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Sean Hampsey

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Everything posted by Sean Hampsey

  1. Oooooooooooohhhhh Yes Ken......... A Right Hat Trick there me duck! Sean
  2. Never heard of him! Give him my love! Sean xxx
  3. I'd have said, coincidentally poignant... on the Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina... being a New Orleans classic! Fantastic Tune! Sean Hampsey
  4. Agree that these 3 were very special... however, a few decent alternatives... in no particular order! Johnnie Taylor Bobby Womack James Carr Bobby McClure Willie Hutch Lenny Williams Freddie Hughes Bobby Bland Donny Hathaway 3 Holy Trinity's for the price of one! Sean Hampsey
  5. Ken, Nobody on here's got a BIGGER profile than you mate! Think we'd all agree, SS would be very boring without you around. Cheer up! We love ya! Sean PS: Nice Avatar BTW. I remember you looking just like that!
  6. Yeh.... a nice bit of Philly .... from a guy who can really sing....and only £20!!!! Sean
  7. Hold on... I can feel an Accrington Stanley moment coming on..... ..........Exactly! Sean
  8. I hate to 'butt in' fellas, but you raise an interesting point here. The reality is, most of us have Better & Cheaper records than the above (I know I certainly do). The irony is that, the cheaper better stuff does not get played out as DJ's wouldn't get hired on the back of a box of cheapies at "the best nighters" these days... regardless of quality. For my money, this little ditty is 'So-So'... and no more... ... but as an earlier poster mentioned, if it was only a fiver would anyone get really lathered up about it? I doubt it. Lil Major is definately worth a spin, or two, but, to these old ears (and I realise this may be blasphemy) I can't help thinking it sounds like a 'poor mans' "Rock Your Baby". Only IMO folks! Sean PS: Talking of George McCrae... try his "Take It All Off" on US Soul City & United Artists. A much beter proposition... and enough change from a tenner for a Fish & Chip supper!
  9. Hi Alan, Finished the hoovering yet? Freddie was with The Deacon Jones Band on the tour. He is still involved in the Business, as you say, and worked on (and sang on) his Son Derick's album 'All For Love' on Be 4 Real records - One of my fave albums of the year in 2,000. The CD includes a Blinding modern dancer (title track) and a sublime slowie "The Way You Love" Although only 5-6 years old, the CD is now very hard to find. Buy it on sight (if you dont already have it). As for "I Just Found Out"... words can hardly express. Sheer perfection. Sean Hampsey
  10. Hi Malc, Had totally forgotten about the time I removed the wall in your house. Has Susan forgiven me yet for the mess that I made? Would love to work for you again. You were always a a Top Promoter when I were a lad, Mr Burton. How could I say no! Really good to see you putting nights on again. Will certainly improve things around S. Yorkshire. Just let me have the date... and the venue and I'll be there! Cheers Malc, Sean Hampsey
  11. Many thanks Bill. Really good info. I think the phenomenon you describe happens at a lot of venues... It's called "We Can Always Go Next Month" syndrome. Ok, I've left this thread to hang for a few days... until the weekend. Still waiting for average numbers on a few of the events I listed earlier. For example.... How did the Orwell go? I'm sure it was a cracker... but how many bodies through the door? What about your local gig? How many attended your local Soul Night this weekend? Many thanks for the excellent feedback / comments so far. TTFN Sean Hampsey
  12. Glad you agree Derek. I've been a big fan for decades cos it's such a blinding record. Great tune, fantastic lyrics, superb intro, that tinkling piano and Freddie's FABULOUS vocals. Suffered the 'too common' fate on the 'Northern Soul" scene for years, having been issued twice:- on Wand 1192 & Wand 1197. Thus, although its such a great record, I wonder how many people have ever had the chance to hear it... or dance to it? Might start a new thread... GREAT RECORDS THAT NOBODY'S HEARD... BUT SOME DJ'S WONT TOUCH WITH A BARGE POLE! But if I did, it might just kill of frecords as good as this for ever! Sean Hampsey
  13. Hi Simon, I bought this as a new release and never thought for a moment that the yellow Greg Uh Rudy copies were Boots or Reissues. I think (from Memory) that they are all Monarch pressings - but i'd need to check. A great double sider, "Sarah Mae" being a fantastic, melodramatic, deepie. Have never seen, or been aware of, any other pressing of this disc. Also love his stuff on Janus and the incredibly underrated "I Gotta Keep My Bluff In" issued twice on Wand. Sean
