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Sean Hampsey

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Everything posted by Sean Hampsey

  1. I think the answer may lie in your picture! Walter "Choker" Campbell was a Tenor Sax man... who used to "choke the notes out of that sax". He was born in Shelby, MS March 21 1916 and passed away in Detroit July 20 1993. Sean
  2. Madlyn Quebec is a nice $5 record. The topside is "The Love I've Been Looking For" (an OK ballad). Don't remember the flip. Sean
  3. Never heard it, but its an early one (1957) and on the flip to "Walk Awhile". Was also issued 12 months later on the APT label, with same flip. Everlast gave us the original Charts 45 "Desiree" (a DooWop classic) so this may well be in the same vein. Campbell is of course famed over here for his Motown material (Hits Of The Sixties - 1965) and his Seventies productions, in Canada, on Candy Apple (his own Funk classic "Street Scene LP") and then with Albert Jones (You & Your Love etc.) on Candy Apple and Carla Whitney on Attic... probably a hundred years from the Everlast track in question. Sorry, can't answer your question, as I've never heard it... but I'm pretty curious and would like to! Sean
  4. The track is on the "Turnin' On" LP on Gordy and was a bit of a smash (Top 20 USA) as a 45 at the time of issue (1977). Also came out over here (UK) as a Motown 45 in the same year. Sean
  5. Bet I do! FLIPSIDE "Aunt Doras Love Soul Shack" Never missed a Saturday in there mate! Bought Garnett Mimms on UK UA Demo(UP1130) for £15.00 off Derek Sheldon. A Fortnight's wages back then! Sean VIOLET MAYS in Sheffield......... Gawd, If only I had a time machine. Sean
  6. Boylans @ Conisborough, South Yorkshire. Sound Of Music, Rotherham Two hotspots for Soul Record Hunters, around my way, late 60's early 70's! Between them, they had almost everything (or it seemed like it at the time). Sean Hampsey
  7. Just thought, for those who asked, a quick bump to say that the gig that started this thread... is on again tonight! Room At The Back Crown Inn Spondon Derby Tonight's guests are: Steve G (Mr Guarnori himself) Mark Houghton. With Fish, Brian, Colin etc. Both making a journey to the Midlands for our listening pleasure. A 'tight' back room gig with Dancefloor, Stage, good Sound System, well stocked bar, more than ample seating... the works. And the music will be SENSATIONAL! Look forward to meeting a few fellow 'Sourcers' there.... Many thanks Sean Hampsey
  8. It's the opening track on the "Lovingly Yours" set. Always rated it Higher than High Energy! Played more than once at Pitches! Good Call Ady! Sean Hampsey
  9. Very much agree Malc, Frank was just 'one of the guys' in many ways in an enviable position in being able to dedicate almost his entire 'Check It Out' column to N.Soul events. But his endorsement, mention or review, leant a lot of credibility to even the smallest gig, normally resulting in increased numbers. He also had a pretty good 'ear'. I often went on his recomendations and was rarely disappointed. Looking back, he even once reviewd the '2001 Black Essence "Change In My Life" 45 as avirtual new release... a record that wasn't 'discovered' or played on the scene until some 25 years later....So maybe not as uncool as some might have thought! Frank also popularised Beards... and I've been ever grateful to him for that... as were you Malc at one time! Sean Hampsey
  10. Still in short pants then Malc! Sean
  11. So was Micky Valvano.... the man behind almost 100 Soul classics... Mike & The Modifiers..."I Found Myself" Precisions "If This Is Love" And others with Stevie, Edwin Starr, Clarence Paul, Barbara Lewis (Straighten Up Your Heart) etc He did all the 'footstomp' sounds on the early 'Supremes' classics. Along with his own "For The First Time In My Life" for Jodi-Pat he owned the Mi-Val label (of Joey Delorenzo fame - but that's another story), He passed away in April 2002 One of the best 'Italian Soul Men' Sean
