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Sean Hampsey

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Everything posted by Sean Hampsey

  1. Means I had to laugh at the vociferous cry of 'ABSOLUTE BOLLOCKS' Promptly followed by the more subdued 'Just my opinion, of course' Made me laugh, that's all. I reckon it's a toughie... and might well be a good subject for a seperate thread. Dave Pinches statement was 'anything only issued because of the northern/ modern scene'. C'mon guys, the industry has always called such items 're-issues'... but I also qualified that days ago when I wrote 'some might call this a Reissue... though a 'second issue' might have been a better description'. Obviously, I'm well aware that the CREAM copy was the first British issue. Some of the examples cited though (Rufus Lumley, Chuck Jackson etc.) were released almost simultaneously with the original US issues, whereas the James Fountain, many years later, due to Northern demand. I asked the question earlier... would it meet the 'elitist' OVO criteria?
  2. Yes mate, they're all booked in... as are the other PITCHES Boys, Kev Briscoe & John Benson. So ready for this one! Any news on your wants list?
  3. That would really surprise me Malc. I would have said there was at least 12 - 18 months between the end of SS (1970/71) and the start of OOTP (72/73) and particularly as many of the early OOTP releases weren't even 'discovered' during the SS period. Certainly this needs investigating and documenting correctly. What's the 'project'? I'll see what I can dig up for thi'.
  4. Keith Minshull will be able to give you the lowdon Malc. He supplied the records (allegedly). Note, nearly all the tracks had legitimate UK label releases prior to Soul Sounds.
  5. PS, missed Dobie Gray 'Out On The Floor' 1030. See earlier thread on the subject. /index.php?showtopic=29387
  6. I've got em all. Took me years to get the full set. Think he was supposed to have done time, Malc.
  7. All good mate... but no sleep yet this year! Looking forward to Essence for a couple of peaceful nights! Will we see you there?
  8. July 68. A chance discovery. The family were getting set for our annual holiday in Ireland and on this occasion my Dad had arranged for us to stay for a few days with relations of a neighbour. The day before we set sail we went around to the neighbours house to sort out the detail. While Dad was getting the info, I got chatting to the 15 year old son (Ervin) who was already at the secondary school that I was due to start at on my return. On the lads school satchell he'd liberally Biro'd ARETHA - OTIS - STAX - VOLT - ATLANTIC and I asked him what it was all about. He was soon playing me various 45's and tracks from the 'This Is Soul' and 'Memphis Gold' LP's and turning me on to the dulcit tones of these fine artists.... I was soon a keen disciple and he kindly gave me a beat up copy of Sam Cooke's "Another Saturday Night" which I thought was incredible... (and still do) to get me started! Consequently, it wasn't long before I started putting together my own collection of UK Black (and Red) Atlantics and Blue Stax's... my weekends spent running around my local Junk and second hand shops, picking up anything that bore the logo or the names of ARETHA / OTIS / SOLOMON BURKE / SAM & DAVE / WILSON PICKETT / PERCY SLEDGE / CARLA THOMAS etc. and I soon got a reputation as the vinyl junkie in the neighbourhood, which opened up various avenues and opportunities to get my hands on 'Motown' and more. At that time my, Mod, sister had loads of friends who came around 3 or 4 nights a week with 45's (mainly Motown & Stax / Atlantic stuff). The Parties at our house lasted all night... with Scooters lined up and down the street... and (while they were dancin' and snoggin') I was usually responsible for the music, cos (apart from the two left feet and halitosis) I had a better collection than any of 'em! Then around 69 / 70 I started going with her and her mates to a local dance called the 1812. It was there I was introduced to such delights as: Spellbinders - Help Me Bobby Sheen - Doctor Love Bobby Wells - Lets Cop A Groove Impressions - You've Been Cheating Bob Brady - Everybodys Going to a Love In Chubby Checker -At The Discotheque Bob Kuban & The Inmen - The Cheater Tommy Neal - Going to a