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Sean Hampsey

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Everything posted by Sean Hampsey

  1. I can confirm that the 'Doorman' at the Windmill was "Shelagh Payne & Susan Burton". More than enough for any man! Sean
  2. Why, thank ya Chalky! Get me hands on one (at the right price) and I'll be spinning it again! Unless someone can burn me a CD! Calm down, calm down.... only kidding! Sean
  3. Nice list Steve. "I Told You So" old (short lived) Wigan spin. Came out over here too! (UK Bell) "One Step Away" was always one of the most played tracks on my Pub Jukebox back in '73 and I always rated it (Flip to the hit "Smarty Pants). Not played it for years. Going to hunt it out RIGHT NOW! Sean
  4. Relax Barry... 'Soul Lovers' do know about him. Sean
  5. Boys, Boys, Boys.... Calm down will ya! Had 2 or 3 of these... and never spent more than a fiver! But I know times have changed a bit! Was a big spin for me back in '79 at The Windmill in Rotherham... and I just fancied it for a bit of nostalgia. I'll pay £75 for it Chalky... if I have to! (but do I really have to? ) Come on then fellas... let's have it! Poser Man
  6. Hi all, Woke up this morning singing this one. Not had a copy for a few years. Always been a cheapie but I don't have one at the mo! So, how much do you want for yours? Please let me know. Many thanks Sean
  7. That is just superb! For so long Marva was "Soul Sister No 1" on the James Brown revues (until Lyn collins came in). She, apparantley, sang two numbers (Your Love & Who Can I Turn To) on the same show - which, for interest, was recorded 25th Nov 1968. Do you know if there's a clip of that? Thanks a bunch for the link. So nice...I had to watch it twice! Sean
  8. Sorry Adam.... I'm not allowed (haven't you been following the "thirst for more" thread). Be very interested in your perspective in solving my conundrum... In summary... CD only tracks... that are 'Soulful' enough for the "Northern" Scene... and probably too 'old skool' for the Modern Scene... but can't be played... because they aren't available on vinyl Wot u reckon? Sean
  9. Apart from the German "Bear Family" Philly CD in circulation it was also 'Repro-ed' recently on an Arctic 45... mainly for the Funk scene where the other side "Love Addict" is a Big indemander. I guess most 'Funk' DJ's will have a copy of this £5 Repro (if not the orig) and the guy on the Radio just decided to play the flip! Fair play to him. Sean
  10. The Temptones. Barry Glazer (Centre) Daryl Hall (Extreme Right) Co-writers of "Girl I Love You" on Arctic. Daryl Hall (originally Hohl as credited on the record) was only 21 years of age when he recorded with The Temptones. The group split up in 67 when they were all drafted into the forces. Hall was, of course, responsible for some of the greatest Soul Music of the 70's both with his buddy John Oates (The Temptones Guitarist) and as a Solo artist. He also recorded one of the finest Soul records of the past 5 years (IMO) with the wonderful "All By Myself".... a sleeping giant... future discovery! Been a big fan for 30 years and buy everything I can get my hands on by the man. Sean
  11. Stay home Adam.. It's me and Kev Briscoe . Only kidding mate. You'l love it. But there's no sofa for us both to cuddle up on... while you whisper verbal abuse in my ear. Date to be confirmed. I'll let you know asap. Sean
  12. Thanks Mate, I'll buy the Beer for that. A comprehensive summary on why you believe 'Northern Soul' DJ's shouldn't play pressings (or CD's) of rare and obscure US Soul records... and a belief I also subscribe to... in principle. Still doesn't fully address the first part of my particular question though. The CD tracks I refered to are not available in your local Record Store (I know your local Record Store... and it aint that clever ). Anyone else up for trying to solve this conundrum? The Unreleased tracks aren't available 'anywhere' and the Wade O'Brown, Donnie Ray, Omar Cunningham and the Unifics are US independent label Soul releases... that it just so happens... aren't available on vinyl. CD is their 'original format'. So what do I do if I want to play them? Is the answer... A) I Don't.... at a Northern Night... because I can't... because I am not 'allowed' to play CD's at a Northern night. B)I Can... but only at Modern Nights... where they'll only get played for a fortnight, because of the rapid turnover in sounds... (unless in 4-5 years some Northern DJ 'discovers' it, gets a carver cut and it then becomes acceptable... but even then, only on a Carver). C) I Can... at a Northern Night... right now... but only if I get a copy cut onto a Carver? D) I Can't... at a Northern night... because the above are recent releases... and we don't play 'recent releases' on the Northern Scene... anymore... until.... (see brackets in 'B' above). Why do I feel I need that pint NOW! Anyone? Sean
