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Sean Hampsey

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Everything posted by Sean Hampsey

  1. No John... it's proper. ZTSC Stamped and everythang!
  2. Agree with you there mate. Sean PS: Best thread in ages! Thanks.
  3. Here you go. Check out the credits on this baby. Produced By Rick Hall Written By George Jackson Recorded At Fame Studios Home of the Muscle Shoals Sound See those credits on any 45... you'd buy it like a shot! Don't know about UK chart placing / release Peter, but it was hammered in '71 for sure! Sean
  4. Five Weeks @ Number 1 and sold 5,000,000 copies. Probably Rick Hall's / Fame's Biggest hit... and it helped pave the way for tons of 'superior' Soul material from Muscle Shoals.... and George Jackson. Sean
  5. Yes... but not just any old George Jackson! Wrote some incredible stuff has George... and still doin' the business! Sean
  6. Guys it was a BIG hit for The Osmonds! George Jackson wrote it for The Jacksons who (alledgedly) turned it down... but the Utah Brothers recorded it and it became a massive hit! Fascinating! Sean
  7. Think the promotion of Soul Music in mainstream media is a very good thing. Bring it on! Think the 'mostly' misinformed reporting of 'Northern Soul' (The scene and the music) in mainstream media a bad thing.... purely because the portrayals of the people involved in the 'scene' are usually inaccurate or derogatory. Were someone able to put forward a well written piece on the Music, its global reach and the extraordinary camaraderie within it (without making 'Northern' out to be some bizarre cult) I'd be very much in favour. Sean Hampsey
  8. Great stuff! Are you not participating in this one then Chris? I've counted 29 thus far... so with you we've got the 30! Sean
  9. Might want to check the original by Bunny Sigler if you like Bo's version. Sean
  10. All spot on Mark... and I don't wish to make light of a very serious subject, especially as I was the last DJ at the Corner Pocket (and am probably one of the reasons Malc decided to shut up the shop! ) but isn't it funny how Soul DJ's tend to write and speak using classic Soul titles. I counted 7 How many did you spot? before it's too late Jackie Day more and more Little Milton it's a shame Spinners after all Sam Dees hard work John Handy circles Atlantic Starr house in order Arnold Bryant Just an observation... On the serious side, 100 venues in a 10 mile radius sounds a bit extreme... but it's obvious that there's far too much going on at the one time and that 'promoters' who deliberately clash in any locality are doing their local scene no good at all. Isn't it true though that every venue has its own life cycle... and that all good things come to an end? Whatever you do in the future, Malc (and I believe that plans are afoot) I hope it goes well for you. Sean
  11. Thanks Neil, Talk about forgotten oldies! I'd forgotten how fast it sounded (at the time it was a bit of a slowie). Was that taken directly off the tape (from my old 45 in 1982) or have you got a copy? Thanks also for the full tape listing. Way ahead of it's time I reckon . Cheers Sean
  12. Welcome back Eddie. Don't forget to pm your info to Chris. We need you in on this mate! Sean
  13. Hi, Is that label correct on the Carl Weathers? Mirage Surely? or is it a non-US item? Sean
  14. Gotcha Chris. Will do. So is that the title/theme then? Sounds good to me! So....... shall we get on wiv it? (assuming it includes LP tracks or whatever?) Sean
  15. Itching to start on the CD Chris. Any thoughts on the theme? How about the last few participants? Are all the previous crowd on board? Think we'll all miss Eddie Hubbard's involvement if he's not included. Can I nominate him by proxy? Thanks again for kicking this off again. Last one was a cracker! Sean
  16. It was nearly 25 years ago Neil. I would have thought the tapes I used to do have all perished by now... but if it's still good I'd love a copy of it. Any chance? Sean
  17. pm'd you Chris, including address & email. OK guys, lets get with the programme! Increased to 30... but that's the limit! Any other suggestions on themes? How about........ Half the tracks Male.... Half Female? Groups Only? Detroit or Chicago? Southern Soul? Proper Soul? Records that have not reached their potential... yet! 'Slipping Around' tunes? Great Love Songs? Songs about anything but love? Major Label Rarities? Minor Label Rarities? One Hit Wonders? Great A & B side 45's? Obscure Records by Major Artists? Major Records by Obscure Artists? Records with the word 'Baby' in the title? Records without the word 'Baby' in the title? Records that sound better speeded up? Records that sound better when you're speeded up? Records you stole from the Youth Club? C'mon... Help me out here Sean
  18. Funny that. You're not the first to ask... but sadly I only have the 'DJ Rights' and not the 'Copyright'. So NO!
  19. Ah, it would have to be the Bobby Womack "Runaway" acetate.... but that's only because nobody else could play it (as I have exclusive DJ'ing rights to it). Sean
  20. A few from my Yarmouth Playlists that I tend to play out quite often these days (if not 'hammering'). The Dells - Closer M J Wade - I'm Gonna Ball Baby Sepandiya - Thank You Aretha Franklin - Don't Let Me Lose This Dream Bobby Womack - Runaway Sam Dees - Funny Buddy Causey - There's A Way Darrow Fletcher - It's No Mistake Lonie Jones - Treat Your Woman Right Sam Baker - It's All Over Otis Clay - I Paid The Price Joe Graham - Somethings Wrong With Our Love Jimmy Tig - Everybody's Laffing Na Allen - I Was Telling Her About You Donnie Ray - I Never Dreamed Monique Ford - No Getting Over Me Mike Avery - Miss Lady Ace - If I Could Open Up My Heart Latimore - One, Man, One Woman, One Love Quenestine Strong - One Hundred Years From Now Enchanted Five - Darling I Need You Now Sean Hampsey
  21. Succinct and Accurate, as ever, Rod. Certainly doesn't entertain me, listening to an ego-fuelled set of megalomaniacs 'jockeying' for position on who played what first. Just play the music fellas. If someone else plays your top tune before you (on the same night) then either give it a second plug or play something else. You've got a deep enough collection to fill in any gaps... haven't you? Sean

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