  12. I agree, that's a toughie! I've got dozens of OZ TMG's including (off the top of my head) the following that didn't gain a UK release. Isley Bros - All Because I Love You Martha Reeves - Heartless / Taking My Love (Great Double Sider) Willie Hutch - Talk To Me (Magnificent!) and several others. Down under they seemed to issue many of the less obvious/mainstream Motown artists I've found. Does the OZ copy of "Thats The Way Love Is" have "One Too Many Heartaches" on the flip? (as per the US copy and in the UK on the back of "Behind A Painted Smile"). Sean
  13. Would that be the same Tiny Tim that appeared with Miles Davis on the same bill at the IOW Afton Festival Saturday 29th August 1970, by any chance? Ah, yes, I remember him well. Sean
  14. Check these out Shane. No Ivory Towers here... But certainly where the really good stuff was made! https://www.jukenjamm.com/juke/photos/studios/studios.html Features, Stax, Hi (Royal Studios), Fame, Ardent etc. Sean
  15. Of course Tony. I'm well aware of most artists and labels commercial intentions. But what these people set out to achieve.............. and what actually happened are another story. That's the real 'rub' for me! Sean
  16. OK mate.... I will do........Along with the EarMuffs... if you're not bringing Bob! Sean
  17. Very cosmopolitan Mike, But, for me, whether it makes you laugh or not, Bob Dylan has always had a bloody awful voice. No.... absolutely bloody shocking. As I wrote earlier, he ain't too shabby on the lyric front (IMO), however, him being seen as an important figure in 'popular music' is no recommendation to me. I pretty much abhor most 'popular' music and have done since I was a nipper. The context of my original point was that Dylan would always be seen, by the mainstream, to be the artist most synoymous with 'protest' music (particularly as regards Vietnam) whereas we, Soul music lovers, would be able to cite such superb artists (and point to such magnificent & poignant lyrics) as those featuring in the list above. I'm rarely a knocker of anyone's taste in music (refer to my Tea & Coffee analogy earlier).... we might not have exactly the same taste, and you're obviously as entitled to yours as I am to mine, but it often saddens me that, due to the heavyweight promotion that goes into such artists as Bob Dylan (something I like to call POPoganda) there's never the promotion, airtime or column space for the music I love. And that's why I asked if you'd bought the Unifics and Persuaders recent albums.... cos hardly anyone else did either! Sean PS: Looking forward to sharing the sofa with you again in the deep room at Yarmouth next year.... But please leave the whiney, hippie music at home!
  18. Hi Mike, Yes its a shame that both Sam Cooke and Pops Staples are no longer with us. By the way, did you get the new Unifics LP? ..........Al Johnson still delivering... 40+ years on. Or how about the new Persuaders LP? Ditto Sean
  19. Not good enough for me though Tony. Sure, Bob Dylan could write a little (lights blue touch paper) and I'm pretty sure it was the lyrics that inspired Sam Cooke and numerous others in this instance..... (stands well back) but to my ears the guy just didn't have a 'voice'.........(BOOM!!)......... that's why I stated that I'd rather 'listen' to any of the above than "listen to Dylan". Sam Cooke also loved Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra... but they've always left me absolutely cold. I have a couple of long standing friends who are well into Dylan.... and once when I informed them that Dylan had stated that Smokey Robinson was "America's greatest living poet" I'm afraid it cut about as much ice with them as your (Pop's & Sam's comments) do with me. They don't rate Smokey (He sings like a Woman... they reckon) and by the same token I just can't listen to that nasal drone any more than I can tolerate or appreciate the sound of Freddie Mercury, Madonna, Robbie Williams or other such 'Pop / Rock Icons'. John Lennon said "before Elvis...there was nothing" He also said "We are all part of the sky...more so than of the ground" Thankfully, I'm just not influenced by such stuff. Pops Staples / Sam Cooke, or any other such 'artists endorsement' such as "Dylan was the greatest Social commentator of his generation" (or any other similar point of reference) wouldn' t and couldn't change my taste in music one iota. Cest la vie.... I like coffee.... they like tea! Sean
