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Sean Hampsey

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Everything posted by Sean Hampsey

  1. He does whatever he does Simon... as you well know.... but I don't think we'll be catching him taking his laptop out to a gig, this side of 2020!
  2. Ah Right! So this '45 only fetish' is a 'fashion' thing is it Simon? Sort of a 'HotBox' thing huh? That explains it. Thought it must be a new 'fad' thing... cos it's never been a feature of any Soul Scene I've ever been involved in. Firstly, Andy, I'd never work for a promoter that had such a small minded approach and if any punter thought he could dictate to me what format I choose to play during my alloted 60 minutes he or she would get my full 12" where the sun don't shine. Thank F#CK I'm not influenced by other people's stupid fashions and that there's other sane folk on this thread, cos if LP tracks are no longer allowed to be played without being 'guilty' then the lunatics are finally in charge of the asylum. What Idiotic nonsense! I'm Guilty as Charged! Sean
  3. Sorry, I really don't follow. Why is playing a French EP more 'legitimate' than playing a track off the original US LP? I've got the original UK LP "Wanted One Soul Singer". Its part of my complete Johnnie Taylor collection and I've had it for about 30 years. It's a Mint copy of a world class / classic Soul album. Do I need to get a French EP before I can play it out? That's just Sheer Lunacy. Just who is responsible for these ascenine and totally childish 'rules'? Sean
  4. Dead right on that one Tony. 3 Degrees "Lonely Town" is LP only an old Bradford Queens Hall spin of mine circa 83 (yup, we were even playing LP tracks back in the 80's ). Sean
  5. Fully agree with all those choices. Didn't think anyone else rated Michael Henderson's waxing of "Ask The Lonely" as much as I do. A Beautiful version. Will certainly say hello to John for you (but he's been keeping a low profile lately). Wonder if he'll make one in the car for tomorrow night at the Bass Museum. I promise a feast of LP only delights.... including the sublime rendition of "I'll Try Something New" by Kiki Dee (A Music For Pleasure LP only track... but I'm certain you'll not hear a better crossover tune, anywhere, this weekend!). Sean
  6. Thank you. I rarely get 100% agreement from anyone! Regarding "Tear It On Down", yes, its an Ashford & Simpson song, also done by Martha Reeves (ON LP ONLY ). Sean
  7. Decent Soul DJ's in the UK have always used LP tracks. I don't know where the thinking comes from regarding 45's only (unless its a Johnny Come Lately thing!). It's laughable. Going back to the embryonic 'Northern' scene, tracks such as Stevie Wonders "Love A GoGo" and "Angel Baby" - Temptations "I Gotta Find a Way" - Marvelettes "Your Love Can Save Me" - Monitors "Share A Little Love With Me" - Miracles "More, More, More Of Your Love" and "Soulful Shack" were staple dancefloor album only monsters. In more recent years (74 onwards) who would deny these gems a worthy place on anyones playlist (or for that matter, deny any dancefloor):- Clyde McPhatter "Please Give Me One More Chance" & "Anyone Can Tell" Willie Hutch "Lucky To Be Loved By You" and "Lets Try It Over" Isley Brothers "My Love Is Your Love Forever" David Ruffin "What You Gave Me" Marvin Gaye "Tear It On Down" Maxine Brown "Don't Leave Me Baby" Carla Thomas "I Play For Keeps" Freddie Butler "You Better Get Hip Girl" Chuck Jackson "That's Me Loving You" Originals "Don't Stop Now" Dells "Don't Trick Me Treat Me" Darell Banks "Forgive Me" Stairsteps "I'm The One Who Loves You" James Conwell "LOVE" Sandra Wright "I'll Come Running Back" Willie Tee "Bring On The Heartaches" Rufus Lumley "Stronger Than Me" Spyder Turner "I Can't Wait" Metros "I'll Never Forget You" All obvious LP only Classics... and I could go on all night. There are hundreds of fabulous records on LP only so why any DJ would want to narrow his spot down and not play such incredible records is beyond me. Too lazy to carry 'em? Can't cue 'em? Or just scared of what other people might think? Get with the program! Say NO to Format Facism. You have nothing to lose but your hang ups! Sean
  8. Yes he did Steve. A strong nomination for the best set I've ever heard too! Quality throughout.... and a dagger through the heart of any silly '45 only' nonsense. Sean
