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Sean Hampsey

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Everything posted by Sean Hampsey

  1. Looking forward to it Martin. Blowing off the dust right now! Sean
  2. TSU Toronadoes is also a great version (probably even better) on US Ovide 45! Pricier still though! Sean Hampsey
  3. Nice one Craig W! Some Things You Never Get Used To. Always loved this. Ashford & Simpson Genius! Sean Hampsey
  4. Sorry, but It's Aretha's Version for me fellas! Sean Hampsey
  5. I always though that Richard Searling had one! Sean Hampsey
  6. Just Great! Made my day. Sean
  7. Spookiest Post ever for me Tony! As I'm scrolling down I immediately thought of these two gems and thought, YES!!, a chance to give Marvin & David a plug! Nearly fell off me keyboard when I saw your post! Played them both on a regular basis for the past 30+years, but never hear them otherwise. Superb recommendations! Also rate Four Tops - You Got To Forget Him, Darling Four Tops - Left With A Broken Heart Four Tops - Is There Anything I Can Do Stevie Wonder - Aint No Loving Supremes - You've Been So Wonderful To Me Temptations - Loneliness Syreeta - What Love Has Joined Together Miracles - Soulful Shack Miracles - Its A Good Feeling Tammi - Tears At The End Of A Love Affair Gladys Knight - He's My Kinda Fellow Gladys Knight - Since I Lost You Thelma Houston - Nothing Left To Give G C Cameron - I'm Gonna Give You Respect Brenda Holloway - I've Got to Find It All Indispensable! Sean Hampsey
  8. The Bloody Awful "I'm Not Over You" True Image 'Gonzalez' soundalike. Me, Benson & Briscoe nearly pissed ourselves the first time he dropped that heap o' shite at Yarmouth. (Their stuff on Juana... now you're talking!) Mind you, Sam wasn't the only guilty party And over the years, Sam's often delivered the goods! Sean
  9. Ouch! It was me that said I'd do you one a couple of months ago! Totally slipped my mind. Anyone else out there I've promised to do something for recently (you know who you are, Russ, Eddie. etc) I apologise. Currently working a 17 hour day (two jobs with double pay!) and haven't been down in my Basement for ages. I'm onto it! Sean Hampsey
  10. How many tickets are there Martin? Capacity of the place? Sean
  11. Not as many as I used to have. I've tried to keep 'em to a minimum, since that Fred West thing a few years ago!
  12. Sam Dees (Been mentioned) Homer Banks & Carl Hampton. Buy anything blind by these guys! Sean Hampsey
  13. Aha! Too True! But the question was "What Will Happen to Rare RECORDS 30 Years From Now?" The music should be (and probably WILL be) preserved as an art form, just as Mozart, Bach, Beethoven etc.. are today. However, you can trip over a pile of 60 year old 78's for three quid any day of the week at a car boot sale or a charity shop. I don't see youngsters (future generations) getting too enthused about crusty old bits of circular plastic that they are ill equipped to listen to... even if their Grand parents spent the weekend getting off on them. I'm afraid I've seen the BIG picture. And its not a pretty sight. Gold Bullion. Property. Diamonds. Very Good Investment. Records... Nah. Best advice is treat 'em like you do your Women. Enjoy 'em when you first get 'em. Get 'em across the table half a dozen times a day for the first week and get your moneys worth out of them (until the novelty wears off) and then stick them in a cupboard and forget about 'em... while you go looking for the next one! Never hurt me! Sean
  14. This is a potentially a far scarier thread than the recent 'Sam Dees / Rumour' question. I was discussing this at some length with Kev Briscoe on the 4 hour journey down to the last Yarmouth 'Soul Essence'. The best parallel I could come up with would be Antiques. I buy quite a few bits of Antique furniture (and pictures and the like) and in recent years have noticed the following: 1. Mid Range stuff is dropping through the floor (Some real bargains around) 2. Top Drawer stuff is holding its own (to a very narrow market) 3. People under 40 (your average Joe) tend not to buy antiques (The IKEA generation) 4. People over 50 (average Joe again) are more concerned with their money (The 'I Fear For My Pension' and my old age generation). Lets