman credits are missing from the MAM / Miko Magnificents label. Just wondering if on the Drumhead release Ham Publishing should read Mam Publishing? Interesting don't you think? Sean
  22. Identical. Same take. No doubt. Magnificents says time is 2:40 Perfections says time is 3:00 But they are both the same 3:01 Magnificents - gives credits to W. Rudds Jr / J. Ashford (Frenchie Pub Co. BMI) Perfections - gives credits to J. Coleman / J. Ashford / W. Rudds (Ham Music BMI - Closed Circuit Productions Inc.) Sean
  23. Oh, I get it Pete, I go all out to collect misprints and oddities, always have done, but, if you've worked in printing (as I have) its no great mystery. That's why Gene's comment made such sense. Some corporate bod at EMI decides to switch from 'Red A on White' to 'White A on Green' for all forthcoming Demo copies. But there'll always be some bloke on the shop floor who says 'Yeh... right' especially if there's a few hundred quid tied up in old stock. Agree it adds to the fun and its the errors and 'exceptions' that help create collectability - but when folk go looking for a 'reason' that's when I have to smile

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