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Sean Hampsey

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Everything posted by Sean Hampsey

  1. Tats Taylor has an original Gwen & Ray. I was with him when he found it in Baltimore about 10 years ago. He is Foolish Fool on here (and pretty much everywhere else). I'll ask him if he can get it (or a hi-res scan) to you. Sean
  2. Hi John, Yes "Accept Me As I Am" does exist as a double sided promo as I have a copy somewhere (been looking for it the past few days but it's definately in there - 100%). Will put the details up once I find it. Sean PS: That other stuff I promised will be with you in the next couple of days.
  3. Very good Simon. A bit of light relief. Blimey... weren't the late 80's musically shyt! I'd like to see the same charts for '67.
  4. Perhaps you should publish a list on here of everything else you've got in your playbox to avoid the likelihood of any future occurances.
  5. Hi there, Its neither common as muck or as rare as the proverbial... but it is a rather nice and quite scarce copy of a classic 'Club Soul' 45. I'd give you £20 - £25 for it... if that's a guide. Best regards Sean
  6. Nah, I agree with everything you said there Steve. I thought I'd said earlier pretty much the same... but at risk of repeating myself.... 'Personal taste is PERSONAL'. Personally, I love all real soul music (Deep Soul First... and Dance Soul Second) and could never abide with the 'Pop' generation of stompers and lollopers that came along mid to late 70's. But I do recognise that some people love 'em, so good luck to them with all that... and I'll get on with loving my own stuff. However, it is possible to change a persons mind, I've found... if that person IS open-minded enough (and I've countless numbers of 60's diehard mates who've sinced realised what they've been missing for so many years) but a man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still... so unless they want to hear something other than 60's FFS leave 'em to it! The problem is the Modern Soul 'Red Herring' (and I've said it on here before) in that a lot of what masquerades as modern SOUL on the 'Northern Scene' is actually overplayed, worn out, 70's or much more recent Modern SHYT... so the 60's Soul fan (after listening to such incredible 'proper' music for so many years) is naturally going to find it hard to get into. It's sad but true... especially as some really incredible Soul Music has been produced in the past 10-15 years... but many 'Modern' DJ's either don't know the stuff... or won't play it. So in answer to the original question... Some Modern rooms are empty because the 60's crowd simply don't want to be involved... and the actual Modern Soul crowd are either at their own 'Modern Nights' away from the 'Northern' scene... or sat at home downloading 'the next big thing!'. Sean
  7. They shouldn't Pete, any more than if you or I prefer Coffee to Tea. Personal taste is PERSONAL... ...anything else is Fascism! Likewise, if someone's personal taste includes 'all kinds of Soul' then, of course, that is equally valid. I guess we all need to be true to ourselves and vote with our feet... and our ears! Sean
  8. To be honest, I've never been in favour of the 'two room' thinking... and here's why! I honestly believe that a Soul Music promoter who want's to run a night and get his or her point (or aspirations) over should be aiming to do it in one room (whether that be Oldies, 60's, 70's, Modern, Crossover or whatever!). Anything else always seems to me to be an attempt to paper the walls, or up the gate, to my way of thinking. When myself and Tats Taylor, Kev Briscoe and John Benson set up the 'PITCHES' thing (over 10 years ago) our intention was to promote quality Soul Music from ALL four decades all in the one room... hence the first 'Across The Board' Soul night and the coining of the phrase. Whether anyone else would subscribe to it or support it was untried and untested at the time. Fortunately it was hugely succesful... over several years... and started a continuing trend, but at the time, whether it had worked or not, we were just doing what we passionately believed in. Thus, if your thing is Northern Oldies or Modern Soul (or whatever the genre) and you honestly believe that that's what you want to promote then go all out to make that one room work, rather than dilute the crowd (and the message) and compromise your intentions. Personally, I'm still of the opinion that a 'truly' Across The Board' / 'Just Soul' approach works best for me (as we see at Soul Essence) where Soul Lovers can appreciate and experience the best of everything that Black America has produced over the past 40+ years. Sean
