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Sean Hampsey

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Everything posted by Sean Hampsey

  1. I've always felt you should treat your women just like you do your records. Whip the cover off and get 'em spinning on the table... as often as possible. Then when you've had your three minutes worth,,,, stick 'em back in the cupboard, under lock and key, where they belong, until you fancy another one! Works for me! Sean
  2. So after the 'Priceless Reply' do you feel like you'll be playing the record Mark? I'd have said it was a great track to open your spot with... under the circumstances. Set your stall out for a real 'gloves off' - damn the torpedoes' shit kickin' hour! Wish I could be there to hear it! All the best Sean Hampsey
  3. Sean Wasn't SS1030 Dobie Gray "Out on the floor" the rarest Soul Sounds 45? Hi again Martin, Not in my experience... I've had Dobie Gray for over 20 years, although I dont recall seeing another on my travels, so I'm sure that it is damn rare these days. The ones that took me ages to obtain were:- Roscoe Robinson - Picked up a MINTER off ebay only a couple of months ago. Human Beinz - Was donated a scruffy (but very welcome) old copy by Pete Smith around the same time as the Roscoe, when he heard of my plight. And now, finally, I NEED the Tammi Lynn! I've kinda 'collected' the label (in a 'soft' I'll pick 'em up when I see them manner) for well over 30 years... but then during the 70's & 80's I 'collected' every goddamn label. It's only been the past 18 months or so that I realised I was 3 short of the set and now, because I've been a bit more proactive, I'm down to the final piece. Hey, it's no big deal. If I die tonight I won't feel I've missed my vocation in life if I don't get one... but it would be nice! So please. anyone out there hanging onto one, lets do business! Cheers sean Hampsey
  4. Yup. Me too! Didn't you just love it! Life Changing stuff! But need the SS copy. Sean
  5. I'm one of those Pete... but only when I get them for bu**er all or next to nowt! Thanks again mate for your very kind contribution to my Soul Sounds collection. Feel very much in your debt. Top Man Peter. Sean
  6. John Manship has one here. https://www.raresoulman.co.uk/LITTLE_ANTHON...ist-browse/78/1 Also, try Rod Dearlove at Voices as he always had these. I also have a version of this by Frenh Coffey which is nice! Now... can you get me a Tammi Lynn on Soul Sounds? Best Sean Hampsey
  7. I need this on Soul Sounds SS 1006. No, ................ I mean I really need it. Apart from the fact that it brings me right back to my youth... its the final piece in the jigsaw to help me complete the label (got all of the other Soul Sounds releases... except this one). Anyone? Sean
  8. Yeah, but I've offered him even more to stay at home! Seriously though, we'll try and make it up there. Not seen John Benson since last Yarmouth though Kev Briscoe went to Spondon with me last month... which, incidentally, was a great night. Steve G & Mark H did the business. Spoke at length to Cozzer on Saturday at the Bass and although I told him how much we were missing Yarmouth he never mentioned that you were doing a Yarmouth thing at Orwell. A veil of silence. It's clearly a conspiracy. All the best Steve, and we'll seriously make the effort. Paranoid (of South Yorkshire)
  9. Aha, you're right Tony, forgot about the Rufus 45. The flip of "Everybody Cried" is called "I'd Love To Love You, Again" if memory serves me right. Sean
  10. The Ovations "Til I Find Some Way" came out on an XL label (on the flip of Sweet Thing) XL 950 and on XL 120. Also, Barbara & The Browns "If I Cant Run To You" XL 1372 Memphis origin. Only guessing its the same label as Beti Webb (?). Sean
  11. Tarpon was owned by Billy "The Kid" Emerson. He was co-author of "A Love Reputation". Emerson was born in 'Tarpon' Florida but moved to chicago, recording a cracking R&B 45 with M-Pac "The Whip" and others, before becoming an Exec at Chess... hence the later Chess Issue. I believe the only other tracks on Tarpon are by Billy The Kid and Matt "Guitar" Murphy (R&R). Don't think there's any difference (other than the colour). Sean
  12. Eddie Billups "Hard Headed Woman" / "I Wont Be Around" was also issued on BRUME 2154 + one other (can't recall what). Interesting. I always thought it was a European (possiblty Belgian) Boot label. Got a list of all 3 (?) releases somewhere. Sean
  13. "I hate Yorkshire men, dont you Blake?.... Yes CJ! Sorry to hear it Blake. I've been waiting 8 weeks for 2 x 45's from a Major US dealer. I emailed him yesterday (again) and was told "you're well aware that we misplaced these 45's. You'll have to be more patient!" :angry: Speak soon Buddy. Sean
  14. Well, speaking personally Martin, I've got one too.... but I still play Tony Love every chance I get! Sean
  15. Aha! Thanks for that. I dont have it but, curiously, it seems much more common than the MJ Wade. So... its to be avoided then. Thanks a bunch. Sean
  16. That would be great Martin. Of course it depends who gets their hands on them and with as many as 10 or 15 copies out there I know that some DJ's wouldn't touch it with a Barge Pole . Hope it does get more spins (along with your Baby Washington tip, which is also superb) as it's a top drawer 'crossover' tune that has real potential. Cheers Sean
  17. Thanks Andy, and all of the above... Still not got one though! Anyone know what the Sandy Mercer is like,,,also on Helva? Sean
  18. Yes, I saw that.... YESTERDAY... :angry: If you search for the record on google, the above Ebay listing comes up on the second page. Looks like a New Orleans store stock. A tidy little package! Sean
  19. Then somebody's got them somewhere... but everyone I've turned onto it is having a nightmare trying to get one. The INSTANT label was in decline (going out of business) when this was pressed up so it wasn't promoted and consequently didn't sell. But I bet it would if you had a 10 box now though Thorsten! Sean
  20. Sorry Stevie Baby, I heard it played by Mark Houghton at the SUPERB gig at Spondon and thought... what you thought I thought! Bob might have played it but I missed his spot (sadly). Kev assures me I heard it at Essence, but I dont recall! Either way, its not bad... I reckon. Will try and make it up t'Orwell when you have your 'Yarmuff' gig. Not keen on the DJ lineup though mate! Summat missing Love n' stuff And get me one of them there M J Wades while you're at it! The Poser Man
  21. Nah. It provided us with a good few hours of fascinating debate and enlightenment! Sean
  22. Verdict. My initial suspicions confirmed. It's NOT a Boot! Its PROPER! Sean
  23. Yes, screen resolution would affect this, but then the effect would occur on the dark area (Mountain logo) as much as it does on the lighter 4 Process Colour area IMO. Sean

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