Happening Rodger Collins - She's Looking Good Brooks & Jerry - I Got What It Takes Gene Chandler - Nothing Can Stop Me Chuck Jackson - Girls Girls Girls Fascinations - Girls Are Out To Get You Impressions - Can't Satisfy Flamingos - Boogaloo Party Bobby Marchan - Aint No Reason For Girls To Be Lonely For Love Homer Banks 60 Minutes Of Your Love Tommy Duncan - Dance, Dance, Dance Donie Gray - The In Crowd Sam Cooke - Another Saturday Night Marv Johnson - I Miss You Baby How I Miss You Miracles - Going To a GoGo Mel & Tim - Backfield in Motion Willie Tee - Walking Up A One Way Street Dobie Gray - The In Crowd Roger Collins - She's Looking Good James Carr - Freedom Train Doris Troy - I'll Do Anything Olympics - Baby Do The Philly Dog Impressions - You've Been Cheating... and more! Needless to say the record collection could only have got bigger (and better) after that... and I set out to buy the lot! Within two years of my chance discovery, Freda Payne's "Band Of Gold" & Smokey's "Tears Of A Clown" were high in the charts... and it felt like the whole world was into Soul! Curiously it was a few years later (72) before I even heard the term 'Northern Soul' and yet the tunes I'd been buying were the Bedrock of what was to become this 'scene' of ours. Must say, I've always felt really fortunate that I didn't get into the music any other way. After my introduction to what I've always felt was 'proper' Soul I was always appalled to hear some of the drivel 'passed off' as Soul Music played at Northern venues in later years. Regardless, the good stuff I heard (and had the privilege to play...) on the scene well made up for the bad! So it's been a continuous, 40 year, journey of discovery for me and I'm still enjoying looking for (and finding) new Soul Music to excite and delight me... from the 60's / 70's / 80's / 90's and the 21st Century! Hence my countless hours spent on this amazing resource (Soul Source - and eBay) until the wee hours! Sean
  9. You're right, the Cream release was the first British Release, but as the Peachtree label issue is the first issue of any kind, some might call this a Reissue... though a 'second issue' might have been a better description. Do you think it would meet the OVO criteria?
  10. Monique - If You Love Me - Maurci... a 400 quid touch that seems very popular at the moment!
  11. Yes, I played it at Bradford Queens Hall Nighter 25+ years ago. I had it covered up as LC Cooke. It took John Benson about 10 seconds to uncover it!... even though he'd never heard the record before! It never came out of the box again. Nice tune though. (I think my copy's still got the old paper cover up label on it).
  12. Never seen that Martin... Are you sure it wasn't the dodgy lights in the KGB? Who had it BTW? (I want one)
  13. Very much doubt it... infact it never did... ...unless its been done in the past fortnight I'd say absolutely not!
  14. S'right Jock. Always sounded same song as Micky Lanay on Vulcan to me. The Killer side on that 45, though, is "I'm Afraid To Let You In My Life" (another vesion of the Johnny Adams on PAID... only even better!). It's easily in my Top 50 all time Soul records. Just Magnificent! Sean
  15. Know the feeling Rich. Mine are being burned today and most should be posted this evening. Can someone PLEASE send me the current address list asap. Many thanks Sean
  16. Hi Pete, That looks as near to a DEMO as I've ever seen of the record. Especially with the release sheet. Must admit, I've never seen it before. My old copy had the MALNUTRITION label on both sides. It was that one that I letrassetted over. Love the idea of 'Records Reunited'. About 10 years ago (1998) I bought a copy of Doris Willingham on US JayBoy from Andy Whitmore, that I'd owned from 1972 until the mid 80's. Couldn't resist buying it back again. Now I'm negotiating to get my "SEVEN DAY MALNUTRITION" (no, not the Jane Fonda video) copy back! Sean
  17. The were the three releases that everyone had weren't they. Just as a matter of interest, check the B side of 102. Seem to recall that I've got a few copies of this and that one was misprinted as "I'se Come To Save You" (and, no, it's not letraset ). Also, can't check right now, but I think 'Somebody's Been Sleeping' came out twice on British (109?). Sean

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