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Sean Hampsey

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Everything posted by Sean Hampsey

  1. Guys, Agree. We were all in an environment very much ahead of it's time. The Northern Scene had a real shot in the arm from Alan & Steve's Clifton Hall and Steve's "Winter Gardens" & Bradford. Right place, right time and we got away with an awesome selection of truly 'across the board' Soul Music. I'd certainly be in favour of pulling in Robin & Adam for a one off... or even something more regular! Suggest we discuss at the CLIFTON HALL REUNION when we get a mo! As for the DJ Poll, couldn't believe that the Searling fella got twice as many votes as me that year! Was he the guy in the Yellow Suit? Love him really! And only a handful of votes between 5th & 7th place!! Was this 1983? Would love to see a copy of the previous year's chart for comparison....anyone? Steve, retired or not, you'd still have blinded some of the newbies! Good to see you back and at 'em! Sean Hampsey
  2. Hi Steve, I know that mate, but there was another, totally different Sy Hightower LP ISSUED. Little known fact. Sean
  3. Ah Yes, I vaguely remember him. A Tall Dark Handsome chap?? Oh No............. that was me as well!! CU at the Clifton Hall Revival. We'll show 'em how it's done Stevie! Sean Hampsey
  4. Aha an easy one..... .........errrrrrrrr Me? IMHO Sean Hampsey Oh.... and Steve Mannion CLIFTON HALL RE-UNION Saturday 29th July Bar no 10, Wellgate, Rotherham. Guest DJ's Sean Hampsey, Darran Arden, Steve Mannion & Cliff Dale
  5. Oh.... and it's my belief that the Sandra Wright LP on Demon is the first vinyl issue of these tracks other than the "Midnight Affair" / "Wonded Woman" Truth 45. Sandra has had other LP releases though in recent years in the shape of the "Shake You Down" LP and the "After Hours" LP. Sean Hampsey
  6. Hi Chris, The Sy Hightower LP with "I Wonder Why" etc did not come out... but.... a little known fact... there was another Sy Hightower LP with different tracks that did gain a release. Sean Hampsey
  7. Tony, You've obviously got far too much time on your hands. Previously a watchmaker by any chance? Sean Very good though mate. Very good.
  8. A worthwhile release if ever there was one. Great tracks from Rod's superb Canal Tavern / Thorne sets 15+ years ago!... Happy days! Put me down for one sharpish! Sean Hampsey
  9. He was known as "The White Knight Of Soul". Cocran's "I'm In Trouble" was a Wigan spin in '76 on US Mercury. A good tune for less than a tenner! He became a born again Christian and is now a Preacher. Praise The Lord! Sean
  10. Long, Long, Long Ago! Yup. Very very long!
  11. Dunno Ken. Not measured it since I was a teenager! Sean Hampsey
  12. Hi Ian, Yes, great album, however, the sleevenotes are incorrect in that Carla 2533 "Hard To Get a Thing Called Love" B/W "When Your love Is Gone" did gain a 45 release. Nice stuff though all on one LP Sean Hampsey
  13. Couldn't resist. Sean Hampsey CLIFTON HALL RE-UNION Saturday 29th July Bar no 10, Wellgate, Rotherham. Guest DJ's Sean Hampsey, Darran Arden, Steve Mannion & Cliff Dale
  14. The 'B' side is a storming Northern Soul number which uses the backing track from Yvonne Baker "You Didn't Say a Word" on Parkway.... .... I didn't tell Ken at the time (which is why i bought it so cheaply) and I guess he never flipped it over, which just goes to show you, that you should always play the B sides. The vocals and lyrics are even better than the Yvonne Baker track. It's called "You Never Sang A Note" Sean Hampsey
  15. au contraire young Kenneth, Surely If I now own the record.... then I Must Be The Winner? (I paid a pound a minute for the privilege, if my memory serves me right). Sean Hampsey
  16. Not really a "Deep Soul" record in the regular sense, but a 'PITCHES' Crossover Monster not too very long ago. Tremendous record! Sean Hampsey
  17. It's true, I bought the famous "Three Minutes Of Silence" from Ken. ...One of his best recommendations I reckon! Sean Hampsey
  18. Never Seen It. I dont believe it ever got a release. Seen 'From the Forthcoming LP' on dozens of 45's over the years,,, that weren't..errr ....forthcoming! He did have an album out in 2000 which was released just before he was killed in a car crash. His "Must Have Lost My Mind" was a stunner, but you're right, a BLUE SOUL album would have been really something I'm sure. Sean Hampsey
  19. God Yes! The first 45 from Annette Snell. Always rated her Dial 45's too, especially "Footprints" & "You Ought To Be Here With Me" An awesome talent who was tragically killed in her prime. Great choice Billy F. Sean Hampsey
  20. Dave, Was there one in Robert Pruter's "Chicago Soul" book of about 15 years ago? I think so. Would you have seen it in there? Sean
  21. Steve M Seen the draft CH reunion flyer. You get first billing, as always Steve, No need to be upset. Apart from my impeccable taste in music, vast knowledge (See Latest Quiz), Prowess behind the decks and enormous record collection I'd just put that down to my boyish charm and good looks! Looking forward to sharing the platform with you once again old mate, after these 20+ years. A pleasure and a privelege. We'll have a ball! Sean Hampsey
  22. Nice One Kev, Yes Dave Rimmer already mentioned that Freddie Gorman was a Postman. I must admit that he didn't immediately spring to mind last night, but I'm sure that he Dave is correct. Always thought that R Dean Taylor was also a Postman, but could be my memory playing tricks on me. Certainly no great shakes as a singer! I'll leave the Q3 lyric to someone else eh? Might be best if I sit out the next Quiz. Kinda spoils the fun for everyone else. Oh... and for future Reference I normally go to bed about 1.00am. Thanks Kev. Really good sport! Sean Hampsey
  23. Linda Jones "For Your Precious Love" takes some licking for vocal hystrionics! Bettye Lavette "Let Me Down Easy" magnificent, especially when she cuts loose towards the end. Aretha Franklin "Don't Play That Song" (and many others). Such awesome power! All immediately spring to mind. Sean Hampsey
  24. Good Man Lenny. You've got impeccable taste Sir! I've been plugging it for well over 10 years - Interesting how it's taking so long to get noticed. It's certainly the least formulaic of all his 45's and just builds and builds throughout. I'm sure though that the day will come for "When Your Love Is Gone"... and everybody will want one. Sean Hampsey
  25. Thoroughly recommend all Deon's material, but my absolute fave is 'When Your Love Is Gone' his most underrated tune! Simply beautiful and been a regular spin of mine for years at Soul Essence. Sean Hampsey

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