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Sean Hampsey

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Everything posted by Sean Hampsey

  1. Great CD but I'm pretty sure I've got "How Can I" on a 12" (White Label Promo) too. It is, of course, a version of the Corey Blake Capitol 45. Sean
  2. I'm sure that's the case John. I reckon Kenny's Blue one could be from the end of the old Label run, but I've had the record for 30++ years and never seen a blue one! Wanna sell it Ken?
  3. Black (Promo) like this one? And normally Orange, like tother!
  4. Not seen that either John. Am 99% sure mines Orange! Sean
  5. You're right Bob about the US EP. I saw it on eBay a couple of years ago. From memory Butch got it. Still seem to think there's a European one... but it's been a long day! Also, remember the Artistics Acetates. Didn't bid though.
  6. Trust me John, it's MILES better (and you know how much I love the Duke). I'll put it on the next Chrimbo tape for thi'
  7. Spent YEARS trying to find the Major Lance, Bob, before I realised it didn't come out. Doh! Awesome version. It DID come out in Europe though. French Columbia EP or similar (if memory serves me right). Anyone confirm? Sean
  8. Hi Andy, Many frightful memories of trips to Wigan... two of the worst... Late 70's - Arranged with Craig Dethic and Bob Pilnick to pick me up around 9.00pm. True to form... they arrived at midnight. We set off and ended up in Sheffield Town centre, looking for a petrol station... ...eventually (around 1.30am) we got to the motorway.... got to Birch Services on the M62 (around 3.00am)... called in for a drink then Craig and Bob decided to spend an hour 'squeezing spots' in the toilet mirror (nice!).... ...we left around 4.30 and eventually, after another stop en route to listen to Lou Pride "Your Love Is Fading" at Full Blast on the stereo, echoing across the moors... ...we got to wigan at around 6.30 am. The boys hit the floor for one dance and said, come on, we're off... gotta meet a bloke... and we left! Just Unbelievable. Early 70's - we took 'full' a Coach of about 40 guys from the Turf Tavern in Rotherham. Before we got on the coach the place got raided and about a dozen got lifted... the remaining 28 got on the coach to leave... but before we pulled out the DS were all over the coach and pulled off another 8 or 10..... ...when we got to Birch they were waiting for us.... a virtual strip search up against the wall and lifted another half dozen. The remaining dozen carried on to the Casino... eventually arriving around 2:30 am. When we got there... the squad were waiting, entered the Coach and mopped up the rest of the naughty lads. Me and my mate (and no more than another 2 or 3) eventually got in after 3:00am. I could go on.... it was always a bloody nightmare. Never again! Sean
  9. No, it's on an RCA 45. Steve's right. Imperials is the better version. Sean
  10. PRICELESS! Sorry Steve but that's the funniest thing I've read on here for ages. And Malc is old enough to be Chris Burton's Father!
  11. I'm sure I agree with you Tony... although our dear (late) friend Dave thought different. I remember him telling me about his encounter with Otis many years ago. He said... "Lovely guy... but no great shakes as a singer!..." (not a patch on James Carr etc.) I nearly fell off me pint o' Guiness! You've mentioned four of the finest voices ever on this planet, but, I agree, Otis was certainly up there with 'em.
  12. Spot on... Robby Lawson was definately the first £1,000 Northern Soul 45 (my copy cost a few bob less ). Cigarette Ashes set the record at the time when it went for £180 circa '71/72. (Then Jay Boy put it out 4 weeks later). And I believe Leon Haywood "Baby Reconsider" was the first £15 45 a couple of years earlier. First 100 quider.... no idea.... must have been loads changed hands at that price around the same time.
  13. I don't ever remember buying a 'Soul Bowl' soul pack, but I did used to buy the ones from Rotherham market, Malc (a few years before I had the record stall) in 1971/72. They were 10 x 45's for £1.00 at the time. Gems included: Imaginations - I Love You More - Bacon Fat Stairsteps - Playgirls Love - Windy C Bobby Taylor - It's Growing - Gordy Determinations - Bing Bong - King Robert Moore - Cramp Your Style - Blue Candle Little Johnny Taylor - How You fixed For Love - Ronn Ollie Nightingale - You're leaving me - Stax Joe Simon - When - SS7 Eddy G Giles - Losin Boy - Murco Always found them a great way to build your collection up with 'imports', learn about those great labels and they formed the basis of my playlist down at the Youth Club! Sean
  14. Hope you've got "Once In A Lifetime" on TRC Dylan. Essential Deep Soul.
  15. What's the scene coming to? At one time DJ's had to have a decent box of records and a good bit of flair and skill. These guys obviously rely on 'fancy dress' to entertain. Turns the whole thing into a pantomime. What next, Soul Sam turning up as Widow Twanky? Shocking.
  16. I don't know the story, Stateside, Dave but I was the first to play the long intro version over here. Early 80's, Sam and Arthur had been playing the track for a month or two with the 'straight into the beat' mix. They'd picked up a couple of copies in the states and returned soon after with more. The same night we were on at Rotherham Tiffanys allnighter in the main room and I was following Sam. Before I took over I had a quick furtle through his Sales Box (as you do) and pulled out a copy of Johnny Scott (which only they had copies of until that point). I gave him about £8 for it and followed Sam, kicking off with my new Johnny Scott 45 at which point we both nearly fell off the stage... and the dancers left the floor... as the slow intro kicked in. They'd bought the stock and never bothered to play 'em. Frantically Sam took over the spare deck and headphones to see if the other half dozen copies in his Sales Box were the same. As I recall, only one other copy from the six had the long intro, but that was enough for him not to want to buy the copy back from me! Strange but true! As to which is the rarest today, I haven't got a clue.
  17. Hi Kev, That site is at least two years out of date. Just can't get the beggers to update it as they're all busy on 'proper' work! Bloody form over function more like! You need to click on the thumbnails. It works AOK... but the new site that's on Beta at the mo (and has been for 6 months) will be far easier to navigate. Sean
  18. King Ernest is also the 'older' version of Ernest Baker. Had a great CD in the US and a 12" "Must Have Lost My Mind" put out over here by Grapevine only shortly before he passed away. Sean
  19. T'was the 'ender' at Blackpool Mecca. Sean
  20. 1974 to be precise Bob. The label is named JWJ after the 'James Weldon Johnson Community Centre" originally based at 2205 First Ave New York. The JWJ centres still promoters music, the arts and Black culture and the record was part of a project to get young kids off the streets. JWJ wrote the 'anthem 'Lift Every Voice And Sing". A man way ahead of his time... as was our own Frank Elson who raved over this 45 in Blues & Soul... as a new release! Sean
  21. Mark's thread from last year. /index.php?showtopic=35082
  22. Right on all counts Sean! Sean Hampsey PS: Nice work! Where you based?
  23. It was a Bread Round, Malc. And it was spending far too many late nights with you that took their toll! Where've you been? Everyone's been asking about ya!

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