  13. Hi Chalky, I don't play pressings or boots or CD's of tracks that are only available (legitimately) on vinyl... and I'd like to think I have pretty seasoned and sound judgement when it comes to doing 'what's right'........but what do you feel if a DJ plays a legit CD of say the recent Wade O'Brown, Donnie Ray, Omar Cunningham or Unifics which are tremendous Soul records that are only available on CD? Also, I've got scores of unissued tracks, obtained from original sources (label owners, producers etc) that I have on CD and which I often include in my sets. Should I get Carvers or Acetates cut so that I'm 'allowed / permitted' to mix them in with my stupidly 'rare' vinyl? Not intending to be facetious... I think you know me well enough.... but just intrigued by some of the postings on here as regards these "unwritten rules" that some refer to. Furthermore, an earlier poster on this thread suggested that it's OK to play a 'boot'.... so long as you own the original vinyl. I've left a post to ask for clarification on this (as yet unanswered) that somehow 'ownership' of the original acts as some kind of 'license' to play an illegal 'copy'. I mean how strange and contradictory is all of this? Who concocted these "rules" and what qualifies him/her/them to do so.... because I've been playing Soul Music out (and getting paid for it) since 1972 and have never come across such senselessness and paradoxes as I've read on here in recent days. A few questions there that I'd like an answer to, if you've got a mo! Cheers. Sean
  14. Hi Mark, The stuff I don't rate.... well frankly I don't even bother to ask (or commit to memory) what it is, so that would be a difficult list to create.... although the DJ Genesis "Tribute" thing, I thought, was shocking! Much prefer the more mellow and Soulful 'version' which I've played out a few times by Barbara Lynn. Of the recent stuff that I have bought and played out (and therfore DO consider worthy) I would include the recent material from Anthony Hamilton (Best album of 2006... to my ears) Browns Bag, Marc Staggers, Stephen Bayliss, George Soule, Vince Montana, Brand New Heavies, Wade O' Brown, Jaheim (all 3 albums top drawer), Floyd Taylor, Donnie Ray (both albums), the new William Bell, Recent Omar Cunningham and the welcome return of the Unifics, Sheba Potts Wright's latest, the superb Persuaders set... and yes, just love the latest John Legend set (especially "Each Day Gets Better" which beautifully samples the Tops "In These Changing Times". To me Mark, it's all about the vocals and the relevance to my own perception of what 'Soul Music' is... how it moves me... and what it sounds like to my ears. All of the above hit my spot. I've been DJ'ing Mark for some 34 years and although I 've never been afraid to break new ground and 'push the envelope' I've never been one to follow the crowd either and certainly wouldn't play anything to try and be 'current' for the sake of it. I would find it difficult to play anything I didn't personally enjoy and have faith in. Any further reccomendations... now you know what I like? Sean
  15. O'Jays sounded the business when played by Tats Taylor at Spondon recently. Always loved it. Superb double sider.... by one of the greatest Soul Groups ever! Sean
  16. Never had a problem with LP's and have never DJ'd without a box full of them. Clyde McPhatter "Please Give Me One More Chance, Marvelettes "Your Love Can save Me", Monitors "Somebody" etc are all well established Nothern Monsters and have been for decades. There are literallly thousands of other LP's with other great tracks on. I've never understood the "45" only attitude that some people have. Certainly 20+ years ago, many of the biggest tunes on the scene were LP only i.e. Bobby Thurston, Melba Moore, Gary Glenn, Zingara etc. I guess this '45 only' perogative amongst DJ's is just a recent thing. Sean
  17. Result then Paul, for all concerned! Great LP! Sean
  18. Join the club Alan But don't be too concerned. We wouldn't be talking about it if it wasn't such a great record would we? I love the record, but am also dissapointed that the sound quality aint there on the WD's I've had. I guess you could check the run out groove/matrix on your Black one and compare it to those on the WD. That should ascertain if its off the same pressing / master. But, hey, nothing to lose sleep over mate. Hope you're well and that Married life is all good and wonderful! Sean
  19. Yes me too! Have been for over 10 years. Last copy I saw for sale was way back when at £125 for a cracked copy. Lots of W/D's around with the great Flip "I'm a Lonely Man", but the 'both sided' issue is pretty rare. It also came out on US Chant 522, labelled as "Bobby Burn" and scarcer still! Happy Hunting and Best of luck though. Superb record! Sean

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