  14. Hate to be a smug bugger, Dave, but I'm glad to say that all three quench my thirst! After reading some of the posts on here, though, its clear that many have a very negative view or perception of 'Modern Soul'. I realise that the thread is all about interpretation and varying definitions but feel that the negative view is probably compounded by those DJ's who play 'Dance' music which merely 'masquerades' as or is 'promoted' as 'Modern Soul'. It's a sad state of affairs, as I reckon that many 'Northern Soul' fans would enjoy quality, authentic 'Modern Soul' tracks (from such artists as Omar Cunningham, Donnie Ray, Chuck Roberson, Mel Waiters, Sheba Potts Wright etc.) were they given the opportunity to hear them - i.e. if real Modern Soul were promoted - particularly at the, so called, 'Across The Board' soul nights. If history has taught us anything, the Northern scene may well have to wait another 10 or more years before these tracks are 'discovered'. So...........here's the deal, anyone wanting to do a CD swap (I'll listen to anything decent... i.e. Soulful) please pm me your address and I'll put a CD together of some fairly recent, underpromoted, 24 carat, genuine, American Soul music in exchange... for the first 25 people who might be interested! Sound reasonable? Sean Hampsey
  15. Yeh Pete.... even Modern soul music! Sean
  16. I dont believe this is a 60's issue. I reckon you're right with the 'Beach' theory as both were pretty big 'Beach' records. I'd be surprised if these had showed up any more than 6-7 years ago (when I picked up my own copy). Note the label states CRA JON not CRAJON (The Denise Lasalle owned production company - Bill Coday etc.) Legit? I doubt it (One release being Atlantic Stable, the other being Decca - miles apart). I've always thought it a 'Beach - Re-press' Sean Hampsey
  17. At last, an opportunity to plug the tremendous......... Bobby Bland - "I Wouldn't Treat A Dog (The Way You Treated Me)" - ABC (US & UK) A Sleeping, Soulful, Midtempo Monster! Sean Hampsey
  18. Hi Dave, Northern Soul - Uptempo, Midtempo, Beat Ballads and whatever else works on the 'Northern Soul Scene' ............. But its gotta be SOULFUL! Crossover - Soul records from that fruitful, post Motown 'on the fours' period - late 60's early 70's - that 'just happen' to be danceable. Modern Soul - Despite recent reports, Soul Music is still being made in the USA. Modern Soul, is recently created Soul music! I reckon..... Sean Hampsey
  19. As a footnote to all of this............ I've just heard that the next Colin Brown / Brian Goucher event at Spondon is to be held 22nd September with Guest DJ's Steve Guanori & Marl Houghton. Both Steve & Mark are top drawer Soul DJ's (Soul Essence - Yarmouth regulars) and anyone who pays a visit will hear a real mix of quality stuff, I'm sure. Just thought I'd give it a mention... Also, still waiting for average numbers on a few of the events I listed earlier. Anymore for anymore? Come on fellas, don't be coy! Many thanks for the excellent feedback / comments so far. Very much appreciated. Sean Hampsey
  20. Hi Fraser, Many thanks for your kind words Re: PITCHES and your observations on the state of the 'Club' scene. Of course, distance never seems to be a problem for you... when it comes to travelling from Glasgow to Yarmouth. Never known you to miss one. It just wouldn't be the same without you. Keep in touch mate. Sean
  21. Hi Martin, I've been just glancing at this page while in a Sales Meeting and couldn't bring all of the answers to the surface (while Ballocking the Sales Team) The guys think I'm taking Minutes You are right. A Top Tune! Will call you later. After the final Ballocking! Sean
  22. So you did Pete, Only took one glance and was too busy typing to check back to see what you'd done. Well done that man... ... but I got 'em too! Sean
  23. A few to add to the others from Pete S. 1. Your Love is Slippin Away - Maurice McCallister (Chess) Mr Soul - What Happened To Yesterday - Genuine 2. Over and Over Again - Dee Dee Gartrell (Cyclone) 3. That's The Way Its Gonna Be - James Lewis (Legend) 4. Your Love Keeps Me Dancing - Lee Moore (Source) Ike Strong - Your Love Keeps Me Dancing - Mable 5. Like I Never Did Before - The Chessmen (Checker) 6. I Got It From Heaven - Bobby Hutton (ABC) Billy Harner - I Got It From Heaven - Sound Gems 7. I'm Not Worried - Cody Black (D-Town) 8. How Can I Tell Her - Leon Bryant (Delite) Curtis - How Can I Tell Her - Charm City 9. Memories No Time - Spyder Turner (MGM) 10. Learning How To Dance - Roddie Joy (Red Bird) 11. That's The KInda Man I Am- Bobby Adams (Big Bee) 12 All of My Life Spent Waiting For You - Lamarr Thomas (Epic) 13. Get Ready for Love - Inner Space (Fizz) 14. Gonna GIve You My LOve - Garry Glenn (PPL) Not A Cover Up! 15. I'll Never Say Goodbye - Eddie Daye (Shrine) 16. No Second Chance - Phantom Janitor (Stax) 17. When He's Not Around - Rose Valentine (RCA) Little Ann 18 I'm Comin Over - Johnny Honeycutt (Triode) 19. I Can Make You Love Me - Prince George (Era) 20. The Love Who Loves You Not - Herbie Williams (GWP) Sean Hampsey

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