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Sean Hampsey

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Everything posted by Sean Hampsey

  1. Amen to that! Quality control does seem to be what's missing in some quarters of the scene. BTW many would extol the virtues of Barbara Pennington (24 Hours) and James Wells (Baby I'm Still The Same Man)... I love 'em too... but one that many seem to have missed is Scherrie Payne's "Somebody Elses Arms"... which (IMO) is excellent! How many recordings did you do with Scherrie? Sean
  2. Thanks Ian, But you would acknowledge that some would actually prefer to listen to 'an outside toilet' type recording, over a more, shall we say, 'polished' production? Sean
  3. Hi Ian, Are you saying here that your productions are actually aimed at the 'dance round your handbag' market? Or is it that that end of the market is more open to your productions? Sean
  4. You and I probably won't Dawn... ...but Beeks will be a sprightly young 85 year old....
  5. Amazing. You and I were having that very conversation last week Ian. Except you missed of the bit about being born in Brighton! S'true though what JimG says. I've always considered myself to be extremely privileged to have been around during the Golden era of Soul Music. Especially when you consider that 50 years from now, our Music will probably be as irrelevant to the culture of 2058 as the charleston is today. Sean
  6. Not underrated in my house. Love everything by them. J. Blackfoot has one of THE most soulful voices ever! "Midnight Sunshine" is most certainly in my all time top 20. "Who You Used To Be" one of the finest Real Soul dancers - I play at every opportunity! Have recently revived "For The Right Reasons" from the Stealing Love album and the new album "Still Standing" finds the group still in fine form. Just love 'em! Sean
  7. Not only a 12" - I also have it on French CBS 7" 45! Sean
  8. Sure have Pete... And here's another! Stroke of Genius really. All London Distributed subsidiary or distributed label PROMO's put out on the same generic full colour standard label with single colour specific overprints as required. Created a 'branded' house style in a sensible and economical manner, whilst maintaining the individual logo's own identity. Clever stuff. Sean
  9. I was sent the 45 as a new release from the label owner who I'd tracked down copies of Bileo "You Can't Win" from. Bill Williams was also Bileo. I still have the Press Kit he sent me along with the 45's (somewhere). I played it at Cleethorpes quite a bit at the time and it became quite big (early 80's) but don't think I've heard it played out since. Not really my cup of tea to be honest, but it seemed to fit with what was happening back then and I thought I was doing the label owner a bit of a favour by giving it a plug! Sean
  10. Very sorry to hear that Paul. The man who first coined the term "Rhythm & Blues". Was only watching him a couple of nights ago on the Re-Run of the TV Series "Soul Deep". A Major contributor to our music, with Atlantic Records, Aretha and his contribution to Muscle Shoals. Wad a man! Must have been in his 90's, I guess. R I P Sean
  11. In some quarters... yes! I was playing your entire list in the 70's... but I take your point. Guess its all relative. To your average 'Northern' fan anything that sounds remotely 'post 60's' is considered 'modern'. Sean
  12. LIST UPDATED WITH BIG REDUCTIONS! Last call. Many thanks for your interest (especially all those who bought already)! Sean
  13. Totally in agreement with Steve on both counts. 'Loves Stormy Weather' caused a minor sensation when first played at Yarmouth, many moons ago. Personally, I struggled with it. Good vocals wasted on a pretty dismal song IMO. Far better 'easily obtainable' 70's tracks out there. Definately a 'rarity' thing, but even as a piece of music it's still more appealing to my ears than the Dean Barlow. Sean
  14. The flipside "I May Not Be What You Want" was a biggie for me at the Windmill, Rotherham, late 70's (the Mel & Tim version). Can well see why Pete Wid would have initially favoured that side of the Bobby sheen 45 at the time. The first 'Boots' appeared around 1990. Same time and source as the John & The Wierdist pressings. They are distinctive as White Demos cos they list the wrong side as the 'Top' or 'Plug' side. Hadn't realised that there was a Green Booty though, til I just saw this on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kacBtG_xNX0 Sean
  15. Enthralling stuff this Bob. BTW: Did you ever come across or work with David MacDonald, a white guitarist who worked at "Fat Man" Jack Taylor's Tayster / Rojac? His story is also a fascinating one. Sean
  16. Tommie Young "She Don't Have To See You" / "That's All a Part Of loving Him" Mel. One of my Desert Island discs for sure! Sean
  17. PJ TLC (Tender Loving Care) Tamla. A 45 that was MASSIVE round my way. Not heard it played out for decades!
  18. Steve Cropper & Felix Cavaliere... ...New Album "Nudge It Up A Notch" It's a Beudy!!!!!!!!!!! Sean

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