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Sean Hampsey

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Everything posted by Sean Hampsey

  1. You mean the Impressions BBC "Nothing Can Stop Me" Acetate Pete? It had a Green and White label, as I recall. I sold it to Graham Coates mid 80's. Did he then sell it to you? I have the spanish ABC 45 with pic cover. Nice! Sean
  2. Hate to be pedantic but strictly speaking, it was Newcastle Tiffs, Malc, as I recall. I've still got the fiver 'DJ payola' from you and Payney!
  3. Warrington Parr Hall Mansfield Leisure Centre Chafers - Bramley Mojo - Sheffield Esquire - Sheffield
  4. Betty Croft designed them, Malc. Steves Mum. She did all the artwork for the logo's (inc the 'After Dark' stuff) and the press ads and flyers etc. A wonderful woman, Betty. Sean
  5. Heard about these Redifussion 78's back in the late 70's Malc. Think 'Record Collector' mentioned them nearly 30 years ago, from memory. They are indeed related to the Ready Steady Go 'Sound of Motown - TV Special' March 1965 - The show was in fact recorded at Redifussion studios. As I understand it the Earl Van Dyke Sextet provided live accompaniment for some of the performances (Stevie etc) whereas others (where big banks of strings were required) were backing tracks / original Motown recordings. These performances were sung over the top of the backing tracks (originally tapes) which would probably have been cut to acetate / disc for convenience and as 'Reference' (I imagine this would have been pretty standard practice back then). If you watch the entire show you'll agree that although most were authentic vocals it appears that several were voice mimed. I think its a nice piece of curio. On a seperate note, years ago I used to own a BBC Acetate of the Impressions singing "Nothing Can Stop Me" - it's only UK 45 release. I guess the BBC cut this to disc for Curtis and the boys to mime too. Anybody ever see the performance?
  6. Awesome Venue that bridged the demise of Wigan Casino and the Birth of Stafford. But I was only thinking earlier today how many must have missed it (the King Tutt thread got me thinkin' along with the recent ZZ & CO debacle). Both of these were tunes were massive at Clifton Hall... and yet so many seem to be only just discovering them. Did most people on SS leave the scene as Wigan died? or did the majority on here come onto the scene via Stafford (or later). Maybe a bit of both? Sean
  7. Really surprises me that. I was definately under the impression that the Yellow label was first. The Red has a very different set of artwork (the design also used on the Sounds South 'Hits' LP). Typography on the red is generally more 'modern' than the Yellow copy... and in contrast to Val, I've seen more red copies than yellow (e.g. one on eBay right now). Sean
  8. Bad news guys, they've all gone. Apparantley, the last copy went to Japan for an undisclosed sum! Steve G's right. Buy one on sight!
  9. Aren't you going for it Rupert? I'll take it off you, if you change your mind, change your mind, change your mind, change your mind, change your mind, change your mind, change your mind, change your mind,
  10. Just spoke to Kev. He had 10 copies, no more. The ones at Yarmouth went to: Sean Hampsey Steve G Steve Plumb Soul Sam John Benson Francis Tee Steve P sold a couple of copies for him during that weekend. The other 2-3 were sold over past few years... but he thinks he has a spare (for Mark) is frantically ripping his room apart as I type... and says its already hellishly hard to find! Will keep you posted. Sean
  11. S'right Steve. I got one off me mucker, Kevin, too! I think he's got a spare. Should I contact him Mark? Sean
  12. Hi Blake, It was called "Overnight Express" but I called it "Send Your Love Back To Me"... which I always felt was a better title! Always thought he had a really great voice, Skip. Hope you're well mate. Getting really excited about Essence! Look forward to catching up with you there. Sean
  13. It's 70's. But was a Massive Northern spin in the early 80's (for about 3 weeks). Copy for sale on here in 2006 for £15 /index.php?showtopic=25110 And one currently on here for £25 https://www.soulminelimited.com/70smodernetc.htm And you can hear a sound file of the track here:- https://cdbaby.com/cd/smahoney2 Cheers Sean
  14. £3 when I bought it and broke it at Cleethorpes, early 80's. No idea today, but I'd guess around £15 - £20. Then again, most of my top choons of the day can still be had for not much more than a tenner! Sean
  15. Picked my copy up decades ago, from a Rock N' Roll, list for the price of a bag o' chips! Don't think I've ever seen another for sale. Current value anyone? Sean
  16. Tis indeed! Also check "Once In A Lifetime" on TRC for Deep Soul perfection. Sean
  17. Bacon Training - Larry Brown Better Use Your Eggs - Little Anthony There's Mushroom For Me - Lenny Welch My Spam Is A Sweet Spam - Millie Jackson There's A Toast In My House - R Dean Taylor Scone With The Wind Is My Love - Rita & The Tiaras
  18. [/quote Yes it was Sean, Sorry for getting your hopes up. Cheers Tony
  19. Aha!.. they should have all been playing the flipside (IMO) Cliff!
  20. I played Edee in the early 80's... ...so no!
  21. Was it "I Can't Please You" Tony? Please put my mind at rest. Thanks, Sean
  22. Yeh but, what I failed to mention, Malc, is that when searching my bag, they found my then girlfriends spare skirt in it (Her bag wasn't big enough for it ok ) and a Wombles Tape that she'd taped all the 'top sounds of the day' over! So this smart arse DS told everyone that I used to sneak off into the toilets, change into me skirt and dance to me Wombles tape! Think I'd rather have been nicked as a druggie!
  23. Mentioned this on the previous "worst journey to wigan" thread. Early 70's - we took 'full' a Coach of about 40 guys from the Turf Tavern in Rotherham. Before we got on the coach the place got raided and about a dozen got lifted... the remaining 28 got on the coach to leave... but before we pulled out the DS were all over the coach and pulled off another 8 or 10..... ...when we got to Birch Services they were waiting for us.... a virtual strip search up against the wall and lifted another half dozen. The remaining dozen carried on to the Casino... eventually arriving around 2:30 am. When we got there... the squad were waiting, entered the Coach and mopped up the rest of the naughty lads. Me and my mate (and no more than another 2 or 3) eventually got in after 3:00am. It was always a nightmare one way or another.

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