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Sean Hampsey

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Everything posted by Sean Hampsey

  1. A "Camp As Christmas" do by the looks of those 'lads' on the second pic. 1981 a fair guess John? Left To Right...... Alan Senior - Sean Hampsey - Kev Briscoe (Tucked in behind me) - John 'Bad' Benson - Malc Burton. Great pic John... but if you wake up with a horses head in bed with you... don't be surprised!
  2. No mate, that's definately a US issue. The Joy Lovejoy is much lighter blue and not concaved around the centre. From memory, there's no UK issue of Love Reputation that I'm aware of. Sean
  3. Then you are forgiven But.... make sure you're not working 10th November. Somethings going down.... and I have an invitation for you....!
  4. Sorry mate, you might be right, its just that everytime I ask Kev to give you the heads up on a night out he says you're away . So were you away for the Bass then... or just giving us the cold shoulder?
  5. So, to clarify.... the "Ordinary Joe" Cadet 45 and the "Ordinary Joe" track on the "Occasional Rain" Cadet LP are identical. However, the version recorded some 8 years later on the "Turn You To Love" Elektra LP are different recordings. Jerry Butlers is the original version, BTW. Sean
  6. Top of the mornin to ya! Yet another inmate in this hyperbolatical canary fired vinyl loopin tang.....nurse over here....quick!! Don't bite your (Denis's) hand to hard........ You f***** gas**** i'll get you! Did'nt we have some laughs on that record stall in town, lord knows what the poor general public thought..... it must have been Griff's mack.....and original Ronnie McNeirs at £12 that brought it on! Struth!! How's Keith...from Thurcroft....... top man Sean...hope youre good. ALAN ................................................................................ .............................................. Good times on the best Record Stall in England, Alan. Can you believe, it's over 30 years ago!!! Ronnie McNeir @ £12 was considered 'expensive' back then. Course, this was when I used to knock Jack Montgomery's, on Barracuda, out at 80pence apiece! Griffs still got the mack.... but, sadly, Keith passed away about 5 years ago. Gawd knows what happened to Dennis. Probably still chasing cars in the great madhouse in the sky! Sean
  7. "Always Together" and "The Love We Had Stays On My Mind" were the highlights for me that night! Absolutely stunning. Getting Goosebumps just thinking about it! No doubt. One of the greatest performances the UK has ever witnessed. Majestic and Magnificent. Sean
  8. Nah, he was a Top Bloke. I'll never forget that he gave me a hand up in my early days.... and I'm absolutely sure he must have given you and Steve one as well, Malc. Some say that he used to blow a bit hot and cold but I always found him very warm. And as a promoter he'd not spend the entire night trying to ram it down your throat, like some do, these days. It's a pity there weren't more like him around. A very talented man who certainly knew how to make something small into a real biggie! Sean
  9. Hey John, your last played clip "The Magic Is Gone" is my old Sunny & The Sunliners cover up (Bradford Queens Hall days). Must have taped it for you nearly 25 years ago? Wierd huh! Think I'd have a seizure if I tried to shake a leg to it nowadays! Sean
  10. Another one? You seem to get more trips away than Judith Bloody Chalmers!
  11. Many thanks, John & Mr Wright. Must say I've not seen it very often... at any price, but do recall Craig having one on for £300+ years ago. Got my copy for 10p in Telford back in the 70's, so I guess even with rampant inflation in the 80's I done pretty good! Sean
  12. Aha... rarely see this one getting a mention. A great double sider... though I think quite scarce. The guy that ran the Drugstore near Mary's home put this out on her, cos she was without a recording deal at the time and while chatting at the counter he agreed to start a label.... just for this one release (I believe). Any idea what it goes for these days? Sean
  13. Think I've got an old Windmill pic of Me, Malc Burton, Bill Payne (your Dad) and Andy 'Biggles' Newbold all behind the decks, from way back when. If I ever find it, I'll post it. Sean
  14. Made my pile for this afternoon Steve! It was the Assembly Rooms mate, where Steve & Derek did their midweek thang. Top Venue! Think Darren H. would have been one of Crofty & Sheldons protegees of the time!
  15. Agree John. Successful little night for Derek & Steve. Was a really great venue. A slightly smaller and 'plusher' Clifton Hall. Many years earlier, I used to go there every Friday night (very early 70's - when I was still at school). Archie Bell "Here I Go Again" and Elgins "Heaven Must Have Sent You" were the top tunes of the day. Always ended up with a huge scrap at the end of the night! Good times!
  16. I DJ'd at the Adam & Eve early 70's, Malc. We even had a Dayer there (around 1974) as I recall. And pretty sure I DJ'd there about 10 years ago with Snowy. Wonder what's there now? Might be worth a trip with your Box Brownie
  17. Can be got cheaper, but has been seen for £80 recently. A lovely tune!
  18. Nice eclectic bunch of tunes there! Top stuff! Sean
  19. Yes it was Steve. But me and Mr Mannion always refer to 'legendary Soul venues' that are east of the pennines!
  20. Really funny that Steve. I had Alfie Davidson waaaaayyyyy before Masborough... and I think around the time you were still trying to track down a copy of "Cochise!". Good shout on "Never Too Much" though mate. Was a MONSTER at Clifton Hall for Richard... ...and other Clifton Hall DJ's with taste!
  21. Chuck Jackson "What's With This Loneliness" gets a lot of shouts... quite rightly - a magnificent record. What about:- Sharon Scott "It's Better" - Just an Incredible and Oh So Soulful Femme Dancer... my absolute favourite by her. If it had ever been issued.... what price this baby on a 45! Roy Hamilton "Let The Music Play" - I've other versions by the Drifters & Dionne Warwick but this takes the Biccy... by a mile! Love it. Carla Thomas "I'll Never Stop Loving You" - Ultimate (and still very popular) Crossover monster that blew me away when I first heard it. All great tunes that would still be dead and buried were it not for Kent.
  22. Terribly sad news, Gavin. "Walking Up A One Way Street" was also one of my earliests introductions to Soul music - and almost 40 years later would still count in my all time top 100 (along with several other Willie Tee gems). Along with Gene Chandler, I've always said that Willie was the 'Slickest' recording artist in the business. His delivery was always spot on, on so many fine, fine tunes! Tonight, I'll have a mammoth Willie Tee session and raise a toast to NOLA's finest! RIP The Incredible Willie Tee "Bring On The Heartaches" Sean Hampsey
  23. Sam had one in his Sales Box recently. Can't remember how much he wanted for it. If RSJ is in Jail it explains why I haven't heard from him since July this year. Is this true? In Jail for what? Sean
  24. Well, if ever you do, Richard... I'd be only too willing to cross your palm with gold!
  25. How I wish the Bobby Wilburn was an issue (IALM still a great side though!). Still desperately need this 45.... anyone? Sean

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