  9. Wow! Thanks Gareth. So CD only... but you still could knock me down with a feather! To be honest, I quite like it. Prefer the Minits, but this is still pretty good! Only half agree with you on the 'impersonator' comment but I can see where you're coming from. Remember reading decades ago in B&S that they were planning a movie of Sam Cooke's life and that Louis was to play the lead, so the comparisons are obvious (plans never came to fruition though). I also remember William Bell telling me that, even back in the days when they were in the Del Rios together, Louis just happened to sound 'just like Sam' and that he admired Cooke so much that he 'simply couldn't sing any other way'. As a footnote, I've played the superb "Sweet Thing" out recently. A great double sider on XL. Such a shame The Ovations are largely remembered over here for "They Say" which is not their best work by any means. Thanks again for the soundclip. Enjoying it right now! Sean
  10. That's a new one on me. I'd be gobsmacked if such a recording exists. If you're asking was it released, I would say definately not. But, apart from it not really being his style, it's still a nice thought! Nearest thing I can think of would be "One In A Million" where Louis excels himself + it's a real pacy thing, in the manner of "Still A Part Of Me". Its on SOM (as is the Minits). Sean
  11. It's a New Holidays track on Groove City, Ken. Both JJ Barnes and Steve Mancha were in the group but Mancha sang lead on the track. Its also got a Groovesville number as JJ Barnes (1009)... but I aint got one, and yes, it was on Rare Stamps. Sean
  12. Yes. The B side on the UK STAX copy is "Easy Living" credited to JJ Barnes but is actually Steve Mancha! Sean
  13. Very good Steve... except that they tend to be rectangular!
  14. Was a PITCHES Monster, Darren, in its day. Sure is a great tune! Sean
  15. Think I've got this on Spectrum somewhere. Same record?
  16. Sure, they are all Southern soul... but don't tell anyone will ya'. They prefer to call even 'Southern' records Northern Soul over here. To be fair, I think the original poster, Neil, was referring to Contemporary Southern Soul as per the artists I referred to earlier in the thread (but I may be mistaken). Sean
  17. I might have guessed, with a name like Goldwax, that we'd be of the same mind. Rarely get to DJ in London but I was on at Monumental recently and would certainly be up for more bookings down South. In the immediate future it would certainly be worth the trip Northwards for you (or anyone else into real Soul) this Sunday to "Without Boundaries" at Burton. I would have though that all the DJ's there would be programming a fair share of Southern Grits! Sean
  18. Sorry Jorge, that's why I put a question mark on the 'around 12 years ago' bit. You're right, it does seem a good while since the first US copy turned up, but it seemed even longer in my mind that we all thought it was UK only. I guess we get to a time of life where 20+ years ago seems like only yesterday. Nowadays I tend to be 10 years off with most of my dates. Certainly agree about the lost brain cells and the blur. Also agree with John. It MUST be a US recording.... .... don't ya think? Sean
  19. I reckon it would have been that very same night Blake. We were all blown away and that would have included the speakers! Look forward to aseeing you Sunday. You're right, best line up I've seen anywhere in ages. Sean
  20. Never heard of it. Bet its good. Lovelite's a crackin label. Over to Boba. He'll know it if anyone does on here. Sean PS Is it for sale?
  21. Not before they left his Mustang on Bricks!
  22. Always features large in my sets, Neil. It's where it all began for me so I'm always buying (and promoting) Southern stuff. Recent sets of mine at Yarmouth and elsewhere include tracks from Donnie Ray, Monique Ford, Vick Allen, Toni Green, Chuck Roberson, Quinn Golden, Sir Charles Jones, Terry Kimble and many more. Artists that just don't get an airing in the mainstream 'UK' Soul circles. I mentioned (quite vigourously) on EMS recently (Ivor Goodear) about the fact that most 'Modern' DJ's avoid it like the plague. Its sad really as I still believe its the real deal... you've just got to hunt harder to find the good stuff these days. I'd love to do a full set of Southern Grits, and am sure to drop a few this Sunday at Burton "Without Boundaries"... although, as I'm doing the last hour, I'll probably find a burning cross outside when I get home. 'Kin Rednecks get everywhere! Sean THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN!
  23. Rod Dearlove at Yarmouth, about 10 years ago. The lad had the balls to drop 3 incredible deep tracks, in succesion, around Midnight. Cleared the floor... but he blew us all away nevertheless, .... and the dancefloor was rammed thereafter! Definately the most memorable set ever (IMO). Sean
  24. Ernie... taken minutes before he was rudely interrupted by the scouser!

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