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Sean Hampsey

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Everything posted by Sean Hampsey

  1. Thanks Bull! Yep, it's a Hampsey Choon alright! but I guess Jerry Williams had a hand in it somewhere... along with that awesome femme vocalist in there (Andrea Bolden?). So now the word is out on one of the finest 'Soulful mid-ballad-deepie enders' ever! Grab your copy now... before they disappear! Sean
  2. Don't think I've ever seen that before, Roger. Strange. Any other 'Purple' Mirwoods out there? Sean
  3. Looks like the guy used to run or work at a Label printers to me! Check out his other stuff. Some awsome 'Job Bag' type material from various label print projects. Wish I knew someone with a US address.... Bob? Sean PS: L J Reynolds en route?
  4. On Your Way Home C & The Shells Cotillion. Awesome! Sean
  5. Yep, could mock yourself up a nice 'Todd' demo with that middle top un!
  6. The Kapp LP is "Sittin At The Court Of Love" Kapp Tracks include: The Beginning Of My End Sentimental Man Memories It's A Groovy World! Got To Get You A Hard Day's Night Court Of Love It's All Over Little Green Apples Tables Turned This Guy's In Love With You Which One Should I Choose Harper Valley P.T.A. People Go To Be Free Toshisumasu Plus they had a new album out two/three years ago 'UNIFICS RETURN' featuring the blinding "I Want You To Have It" (CD Album only) a big plug of mine as a new release. Sean
  7. Spooky that Jerry. I used to LOVE the track as a new LP release, then one morning, about a month ago, I woke up and started singing it, in the Bathroom (like you do - well where else would a little man need a great big hand?) and thought BLIMEY..... I bet that sounds awesome now! Couldn't put my hands on the LP though... but picked up a lovely WD 45 the very next day! Crackin' little choon!
  8. It's not particularly well known, but I do know it. Seen it on Red Issues and White Demos. Nice string laden 'mid-ballad' tune from Little Milton and is the flipside of Funk track "Sweet Thing" Seen it for £80 (ish). Sean
  9. To be honest, I've never thought it was much of a tune. Sure it's a pretty hard one, but pretty tame as a Soul record. Every track on your latest (rather awesome) CD blinds it, John. So cheer up mate. £187 well saved I reckon. Sean
  10. Here's the original 7 Dwarfs. You can tell its them... cos Snow White's with 'em!
  11. I wouldn't know Gavin All I know is I miss it like F#Ck... and I want it NOW!!!!
  12. Absolutely took the Roof off when I played it down at Yarmouth 3-4 years ago at the request of Blake H. One of the best double siders ever... and I wouldn't swap my UK Probe Demo for a Tap Dancing Turkey! Sean
  13. I like Yarmouth exactly where it is, Dave. Can't beat Saturday night Fish & Chips and a stroll along a proper seafront on a Sunday mornin'
  14. Was thinking about Oliver Bush, while reading this thread John, though I reckon that's just a bad pressing on the WD rather than a bad mix. I seem to recall that Issues are Styrene and Demo's vinyl... making it a 'warmer' sound. Can anyone confirm if the Black issue is any better (or is it equally poor)? Such a shame. A lovely record but it sounds as if you're ears have developed a sheepskin lining. Sean
  15. Blimey Peter, Here's to a speedy recovery. Come back fighting soon! Sean
  16. Personally, I prefer the flip to the "Rainy Day" side. Its quite a nice 'Fingersnapper'. Sean
  17. That's right mate. I blame the Government! Good to see you on Saturday night, in such fine form. Cracking night all round!
  18. Jeezus..... must have broke your heart.... ... have you seen the price of Guiness these days? I do hope the fella bought you another!
  19. Yes you did Ash. Back then it was you and me against the world ... but you always had great taste and knew how to pick a tune. Remember you plugging Four Tops "Can't Seem To Get You Out Of My Mind" about 8 years before the rest of the UK Soul scene. Funny how things come around... the official A side "Do What You Gotta Do" was probaly the TOP sound of the night at last night's Monumental in London. An awesome double sider! Take it easy mate... and I must try and visit the old town soon! Sean
  20. Thanks Mark, You're right on all of the above. It 'was' my dream Cellar of Soul. Was supposed to be water proofed and after 5 Winters, I believed that to be the case. Until the floods this Summer! Yes there's a seperate thread somewhere, but I thought I'd hop onto this one because it's relevant and to give an update. It's a long drawn out thing (not forgetting though the huge number of householders with claims this summer) but only last Friday morning I had a 2 hour interview with the insurance company, who came to my office for me to give a statement in which I had to answer (amongst other things):- How I came by these records? How did I know how much they were worth? Did I know how much they were worth when I bought them? And had any of them appreciated in value, since i started collecting... in 1969? Hey, but its no laughing matter. I'm a few bob out of pocket but it needs to be sorted... properly. As for the 'true worth' Ian, at the time I took out the policy (when me and my girl bought the house, 5 years ago) I added 50% to my previous contents insurance figure and then doubled the entire figure to cover all valuables including the records. Have paid a HUGE premium (as I work for myself I spend over £2.5k per month on insurances anyway) but (after consulting the Manship bible) the cheeky bergers were concerned I might have 'deliberately undervalued' my record collection to try and save a few bob on the premium. Anybody any idea what the average householder spends on Contents Insurance? Trust me, I was well covered. Any road up...I'm sure it will be sorted soon as I think the company 'finally realize what we're dealing with here... but we'll have to see. Plenty more water to flow under the Bridge yet.... Sean
  21. I sent it you for your birthday! Didn't you recieve it? Bugger.... more Bad Luck!
  22. Believe me, the odd warped Jades and cracked Gwen Owens is nothing... compared to the damage 10" of water can do to your rare Soul records. After hours of form filling and giving statements I'm still waiting for the insurance company to make me an actual offer BTW.

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