say you're in your early to mid 40's right now. Picture the scene 5-10 years from now. You're 50+. Pension looking thin. Time to cash in on some of your hard earned vinyl. Who's going to buy it... at the price you're wanting. Not the 30 somethings (they're gonna be busy lazer zapping, download, MTV stylee, video nasty, mega pixel, 100 gigabyte files down onto their remote solar powered palm tops). Other coffin dodgers, like us, will be off loading our vinyl too, so competition will be fierce. As we all know, price is affected by the law of supply and demand. Supply will increase, demand will decrease (diminishing market). Frightening prospect. Much like the Stock Market (or Property Market), it's about knowing what to buy, when to buy, when to hold and when to sell. Right now is still a pretty good time to buy the top dollar stuff. The Pound is fairing quite well against the dollar so 'relative bargains' are still to be had from the US. Mid range material though is already showing signs of devaluation. Regular stuff, well you can hardly give it away. Oh and it could get worse. Come a Global Pandemic, you'd swap your complete set of Red & White TMG's or Mint Shrine 45's for a fresh loaf of Warburtons. Especially if your (grand)kids are starving! Ouch! Just read the above back to myself.... Scared myself to death. Good job we're not in it for the money I reckon! Please absorb and delete... before anyone else reads it! Sean Footnote: Will gladly take in any unwanted vinyl... before its too late... ...at the right price of course!
  15. We've been kicked out of the House & Garage and now we're in the bloody Tent! Seriously though, it's a mix of Soulful Crossover and Modern Stuff that originated just up the road from you at some weekender thang, where the good stuff has been relegated to a Tent. I'm getting into 'Kennel' at the moment. In the dog house, as usual. Sean Hampsey
  16. Amen to that Martin. Sean Hampsey
  17. I've had 3 copies in the last 7 years off ebay. None of them cost me more than 10 Dollars and two of them showed up in the same week!. That said, its a relativley hard record to track down. If a 50 or 100 Count turned up it wouldn't diminish the quality or intrinsic value of the record to me and over the medium term I don't feel it would grossly affect the price in a negative sense, such is the demand. Sean Hampsey
  18. Couldn't possibly comment Russ. Done your CD Mate. Please let me have your current address and it will be in the post, transatlantic stylee, to you! RSVP soon. Best regards Sean Hampsey
  19. My Love For You - Magnificent! Ex "PITCHES" Monster and has been a player in my Yarmouth 'Soul Essence' sets for years! A Great Upload! Thanks for the mp3 Sean Hampsey
  20. A tasty selection... and these two SUPERB! Sean Hampsey
  21. Very Good Steve. Nope, Not yet. Hopefully I wont get one of those midnight calls from Mr Dees ever again. He was one angry guy... and I can't say I blame him. Anymore controversy and I'm gonna give him your number!! Sean Hampsey
  22. I gave a VG copy to Tats Taylor about 6 years ago. Is it the cleanest record in his collection? Sean Hampsey
  23. Bernice Swanson.... one of my biggest purchasing mistakes ever! Bought a UK Demo copy off Jim Eddleston in the 70's, because he said it was "Just Like Betty Swann" - 'Make Me Yours' - which I'd told him was my favourite tune. Bloody awful record. As I threw it across the room, I seem to remember that it bounced quite well though,,, off about three walls! Shocking. Sean Hampsey
  24. Today, cruising north on the M1.... I had:- Patti Jo - Make Me Believe In You Ann Sexton - I Had A fight With Love Mille Jackson - Its All Over But The Shouting Jackie Moore - Loser Again Enchanted Five - Darling I Need You Now Tony Love - Crying Time Is Over Donnie Ray - I Never Dreamed Full Blast... Full Speed! Wicked! Sean Hampsey
  25. I agree - Sean Hampsey ..... he owes it all to the Bill Payne School of Deck Techniques . ( Malc Burton ) Thanks for the vote Malc....... but I actually owed a lot of it to both Bill and yourself. See on Darrens jpeg (DJ & Venue Poll) how the Windmill, a small town 'Local Venue' figured in the Top UK Venues at that time! Incredible mate. Sean Hampsey

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