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Sean Hampsey

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Everything posted by Sean Hampsey

  1. Interesting, Sebastian. Neither of those Wee copies look like my old Wee copy. It was more a Burgundy colour with a very solid Sans Serif font. Sold it early 80's but I remember it clearly. Certainly didn't have the 'Bunkys Pick' text (as on the 714) nor did it have the small 'WEE' logo as on the 106 shown. So is there a third WEE press out there? My memory tells me there is. Sean
  2. Paid only 10cents for mine! Course I had to by 9 other, not quite as tasty, records to make up the '10 for a dollar'. Sean
  3. Detroit Night on BBC4 https://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/listings/prog...service_id=4544 Standing In The Shadows Of Motown @ Midnight! https://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/listings/prog...service_id=4544 Sean
  4. Always loved it Ian, but not as much as the ace double sider "HoneyBee" / "I Don't Know" on Stateside! Pure class (IMO) Sean
  5. These 3 are definately the following:- betty harris jubilee 5658 "Cry To Me" / "I'll Be A Liar" (Reissue) jimmy witherspoon abc 11288 "Stay With Me Baby" / "Handbags & Gladrags" escorts judd 1014 "Clappy Happy" / "My First Year" don heart tuba 0544 IS POSSIBLY "Lovers Hideaway" / "Take A Hint" but I can't confirm for definate. Certainly very interesting if NOT. Sean
  6. Everything you ever wanted to know about Midnite here: /Midnigh...ing-t33634.html Sean
  7. Tis a nice little choon, Carl, I recall I used to sell by the bucket load when released (although people used to get the artist mixed up with Lenny Williams who was in the charts with 'Shoo Du Fooh' around the same time). Not heard it played out in anger though in 30 odd years... and I would doubt it gets played at gigs these days. Sean
  8. But have you ever seen a proper MOJO demo Pete? Sean
  9. Agree - there were only 'Sticker Demo's of Mojo product. I've had quite a few - and probably sold Roger his copies (above) from my stall on Rotherham market. Sean
  10. I think a stint, driving a Jack Hammer up Kilburn High Street with the Green Murphy will do you a Power of good! Bless ya! Sean
  11. Verdict then, Cliff. Hardly any discernable difference.... but.... if anything... the Saadia copy is slightly crisper. Almost as if the Saadia issue has a better 'stereo' feel.... but really, if you Blindfolded me... I wouldn't be able to tell which one was playing on the decks. In fact... I'm gonna get the Mrs to Blindfold me right now... and I'll report back ...(much) later. Sean
  12. It had a UK Red Atlantic release, Andy, but was never popular. I picked up my UK copy early 70's and always liked both sides, but it was really a 'collectors' obscurity rather than a popular club tune. Sean
  13. Always rated "I'll Get Over It" as the better side. It was always well hammered, decades ago, in my neck of the woods. Tis the same great Jadan side as "I'll Get Over You" by Homer Strickland. Johnny Moore & Jack Daniels tastic! Sean
  14. Never Booted, Andy. Never been popular enough. Great Flipside... Believe It Or Not!
  15. East side LA 'Chicano' Group Ken, who's key member (Eddie Serrano) went on to Cannibal & The Headhunters. Chick Carlton the writer of "Daughter" was a key guy at Rampart (Headhunters label). Sean
  16. Pat Brady has a copy up for auction. https://www..co.uk/auctions_detail.asp?id=815 The group were all LA Mex! Sean
  17. Ha! That's how he found me too, Boba, and why he started sending me copies of his stuff. I won a copy of "Suddenly" on Australian MCA. Next thing I got an email from the man himself thanking me for supporting his music. What a guy! Sean
  18. I got this track from Tony some years ago. Played it out at Yarmouth etc. Tried to get him a deal to issue it on a 45 backed with his other Northern / Crossover fave "Suddenly" but after touting the idea around a few labels got very little interest. Shame, i thought it would have been a cracking double sider and a big seller in the Re-Issue market. Turns out, Steve G has a different mix of it on Acetate, that he also played at Yarmouth. Soon after, the "It's Soul time" 45's appeared and Tony issued his own CD with several other tasty items on there. A real Gentleman, Tony Drake, deserving of some success. Visit: https://songsbytonydrake.com/ For more information! Sean
  19. Funny that Cliff, I have both the Phil LA and Saadia issues and I always 'felt' that the Saadia copy was 'down' a bit. I'll play 'em side by side tonight, now its been mentioned, and see if its really discernable. Sean PS: Wonder if JA's still got his half doz copies?
  20. Ah, Gotcha. He did have some luvverly British (probably still does). He also managed to prize away my Incredibles "There's Nothing Else To Say" SS Demo, OJays "I Dig Your Act" SS Demo and quite a few others of the same ilk. Top lad and a serious collector, Graham, with a room full of 45's and fabulous taste in Soul music. Amongst all those rarities, his favourite record was Tyrone Davis "Can I Change My Mind" Quality!
  21. Great job, Maria. I wasn't there, so that was triffic! Big, Big Thanks! Sean
  22. Nice one Val. It's better to have and don't need, than to need and don't have. Thankfully I have it... and his other Saadia 45 - both magnificent! The flip to "Do It" has been a big fave spin of mine for some years "Somebody Done Took My Baby And Gone". Also have it by Willie 'Little Beaver' Hale and Lee 'Shot' williams... but Joey G's is the don! Hope you can find one... as quickly as you picked up the Buddy C! Sean

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