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Sean Hampsey

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Everything posted by Sean Hampsey

  1. This is the CD that prompted a call to my house at 11.45pm one Monday evening, from Sam Dees instructing me that the material actually belonged to Time Warner and consisted of DEMO's recorded by Sam for such artists as Rockie Robbins, Gene Chandler, Betty Lavette etc. A guy had sold me a CD of all of these tracks some 6-8 months earlier assuring me that he had the rights (via A&M) and that I was to have the tracks as an exclusive... until they were issued on a legitimate label. I played "Let Me Keep You Company" and "Hang Tough" quite extensively at the time, particularly at PITCHES and Soul Essence. A guy eventually showed up with a bagful of CD's at Yarmouth on the "After All" label and trading was initially brisk until he was effectively 'removed' from the premises after a 'whistle blow' by Rod Dearlove that the material had been pressed illegally. Rod confronted me on the spot, since I'd been the one promoting it, and I explained that I'd been convinced that the guy had the rights to this Sam Dees "A&M" material and that Rod had better be sure before he cast aspersions on the sellers character. At first I defended the guy, as myself and the other promoters (Kev Briscoe, John Benson & Tats Taylor) had all been convinced by the seller that these tracks were 'his'. Fair play to Rod, he was sure that he was right and that it was me and the other Pitches boys who'd been taken in and misled. It was the night after returning from Yarmouth that Sam Dees called me to get the lowdown. I gave him the whole story and Sam assured me, in his words, that "His Ass Is Grass!" and that Time Warner would be on the case the very next day. Tuesday morning I suggested to the guy that he'd be well advised to stay away from the venue (the following friday) until he could explain his activities. He simply accused me of being 'Rod Dearloves puppet'. He never knew that it was Sam Dees himself that had told me to be wary. I still don't know if anything came of it (do you Paul?) and was, even then, prepared to give him the benefit. Soon after this release, a CD with many of the tracks turned up on Sams own Pen Pad label (as I recall) under the title "Lovers Do". This compilation does not include "Hang Tough" though, a particularly cracking dancer! (version of Rockie Robbins). Overall, a very sad affair. Sean
  2. Pwwhhhhhooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaar!!!!!!!! GREAT STUFF Paul! Both releases very, very worthwhile mate. Proper stuff. Every success with 'em! Sean
  3. Do you mind me asking what you paid for it Ken? ...And how much would you consider selling it for? Sean
  4. Got to say, I think £40 & £50 sound waaaaaay too cheap to me. If I'd seen this 45 at anything like that price I'd have had it, for sure. Can't recall seeing a copy for sale at all for that matter. However, I didn't think it was a one-off and required confirmation. Do think its pretty scarce though... and quite a 'pretty' 'good time' New Orleans Soul track. Think I got involved in a discussion on this record a few months ago, where it was felt that the artist was 'probably' Cynthia Sheeler. Wardell Quezergue heavily involved so it could be! Sean
  5. Wow, didn't realise that this was so scarce! Sure I used to hear this played out fairly regularly, late 80's... at Thorne? Think Andy Whitmore had it. Is this his old copy? Sean
  6. Yes, Backing Vocals, Simon... Part of the Backing Track! WDIT is a much more Soulful record with the Lead Vocal (IMO). However, I don't entirely agree that an instrumental can't be 'Soulful' and much prefer some records as instrumentals where the vocal is not my cuppa tea i.e. "To Win Your Heart" Laura Lee... Much prefer Festival Time! Sean
  7. It's the instrumental backing track to a 70's Soul record. Sean
  8. Played Tony Lampkin out on Saturday night in Sheffield. Sounded great to my ears. Great tune! Sean
  9. I much prefer Deep Soul to any other form of music. Fully understand though why others don't or can't connect with it as, equally, I can't connect with a helluva lot of 'Northern' tracks. The Lounge at Soul Essence is my favourite venue, where the music is almost exclusively Deep Soul... but I accept, it's a minority thing. Always has been. Always will be. Sean Hampsey
  10. Thanks mate, much appreciated. Without trying to be too philosophical, I guess it's not what happens in life but how you react to it that determines the outcome. Many years ago I used to be a partner in a firm (Modern Dynamic Training) where we did management training and PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) seminars. I've read hundreds of books on the subject and this was a real test for some of the principles. And so far, its worked, but who knows, by the end of the year I might be a bottle of whiskey a day quivering mess... but, somehow, I doubt it! As for replacing what's gone, it's a funny thing, I was only speaking to Tats Taylor and Cliff Steele a couple of days before this happened and was saying that my wants list is now down to less than a half dozen tracks. I guess this will revitalise my 'chase' instinct... and put the fun back into collecting again, but we'll have to wait and see. Am still wading through the soggy mess that was once my pride and joy, trying to salvage whatever I can, but the sheer quantity is making it impossible to rescue them all and for the past few days I've been literally shovelling them into bin liners and dumping them. As I type, it's stopped raining and the sun's just come out. So there must be something to this 'Positivity' stuff after all! Apologies... that bottle of whiskey is taking effect!
  11. No mate. Will take months. Can't really describe it. Keep finding stuff in a soggy mess. Tough as hell. Occasionaly come up for air and for a quick look on here, just to try and keep me sane (if ever i was). We'll get there. Hope you and the lovely Nicky are well. x
