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Sean Hampsey

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Everything posted by Sean Hampsey

  1. Agree on that one! Just sublime. Sean
  2. It's a repeat of the "Soul Britannia" 3 part series, shown 6-7 weeks ago. The first one has some great early footage of Jimmy James... but 2 & 3 weren't much to write home about (IMO)! Sean
  3. Hi Blake, I've got THAT very advertisement. It was originally in BillBoard... I think. I bought loads of these, early eBay (98 ish) and they are sized just less than A3 and still make FANTASTIC wall decor for a Record room. As authentic memorabilia, I reckon they're pretty good value and look teriffic! Sean
  4. I've always thought it was UK only 45 - not on a US 45. Cleggy Monster in its day - Both versions! Sean
  5. I've got that on UK Pete. That one looks European doesn't it? Sean
  6. Had us Laughing out Loud all weekend, Gareth. If you know Jan Barker, it's even funnier. The guy's a legend. Sean
  7. Yep. Sounds like a pretty good idea to me! Sean
  8. Not online Steve. T'would be indiscreet! Collar me at Yarmuff though mate... much better after a few Beers.. Sean
  9. Remind me to tell you the Jan Barker 'Soul Essence 1' story Gareth. Sean
  10. I'd turn that one right on its head to read:- It's certainly true that a DJ with great taste, a focus on the dance floor and two or three hundred records to choose from that are very carefully chosen will do a much better set than a collector with thousands and thousands of pretty average, very rare records chosen with a weak ear and no focus on the dance floor. The 'Hot Box' aspect is superfluous... and the 'rare' reference transposed. Agree that "Either type of DJ can play a poor set if they have a bad ear and don't know how to work a dance floor". Sean Hampsey
  11. Not Really. But thought some of you might be interested in the cover of this CD case, a mixtape from Hip Hop, Hot Box, DJ Sketch. So are we the last to catch onto the 'Hot Box' rather than the first? Just a thought. Sean
  12. Hi Rod, We know that the Seller is not claiming its an Original as he states its RE which we know means Re-Issue. But, of course, even this is a misleading description. I thought that this title was a 'Re-Issue' when I first saw it advertised on the JAZZMAN site some months ago, but it transpires that it is neither an Original or a Re-Issue, but a Counterfeit. A Boot. Of course, it's difficult to prevent people bidding on 'these Boots' when the Seller claims that they are 'Reissues' (whether they claim its an original or not is a seperate thing). I certainly wouldn't have spent $100+ on a Reissue, though, in any event. Credit to the original poster for flagging this as otherwise my mate would have been stung and although we could claim that he's not taken a duty of care in his bidding the fact is the onus should be on the seller to make it explicit in the description that the items in question are illegal counterfeits (as if they would). Sean
  13. Fair comment Sebastian, but my Bidder friend said that he'd only put a low bid in and didn't expect to win it so hardly read the description. When you consider that this guy has over 30,000 45's and owns everything from George Blackwell to Chuck Cockerham, I believe that he never gave it a seconds thought and just slapped a bid on. The consequence though would be, whether he won it or not, that the seller would end up receiving an even higher price for the record. So, he is retracting on the basis that he has since been informed that it is a worthless 'Counterfeit' rather than a legitimate 'Re-Issue' as advertised. Cheers Sean
  14. He's just taken his medicine and is promptly retracting the bid. And an early night has been recommended. Sean
  15. Just texted him and he called me straight back. He's GOBSMACKED and didn't know it was recently put out (and he's a VERY serious collector). Must say, I was aware of them, Steve, but honestly thought that Jazzman had put them out legit, purely on the basis of their good reputation in doing stuff the right way. I'm amazed that they are stocking and promoting Counterfeits. What's more, I just can't believe that a track like this has been booted as a 'Repro'. Is nothing sacred? Sean
  16. OMG The Bidder is a VERY good friend of mine. Will send him a Text right away! Thanks Steve. Just Unbelievable. Sean
  17. Hi Ian, Many thanks for that. Does seem strange to me that Gerald would take the time to go through the correct procedures in order to license his own releases and yet would also support a Bootlegger, through stocking the other items in question. I take it that he is aware of the potential legal implications in the sale of counterfeit goods and, of course, the commercial consequence that some might, erroneously, be lead to conclude that the 'legit' releases might not be 100% Kosher also. Suggest you 'have it out' with him again mate! Many thanks for the clarification. Because of the source, from which they came, they certainly had me fooled. Sean
  18. Amen Paul. Just made a similar reference on the Selectadisc thread. Sean
  19. Ah Yes, Roger I remember them well! I've got some old Boylans lists somewhere in the Cellar. And the old Selectadisc 'Pink Book' lists too, from 72 / 73. Can't look at them these days though. Makes you weep! But what's worse is that there are great tunes coming out of the states... still... that some people won't be coveting, over here, for at least another 10 years! What Goes Around... etc! Food for thought y'all. Sean
  20. Now That comment really made me smile! And now, back to the footie! Sean
  21. Same could be said for some Northern Soul DJ's too! Sean Hampsey
  22. I understood it that these were 'done' by Jazzman, but under the Arctic Logo. Is that not correct? In the same way as they are selling a Lou Pride SUEMI Repro 'Overstock' 45's from the Lou pride Box set that they put out. They are also promoting their new Jazzman CD, featuring the Honey & Bees "Love Addict" side. I can't imagine that they'd be putting the Honey & Bees track on their own JAZZMAN logos CD compilation, if they hadn't licensed it... nor can I imagine that they'd be selling 'Bootleg' 45's of a track ('Booted' by someone else) that they DO have the rights to. I'm all for castigating Bootleggers, but if someone has obtained the rights to legitimately reissue a track I dont see that they should be tarred with that same brush. Think I'll contact Jazzman and Jamie/Guyden (who are still active) and ask them. Sean Hampsey
  23. Surely that depends on your definition of 'Bootleg'. As I understood it, the Jazzman 45's are legitimate 'licensed' reissues. Are you sure that this is not the case? Sean

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