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Sean Hampsey

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Everything posted by Sean Hampsey

  1. Amazing coincidence. Was just wrapping up at the office when I thought I'd take a quick look at SS. Your post was brand new and I couldn't believe it when I saw it. Yep, I 'had' a steady hand back then, but it was nearly 30 years ago. A lot of liquor flowed under the bridge since then! (Don't think I could manage it now!). Yes, I'll take it off your hands (for the right price) just for old times sake, if you're interested.
  2. That, my friend, is my OLD copy. Absolutely POSITIVE. WTF did you get it??? Rob Smith's? ( I sold him 5,000 records mid 80's and that was probably in there). It had the label on the wrong side and I 'Letrasetted' over it... way back when so I didn't play the wrong side... (course this was back in the days when nobody cared if you played Re-Issues)! A genuine rarity if you ask me. Wanna sell it? Sean
  3. I read Geds comments, quite the opposite. Ian. He was saying that people might have 'wanted' to hear these records, when out, had they not been booted and subsequently overplayed over the years (at least that's the way I read it). Hearing them would have been a pleasure and a 'rarity' because of their scarcity and lack of exposure. Bootlegging (and programming of such) has over exposed them. Sean
  4. Yeh you're right Dave. I'm saying nothing!
  5. Might be a bit off thread, but I can hardly believe that people still go to venues where they'd listen to a playlist that even had the likelihood of being booted. Personally, I'd rarely set foot in a place playing oldies in the first place. If you go along to a night with a 20 - 30 year old playlist it's almost inevitable you're gonna hear reissues, EMI's and boots. You'll never hear a Boot at Yarmouth (for example) because the DJ's are playing an entire weekend of 'fresh' material thats under the Bootleggers radar. Its interesting how nobody here seems to be bothered about the moral issue, in this instance, of playing Bootlegs. Many seem more concerned that the DJ's in question were insulting their intelligence. Just doesn't seem too smart to me to go to a gig that plays the 'same old same old' regardless of whether its 'original' vinyl or not!
  6. Careful. I think you're risking this thread getting a bit anal, Paul.
  7. Was covered up in the mid 70's as 'The Artistics'... surprisingly! Lovely little choon... that's gained a bit of a South Yorkshire revival the past couple of years due to constant plugs by Al Taylor. Sean
  8. Let's not forget the LP version too (Bound Sound)! Played it out a few times over the years to good effect. Sean
  9. I reckon there a more Soul collectors in Newton Aycliffe, Mark, than in Japan. First I came across was late 70's (Hitoshi Ishaguru) who bought loads of Southern and deep things from me at the time. The Japanese collectors, I've encountered, have a healthy obsession with Southern and indie / modern stuff, but I don't think they've anything like the number of 'fans' as we have in the UK... it's just that the ones that are out there are every bit as obsessive, or more so. Remember being beaten to a Record sale, one Sunday morning in California, by three Japanese guys. Felt sure they must have stripped all the Fame & Goldwax off the shelves before I got there. Was relieved to find they were into Kiss & Queen and had never heard of James Carr... or Spencer Wiggins!
  10. UK Copy (issue) for Sale here! Yet another spelling! /index.p...c=63693&hl=
  11. and now he's living as a recluse!
  12. As a matter of interest, I have both sides on the Acetate. Fascinating stuff!
  13. I seem to recall that even the Capitol original was mis spelt... and the Capitol Boot followed suit. The UK "Soul Sounds" boot reads PATTON - probably because the detail was copied from the UK Capitol copy. To complicate matters further, his US Duo Disc 45 reads PATTON.
  14. It's PATTON on my UK demo. I think it reads PATTEN on both US Original and US Boot (from memory). Sean
  15. Site went down (according to 'posts since last visit' page) 6th Jan 08 - 08:37 PM Last post by: Eddie Hubbard Not that I'm blaming anyone for breaking it!
  16. Welcome Back Mike. We missed you! Managed to get a mountain of work done these past few days though (inbetween hitting refresh on SS). Top job.
  17. Check out "Girl You're Too Young" and "You're Such A Beautiful Child", both cracking Archie Bell dancers!
  18. It's the Ghost of Les Dawson, Gavin! Remember his famous quote... "I don't have to do this for a living, I just do it for the luxuries like Bread and Shoes"
  19. 2 Tear It On Down - Martha Reeves (better than Marvin Gaye - but only just!) Not in our house, Tony! Marvin's version is faultless and far superior (IMO). 4 Everybody Needs Love - Gladys Knight and the Pips (better than the Temptations) Prefer Jimmy Ruffins version too, over both of these! Funny, innit, how tastes differ! Bet we'd both agree on David Ruffin's "What You Gave Me" over Marv & Tammi though!
  20. Think it was a bit later than the Wheel. I first heard it around 72/73 at The Charade in Rotherham. DJ Dave Grounds used to always play it side by side with Jimmy James "A Man Like Me". Always loved the track.
  21. Be my guest Baz. You're a man of great taste! Sean

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