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Sean Hampsey

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Everything posted by Sean Hampsey

  1. Re: the white female, it was Sylvia Pittman, Gareth. The flipside is a version of "Mine Was Real" and its every bit as bad as the "Whatever I Am" version. I daren't tell you how the record 'allegedly' came about. Think its a fair punt though that the "I'm So Glad" is Fred Knight. Sean
  2. Previously on a US Hi LP only. Given it many a spin... off the album. Good to see it on a 45 though. Quality!
  3. Magnificent tune. Was always my last record of the night at the Clifton Hall allnighters... and I've had it in my playbox ever since!
  4. Many years ago I was told it was Bill Brandon. But I don't know for certain. Must dig 'em both out and have a proper listen.
  5. No, I think you're right mate. Couldn't get any more 'Middle' than Chesterfield way... but at the time I voted you hadn't asked for a 'Midlands Only' category... so I went with East Midlands (purely cos if I'd said West Midlands it would make me out a Brummie... and who'd wanna be one o' those!).
  6. We are confused aren't we.... it was Bazza that asked for the third Midlands option!!!! I live about 10 minutes from Bazza (I reckon) and was happy with East Midlands.
  7. Good call by Brav to do this poll. The results should be fascinating (we could then dice and splice a second and third tier etc. into preferred music genres, age groups and other such preferences). Would certainly make your next event more accurately targeted.
  8. We do have 'Web Cafe's up here these days, Simon. Well in 'Posh' parts such as Harrogate, at least. North West? Yeh, I'll have a fiver on that! Sean
  9. Lazy Southerners, tossing it off on their computers. Just wait while the Yorkshire lads get home from the factory!
  10. Astonishing! I saw a clip on YouTube recently where a bunch of 'regular' Americans were asked where they thought Iraq was on a map of the world. Most of those surveyed thought it was either 'in or near' Australia! I thought "Insular or what???" but if they don't even know where the USA is what chance have they got! And what chance have we got of categorising Lincolnshire?
  11. I doubt it Blake. I've always been lead to believe it will get you nowhere.
  12. Which track was it? I'll know to avoid it in future.
  13. It's happened to me only once, where I was totally stunned by the reaction. Normally, if the floor clears, when I'm on, I always half expect it! But the shocker was about 26 years ago. Searling had his exclusive "Al Johnson & The Hitmen" "Just Ask Me" cover up (Bobby Thurston) absolutely MASSIVE at Rotherham's Clifton Hall and elsewhere! Well the enterprising young Hampsey managed to secure a copy... and having been booked for an all dayer, the same weekend at Tiffanys in Newcastle U Lyme, I was determined to make a huge impact with it as my first record! Seem to remember I followed Dave Evison, who had the floor packed (about 350 people) with "Skiing In The Snow" or something or other, as his last tune. Proud as a Peacock...the boy Hampsey drops his opener... introducing the 'biggest sound currently on the scene'.... "the incredible Al Johnson......" Unbelievable record!............. ..... but what an anti-climax.... immediately everyone made an exit. It was like the FIRE ALARM had gone off! Not a single person left standing... or dancing! ...........................You could almost smell the tumbleweed. Course, its a well established 'oldie' now, but as you all know... it's a bloody long 'un. Spent the Longest 4 minutes of my life on that stage. My jaw just dropped. Just couldn't believe my eyes. "What is wrong with these f#ckin' people????????..... it's a MONSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Bill Payne turned to me and said... "You see Sean, it sounds much better when Searling plays it" Lesson learned. Nothing's guaranteed to fill a floor... (except, of course, when Richard spins it) .
  14. Yes, Tangerine were distributed by ABC and they were therefore subject to the same 'cut out' identification method. You'll find the 'Gold Blob' on Tangerine / TRC, Dunhill, Probe, Dot 45's and the occasional 20th Century label too! (all associated with ABC). Sean
  15. Bad News (and Bad Timing) Russ. Get well soon mate.... and send me that address (OK!). All the best Sean
  16. Well it was early doors Blake! ...And nobody else was listening.
  17. Apart from those already mentioned.... Instant Funk's excellent "Crying" always used to do it for me! Uptempo dancer with superb, Soulful, vocals. One to watch out for.
  18. Was only playing my copy this morning. Magnificent record!
  19. Aha! Yes Dave, I did! And I can assure you... it was deliberate! The 'Just Soul' idea is in its infancy at the moment. A quality venue. Small room... and certainly NOT for those wanting an old fashioned rave up... or a stream of Northern Soul classics. I doubt very much that it would compete with any of the events attended by your average Soul Sourcer. But thanks for the plug!
  20. Spot on Derek. And far more succinct than my version of the same point! Sean
  21. I've recently started a similar thread to this on a Modern Soul forum, Mike, where attendances just aint wot they used to be! It seems that the current problem affects all strands of the scene. Turn back the clock 25+ years, there were very few DJ's around (who could hold their own) and even fewer promoters. The last 8 or so years though has seen a rise in popularity of the UK Soul scene (mainly via returnees) and, now that some of these lads and lasses have 'a bit more about them' everyone (it seems) wants to try their hand at DJ'ing, promoting or both. Now as we appear to be in an overkill situation (in many counties, but certainly not all) the choice on a weekend is far too great, diluting the crowd and reducing attendances at many events. Net result, nights that rarely live up to the hype or expectations, lacking in atmosphere and creating disappointment for all concerned. As a consequence, the disillusioned punter believes that he can do better, and naturally, decides to give it a go himself... further fragmenting the potential audience. It's an inevitable, unfortunate, cycle of events, that can only be filtered out through time and natural selection. Personally, I'd rather see (or attend) a small room environment with a buzz and 50 odd punters that are up for it, than a mega room spectacular with everyone rattling around a three quarters empty dancefloor! I guess the future is highly likely to be... reduced numbers, better quality venues and more of a listening / social environment (at least for us over 50's). However, I don't know what I'd make of that sort of set up if I was a youngster looking for a good old fashioned rave up! Had good nights up at Thorne and Qube recently and heard great reports about such venues as Lifeline. The cream will always rise to the top, however, every venue and venture has a lifespan... and even good things don't last forever! Sean

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