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Sean Hampsey

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Everything posted by Sean Hampsey

  1. Don't mind a bit Rachel... go for it! I'll nominate Ryan Shaw "I Am Your Man".... purely cos I know its on here (somewhere) but I've loads of others! Been a VERY fruitful 12 months for real Soul music. Sean
  2. Ah! I've been in Sydney. Worked In North Ryde for a short while with my old firm and developed a bit of a penchant for Aussie label stuff. I tend to buy just about anything I can get my hands on - The vinyl seems so superior and I love the label artwork. This guy has turned up some really nice stuff lately (had a few Motown, Stateside (Issues & Demos) and Festival things off him). Reckon he must be a bit of a hero - but was shocked the other week to find he'd rated the pack of stuff at 350 dollars - Pretty sure the customs here treated it as pounds sterling! Still, it's only Money... and its still cheaper than a plane ticket these days! Sean
  3. Yeh... but my 'Seven Day Malnutrition' was even 'more original'!
  4. Lots.... About 6-8 45's. You sussing out me moniker? Ya cheeky begger.
  5. Same guy did the same to me about three weeks ago. Cost me nearly £40 in customs!
  6. Little known fact: It featured PAT POWDRILL on vocals! (yes, the very gal from Downey!). Sean
  7. Just found a copy of one of his famous lists on DiscoMusic (Credit DiscoDisk - TVM) for your amusement I've got the hard copies of these 'filed away' somewhere but can hardly believe it was almost 32 years ago! Poor old Dave Evison is such a 'non-entity' that he gets THREE mentions! Dale Carnegie stand aside... this is really how to win friends and influence people! Sean
  8. Yes - Barbara is the Bomb... Just found this on the same site... (which I've never seen before - so thanks for the great links). Rodge Martin.... wow! https://www.dailymotion.com/related/x1mml7_..._music?from=rss
  9. Every other copy says 'Life' instead of 'Love' Dave. You've obviouly not been paying much attention! Sean PS: Sell It To Me!
  10. What Condition Is Your What Condition My Condition Is In In?
  11. Mention of Blakes name reminded me of how him and Kev Johnson went to some old boys place in London, only a few years ago, and picked up some amazing stuff! Apparantley the guy had been a bit of a DJ, back in the day, and Blake got the Bobby Taylor on Mowest off him and other nice things! Just goes to show, there's still some great bargains to be had, even on home turf!
  12. He was a character alright Baz... somehow though, if he appeared on the Scene nowadays we'd all want his guts for garters and call him a Bootlegging B##tard. IMO a slimy 'Tea Leaf' and certainly not someone to deify, even though it's 30 odd years on. Sean
  13. Somehow, in the annals of my mind, I seem to recall it was originally a Levine play! Pretty sure I'd heard it (and probably owned it) before the casino.
  14. Sorry Fingers... 'Eastern Soul' scene.... ...not quite got the same ring to it mate!
  15. Seem to recall that 'Canal Street' in Nottingham was the nearest he had to that, Max. He was a wrong 'un alright... but the masses here bought his stuff by the pallett load. BTW Anybody see or got his "Rare Soul & Motown Guide"? (produced in the late 80's?) Incredible stuff with amazing label pics. Sean
  16. I have it on an old Dutch (or German) Stevie Wonder album. Will check the date when I get the chance. I've played it out a couple of times... though Aretha really nails it!
  17. August/Sept - Definately, Simon - cos I just got back from Hawaii (mentioned on another thread) and sold a load of stuff up there.
  18. Thorne was 88 - 93, Ian (or thereabouts!). Originally a Gary Welsh and Steve Kilgour do that ended up with Rod Dearlove and Co. Oh... and it's back again... ...just like a Boomerang! Sean
  19. When the Taxman comes a knockin' it don't matter what colour you are! I was leads to believe that the IRS closed him down.

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