  9. I know it... and used to play it (why is nobody surprised ) a superb track called "We Just Can't Make It". Back then, also used to play a couple of other neat Gloria Gaynor 'B' sides.... check out "My Man's Gone" (flipside to "How High The Moon") and "Searching" (flipside to "Reach Out I'll Be There") both extremely worthy spins at any decent Soul night, even today! It's ironic and ridiculous that some 'top' DJ's didn't know such a super tune as "We Just Can't Make It".... but, sadly, extremely typical. Over 100,000 great records out there to be played, yet so many copycat (DJ's) chasing the same handful of tunes. Tragic... yet somehow hilarious! When I'm out, I just wanna hear Soul Music... and have no interest whatsoever in being a spectator to some kind of 'Rarity Contest'. Sean PS: The above does in no way infer that I approve of the programming of any kind of illegal, counterfeit, carvered, bootlegged, stolen or other illicit media at any Soul Night anywhere.
  10. Sorry Chris, Just my twisted sense of humour! I was replying to your opening statement.
  11. Nowt wrong with the Topics, Alan. I'd like to hear more of their stuff played out!
  12. Viva La Difference, Steve. The Differences is a different kettle of fish, whereas, ultimately, I'm indifferent to the Ultimates.
  13. It's just so bleedin miserable, Ivor.... or as we say in these parts 'Mardy'. It sounds like some whinging, sad, lonesome, git crawled into the studio and bleated all the way through the lyrics while his equally despondent mates 'ooooo'd and coooo'd' in sympathy. Just a Miserable frickin awful dire pile of Poo (IMO). And yet... I love the other stuff by the same guys as the Enchanted Five especially "Darling, I Need You Now" and "Have You Ever". Oh.... and as for your record.... ....you're not having it until you admit I'm right!
  14. Ultimates "Girl I've Been Trying To Tell You" A Miserable pile of poo (IMO). (But then, maybe its not that I'm tired of hearing it... I just never liked it from the first time I heard it). Sean
  15. Sorry Russ. The next one's yours! Sean
  16. Hi There! I Bags The Margie! pm'd you. Sean
  17. Pretty sure its Styrene, Paul. Intend to have a session tomorrow (if I can get a break from the screaming Bambino) so I'll have a look for it then. Sean
  18. I have a WD Stereo / Mono "Accept Me As I Am". A stunning record. Sean
  19. I played "Reach Out For Me" only the other day and had forgotten how good it is. Not as strong as Roy Hamilton or Lou Johnson, but a nice alternative spin I reckon! Sean
  20. The wars were fought for all freedoms although your example is ridiculous... of course it depends on whether you believe that the freedom you want (to have a smoke where you want to) is acceptable, even if it impinges on another persons freedom to breath clean air! Having a smoke in the wrong place adversely affects other peoples health. A personalised Number Plate hurts no one. But I can see that it does give rise to pettiness!
  21. I really don't get how anyone could dissaprove of a person having a 'personal' plate on their own vehicle. WTF has it got to do with you or anyone else if someone chooses to adorn or personalise his or her personal posession in any way they see fit. I've got personal plates on my cars.... because I can.... and cos they're mine..... ....all mine! Personal Choice, it's what we fought and won two bloody world wars for!! 50, FUGK 0FF yer miserable gets!
  22. A mate of mine always takes the rise out of me because it seems that everything he's recently discovered 'I bought it as a new release'. Off the top of my head... Brothers Guiding Light "Getting Together" Bill Harris "Am I Cold Am I Hot" Invitations "Look On The Good Side" Modulations "Hopelessly In Love" Act One "Goodbye Love" Charles Johnson "Never Had A Love So Good" Gayle Adams "Baby I Need Your Loving" Futures "Party Time Man" Syl Johnson "We Did It" Bobo Mr Soul "HitchHike To Heartbreak" Greg Perry "It Takes Heart" All brand new, mostly off the release sheets at Contempo or from the Rotherham record shop I worked for at the time. Then there's literally thousands of 70's issues from Sisters Sledge "Love Dont Go Through No Changes" to Tavares "My Ship" Jackie Beavers on Jay Boy etc that I'm sure most of us picked up when hot off the press. Sean
  23. I hear what you're saying on the 'funk' aspect Kev... but to me it's always been Pure Southern Soul! Other Southern 'funky' records that broke the mould... how about Ann Sexton "You've Been Gone Too Long". Still sounds incredible after all these years... and certainly very different to a lot of big numbers around on the scene at the time. I think if James Fountain had only just been discovered it would still become a Monster... particularly as some are actually playing more Funk oriented choons than ever before - and all are readily accepted. Sean

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