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Sean Hampsey

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Everything posted by Sean Hampsey

  1. Bargain Malc... if only for another great track on there "She Can't Get Serious" a superb uptempo dancer. Gareth will look after you old friend. Sean PS: I didn't mean in your old age by the way. Leave that to Super Susan!
  2. I've a version by GC Cameron too.... but the soundfile aint that one either! Sean
  3. Never Booted. Never been the demand. But a lovely little tune nevertheless! Sean
  4. Nah Ken, Massive on my Rotherham Market Stall in '75 mate! I played it full blast at least a dozen times a day and even ended up swapping one to an Asian guy called Khalid on the next stall for a pair of Levis! Still got 'em! I wonder if the ones in Crofty's shop (also in Rotherham) came from the same wholesaler? I do seem to remember giving them away at Cleggy some years later so you might be right on that one. Also copies of "The Down Sound" which were picked up for 10p each! Happy days. Sean Aha! I guess I'll be in for a bit of commision then Dave, as a "finders fee!" Sean
  5. About 30 years ago (1975-78) I had a Record Stall on Rotherham market. I mainly sold old second hand 45's & Lp's and always had people bringing plastic bags and boxes full of stuff to me for sale and trade... with many awesome finds (mainly British stuff), far too numerous to go into detail on here. All my 'new' stock, though, used to come from my local record shop "The Sound Of Music" and I used to meet the Shop owner at 8.00am each morning with a trolley to pick up all the new releases. One morning, just as I thought I'd loaded all the new releases on the trolley, to take them to the stall, he sticks a brown box on top of the pile and said, "you might as well have these, I don't know if they're any good or not". When I got back to the stall it was a 50 count of Jack Montgomery "Don't Turn Your Back On Me" on Barracuda. Took me about 2 years to shift them... at a pound apiece. Not the biggest find ever... but how did they get there? Sean
  6. Top tune. Always has been. I fear for my country. Sean
  7. About 6 weeks ago I found a copy of "Manifesto" in the waiting room of my local Dentists. Not the record, the magazine... in amongst the Caravaning and Ideal Home mags. How did it get there? I also (many years ago, at Clifton Hall) found a really good record in Brian Raes playbox. It was Millie Jackson's "Ask Me What You Want". How did it get there? Sean
  8. Yes, me too! It was always the hardest Niteflyte 45 though. Old Cleethorpes spin from Sam, originally. Quality tune. Well worth reviving. Sean
  9. Yes. Had a Parlophone Demo for years. Went to Rob Smith. Apollos still Top Dog for me on this title! Sean
  10. And I'll bet it will be top drawer young Fraser! The 45's not arrived yet but my man said it is on its way. Will post it on to you with your copy of the CD, once it gets here! Sean
  11. Got one of these Tone. Agree, great version and I think its only 45 release! Damn clever those Frenchies! Sean
  12. I'm not sure the 12" is a remix. If it is, it's not much of one. It's certainly the same recording, same tempo, the whole nine yards, but if anything the 45 is mastered a little LOUDER than the 12. You'd be very hard pressed to spot the difference over a large system, that's for sure. In summary, if you like the sound of the record you will not be dissapointed with the 12".... and you can spend the £500 saved on something else! Sean
  13. Always had a soft spot for "I Think Of You". Great midtempo dancer. Smooth as silk! Saw the Detroit Emeralds live, mid 70's, complete with full accompanying "Emerald City Band". They were superb! Sean
  14. Both sides are quality group soul (IMO). Also came out over here on UK London. The Unifics (inc Al Johnson) reformed about 18 months ago and cut a superb CD. Blinding track "I Want You To Have It" has been a popular spin of mine these past 12 months. Back to the thread though, I've got a box full of "Ebay Mistakes" and other 'hopefuls' that look amazing but sound bloody awful.... Sort of a vinyl equivalent of Brittney Spears! Sean
  15. Wondered where you'd got to! Welcome back Gavin. Sean
  16. Thanks Godz. Glad you and Pete came in when you did. Was beginning to think I'd lost it! Totally Bizarre. Thanks a bunch guys. Sean
  17. So right. I was beginning to wonder who was most pissed... me or them! Thank God Godzilla waded in. Bizarre. Sean
  18. I don't see how the percentage would be any greater or less than on any other scene! (except of course the Gay scene... which is almost exclusively Gay... or so I'm told!). Sean
  19. Maurice??? It's Mason...... surely? Sean
  20. Mason Williams on WB (US & UK). I reckon it pre-dates Wigan as a Northern spin... but I never rated it. A 'Pop' Classic Instrumental. Horse.... not Red Rum was it? Sean
  21. Just pulled these out of the basement and shot 'em. Not great quality but if you want them scanned I can oblige. Sean

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