  20. Marvin Gaye "What's Going On" was, perhaps the most famous, anti-Vietnam inspired 'Soul' protest song. However, Motown produced several other gems around the time of (and inspired by) the Vietnam war. Temptations & Edwin Starr "Stop The War Now" & "War" Monitors "Greetings - This Is Uncle Sam" The Supremes "Bill, When Are You Coming Back" (phenomenal tune) Then, of course, from other sources..... all over the USA......... we had... Mel & Tim "Mail Call Time" Bill Withers "I Cant Write Left Handed" William Bell "Marching Off To War" Jimmy Holiday "I'm Gonna Help Hurry My Brothers Home" James Carr "Lets Face Facts" Mike Williams "Lonely Soldier" Freda Payne "Bring The Boys Home" Curtis Mayfield "Back To The World" Walter Jackson "Where Have All The Flowers Gone" (Reviving the Pete Seeger classic) Black America had enough to contend with in the early/mid sixties and many 'Social Concious' songs were initially mostly concerned with domestic issues. It wasn't until 1967 (two years after US troops first set foot in Nam) that attentions and protests switched to the tragic loss of life in Vietnam. The tragedy of the War inspired some magnificent music from Black America - And I'd certainly rather listen to any of the above over the Bob Dylan and Barry McGuire 'classic' protest songs. Sean
  21. Sure does know his stuff. He was trading rare 45's before most of us were out of short pants. And to be honest, he makes a fair point about how many (Brit) collectors go about tearing through Store stocks, looking for the big ones! I've been in a few places where English guys aren't made too welcome because other UK collectors have sullied the patch (That's normally when I play my "Irish" card - works for me!). Don't get me wrong, like most collectors I know the euphoria of facing a mountain of old US 45's only too well... but folks have got to show some respect to the store owner by not just showing up and trashing the joint! Dealers these days are very well aware of the 'potential' value of their store stock and are entitled to get pissed off when a treasure hunter turns up with his pit boots and shovel... no matter what time of day it is. Sean
  22. Many thanks Rupert, I wouldn't have thought it would have been up Sam's street but its a lovely ballad. Please keep me in mind then, when you come to sell it. Many thanks Sean
  23. OK .... first get this in context.... It nearly 3.00am and I've sunk a half bottle of whiskey. Just playing a couple of tunes that I've previously downloaded from various resources and this one stops me in me tracks. It says Buddy Causey on the clip... but I'm buggered if I know anything else about it. Luvverly record I reckon... but Who is it? What is it? What label is it on and can I buy one? I think its called "Theres A Way" anyone confirm? Just love it.....(at least after a bottle of scotch....sounds real good to me) Anyone? Sean
  24. Sorry...... I was 'Winking' and my tongue was firmly in my cheek..... if you get my drift! He's got over 4 million 45's in stock. Been open since the very early 70's. I first heard of him in Tony Cummings 'Philadelphia Soul' book circa 1974 and fantasized about clearing him out ever since. Here's his website:- https://www.rollye.net/valshively.html And his addy is:- Val Shively's R&B Records 49 Garrett Road, Upper Darby, PA 19082 610/352-2320 Fax: 610/352-8199 All you US fellas have a good time there won't you! You'll have the place to yourselves. We don't need to go of course.... because as the man said..."all the records are in the UK" Sean PS: Anybody want to buy a Temptones?
  25. Yes Ray, The LP is called "Wounded Woman" and yes, Steve's claim to fame is that he knows me personally and has even DJ'd on the same bill as me a number of times. Joking apart, he's a top lad the Mannion and one of only a handful of people that I've allowed into my Basement.... What he wont have told you is that I plucked him out of the obscurity of a Sheffield pub, in a drunken stupor, and re-introduced him to Soul Music. He's never been the same since. Sean

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