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Sean Hampsey

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Everything posted by Sean Hampsey

  1. Agree. Talk records to my mate John Benson. It's like sitting in front of a computer . He's managed to store Title, Artist, and Label detail of every record he's ever heard or read about in the past 40 years... between his ears. Unparalleled in my experience. Sean
  2. I don't know this. Any good? Soundfile? Anyone? Sean
  3. Seen a couple of these go through eBay in recentyears, Baz. Nice double sider - should turn up. Sean
  4. If it's gone, here's one on GEMM, similar money! https://www.gemm.com/item/CLYDE-MCPHATTER/W...E/GML758024671/ Nice 3 tracker! Sean
  5. Hi Lenny, Mark Bicknell had one for sale recently on here. /index.php?showtopic=65581 Sean
  6. I don't know about the "This Is Mod" version but their was always two versions when I were a lad. The UK Sue WI-377 / US Gatway 757 version The UK London HLU 10370 / US AllPlatinum 2337 version. The UK Sue was always the 'proper' one to have! Classic tune! Sean
  7. Hi Nev, Don't know if anyone played it out (other than myself) over the years, but I do recall that it was thought to be an 'Unreleased' tape only track for a long time (early 90's) - til' I found it on the back of "Pair And A Spare". I put it on the CD Swap a couple of swaps ago, so it will be interesting to hear if any of the swappers have managed to pick one up since... and what they paid for it. Pretty sure the topside was known by Funksters! Luvverly little tune but no idea of value. So unknown by the majority of folk, I doubt it really has a documented price. Sean
  8. Is it the very, very rare one with the 'Bus' cover?
  9. Very good point Steve. Agree entirely. Explains why the music industry is pretty much on its knees, in general... and also why the recording of new Soul Music has also become a minority sport. The majority of music lovers, of all genres, are much more comfortable with what they know and enjoy. And you and I both know that the minority are not . Sean
  10. Anyone else feel it all changed with Mr M's? Until then, the UK Soul Fan was a progressive and hungry beast and the 'Rare' or 'Northern' Soul scene catered for that hunger (to hear something NEW). Personally, I'm always on the look out for new Soul sounds (things that are new to me) from ANY era, but I recognise that most people aren't. So, the oldies obsession is, as you say 'a great shame' but only to the individual who has an appetite for New Soul sounds, whereas for those who enjoy comfortable nostalgia and who prefers to reminisce or relive their youth, good luck to 'em. Leave 'em to it. More new stuff for us! Sean
  11. Yeh, real wierd one that Dave. Like the guys who made the stuff said as they were leaving the studio... "It's a rap guys, good vocals Steve, ...hey, nice sax Mike... ...all we need now is some UK hotshot guy to discover the record in 20 odd years and we'll be made! Go stick em in the basement till they're ready for us!"
  12. And yer didn't go back with yer camera, Mr B? Shame on yer!
  13. Mines got to be Tuesday night at the White Greyhound in Edlington, Malc. Incredible night that was. Pete Shirley's Dad ran the pub and Pete and his mates (inc yours truly) used to get behind the decks. Folk came from miles around to what was, essentialy a mess around, but turned out to be one of THE most important venues around at the time (79/80) in our neck of the woods. Gawd, when I think of the tunes that were played there. Light years ahead of its time. Sean
  14. Pete bought an old farmhouse in Ravenfield near Rotherham to run his catering equipment business from. He's still got his records (as far as I'm aware) and is still quite aware of what's going on, scene wise. Always had great taste, Pete.
  15. Right Gareth... I prefer Lew but not much between 'em. Sean
  16. Yes, YHMFTLT is a classic 'Floor Clearer' of the highest calibre for Rod Dearlove about 10 years ago. First time I've ever seen and heard spontaneous applause to an empty dance floor. Magnificent! Sean
  17. Am lurking now Bull. One of the best tenners I ever spent... ...but it was a long, long time ago. Been offered pretty pennies since. 300 squid +++
  18. Agree Jock, Someone played it at Lifeline t'other week (don't know who) and it sounded triffic after all those years! Bloody right record (IMO)! Sean

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