  12. Sure, it's not what it might have been, but at least you and me will enjoy the excerpts from Derek & Clive on there! Sean
  13. I'm sure it'll be good Gareth, but I think it's a going a bit far to say it's outstanding. Not like you to be boastful mate... but if yours is outstanding I'm confident that mine will be f#ckin' Amazing!
  14. Did my original copy weeks ago Graham, but i'll be damned if I know where it is (following the chaos here). Might have to re-record it. Hope ya'll give me little more time to get it sorted. Sean
  15. Richard Caiton cd1 / cd2 I’m gonna love you more Due to it’s rarity this is a virtually unknown 70’s dancer. I picked up my copy from Blacknight records 15years ago and have never seen another copy. Malaco offers around 300 Good un Paul!
  16. Well he might be having a laugh Pete, but it's already got 2 Bidders on it. God knows how many people are watching it, probably hundreds worldwide, and with nearly 9 days left... by the time the hammer comes down it'll probably make a fortune!
  17. You mean you've taken advantage of him... and didn't even ask his name? Shocking!
  18. Help The Aged - Chesterfield - about 2 months ago. Was walking passed and heard "Open The Door To Your Heart" Darrell Banks Booming out of the doorway. Thought... Crikey... and dashed in, hoping and half expecting to see a London Demo on the Turntable, surrounded by a huge box of other rare goodies for 10p each... ... sadly it was on the Radio. The young lass behind the counter said she always tunes in to this particular show that "plays a lot of old soul stuff on a saturday afternoon". Sean
  19. You're right Dave. He is fully equipped. Steve knows that only too well, as I've let him stay down there with him for a couple of hours on more than one occasion... ...and if he thinks buying me a pint or two is gonna silence me he's another thing coming!
  20. Good thought Mark, but now they've seen them they've just told me to dispose of them. They'll all be in the skip before the weekend (well some of them will) They should also pay out a percentage on the devalued 'damaged' stuff (as opposed to destroyed) that I'll be hanging onto. The good thing is that I was carrying a huge premium on contents insurance that should cover most of the true, current, value. The not so good thing is that I did the original valuation when I took out the policy 5 years ago and as you well know, Record values have increased massively since that time, so I'll probably only get 2002 prices. Still, to be fair, a lot of them were purchased at 1973 prices... but the purpose of the Insurance is to give you the current value. Recommend everyone with a half decent collection gets them insured properly. If not, you won't get full value in the event of disaster and you just never know what's around the corner. A pretty scary thought for a lot of people on here. Just found a box of tapes going back to the early 70's, about 2-300 of them. All completely soaked. Anyone know if they'll dry out and be playable again, ever, or are they ruined too? Sean
  21. Thanks guys. Well the Loss Adjuster came, he saw and (I think) he understood the gravity of the situation. He's gone back to base to type up the report and has asked me to complete a form evaluating the potential loss. He wants me to estimate all records completely destroyed and all records devalued. Where to start??? In addition, I've a Gym down there, a Wine Cellar and loads of PC's and IT and Sound equipment... all wrecked. These will also need to go on the valuation. The exercise should take about a week. Along with that I've got to immediately dispose of all the 'written off' stock as he's arranging for a team to come in and gut the place. That'll be when the tears start. On top of this, the Mrs is about to have our Baby any second. Just hope she can hang on until after the weekend... when we can get back to some assemblence of order. Thanks for all your messages of support. It's been a useful exercise and a pretty hard lesson for all of us I guess. A mate suggested moving everything up onto the top floor, but with the changing weather the Roof could blow off this winter! Think I'll be converting one of the Bedrooms, in the middle of the house, which seems the safest option. Anyhow, must press on. Wellies back on and down we go! Look forward to catching up with a few of you tomorrow night at Qube (don't worry Shane and Co, I've still got plenty of biscuit dry goodies in the playbox). You'll be treated to a load of stuff that's never been played out in public before. Amazing what a good collection clear out does for your playlist! Sean
  22. Nice advert for Evian... Natural Spring Water!
  23. How it looked this evening. A right pigsty. Those drawers at the back are still full of 45's and the opposite wall is still full of LP's, all still to be rescued. And, coincidentally, Eddie, on the stool is my framed copy of "Shower The World" which the label designers did when we put the 45 out! How ironic.
  24. Hi Steve, The Loss Adjuster comes tomorrow (if he's not held up because of the disruption). Good job too. As Rob Wigley predicted, it's starting to hum a bit down there, but at least the water level is dropping so I can start and get everything out of the remaining cabinets and off the shelves before it gets moist (...lovely word!). Just been negotiating with the Mrs to take over the Dining Room (kitchen and downstairs loo already commandeered). Got to say, nothing really prepares you for something like this. I mean,it's not the end of the world but it's still tough watching a third of your collection floating up the cellar steps and out of the front door! Just hope the Insurance chap understands what we're dealing with here. I'll keep you posted. And thanks again for all your support. When the place dries out, you're all invited round for a knees up! Sean

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