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Sean Hampsey

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Everything posted by Sean Hampsey

  1. Probably Andy Whitmore at a guess? I remember the gig, but can't remember for sure who was on, Russ.
  2. I played "Girl I Love You" in the mid 70's (76/77 definately) Ady. Don't think I was the first either, although many favoured the flipside (40 Days & Nights) at the time as it was more uptempo and more suited to what was happenin' (but not more suited to my playlist o' course). Had a copy of "Ain't That Good Enough" around the same time too, but ever don't remember playing it, favouring G I L Y whenever I dropped a GG track! Sean
  3. T'other way round for me Gavin. I heard Searling play it first and then Cozzer etc later. Think Richard even had it covered for a while? Sean
  4. This was me, Tony. Massive @ Cleethorpes (Winter Gardens) around 82. Sean
  5. Vivian Reed - Save Your Love For Me Whooooosh!
  6. Mentioned Almeta in my list earlier, Russ. Searling 'Parkers' spin.
  7. Top of Me Head! Maxine Brown - Don't Leave Me Baby Willie Walker - I Don't Wanna Take A Chance Sam Dees - Funny Brotherly Love - Whole Lotta You In Me Topics - Booking Up Baby Almeta Latimore - These Memories Bobby Wilburn - I'm A Dreamer Jimmy Tig - Everybody's Laffing JP Rogers - I Enjoy Loving You Aleshure - Shower The World Tower Of Power - It Really Doesn't Matter Bettye Swann - I Want Sunday Back Again Sean
  8. Absolutely... then again, the flipside "What's That On Your Finger" might qualify? Don't recall hearing that played out until the late 80's.
  9. Yep, Lou Pride 'Fading' definately played at Wigan. Nice thread / idea Russ! Sean
  10. That's another reasonable analogy Dave, but, surely, the same applies. If the conversation at that table is of no interest then one shouldn't need to get involved or interrupt. Especially if it's, as you put it, a Domino school at someone else's table. Sean
  11. To get a different perspective on this thread, is it not a bit like a Football fan going to a Sportsman's Dinner to hear the memoirs of a 'Nobby Styles' or a 'Denis Law'? Nothing wrong in giving an old major player or 'early influencer' a bit of air time, to answer questions on the past, either as a bit of nostalgia for those who were old enough to be around at the time, or as an insight into the early days for those who weren't. Sure, things have moved on and I dont imagine that Fergie will be giving Styles or a Law a run out this weekend... but I guess they'll still be making a couple of bob on the speakers circuit... and why not? If Ian uses the word 'I' or 'me' to a great extent... it's because this is HIS thread. It's about HIM and his involvement with the scene. If I go to listen to an old Footy player, I expect him talk about himself and his own experiences and recollections. That's what I'm there for! I guess, 20+ years from now, the Beckham's and Rooney's may well be doing the same... and along with this some of the wannabes and wilbes may have their own Soul Source thread's where, if we're still around, we can read about their successes, trials, tribulations and memories. Meanwhile, of course, if you don't want to hear about our earlier days, from one of the key players at the time, then simply don't go to the Dinner! Sean
  12. Many thanks Russ & Dave. Still a bit odd though, don't you think? TWO groups sharing the same 'quite unusual' name? Seems no rational for the combination of 'Tommy' and 'Derby' that I can think of, but I'm sure your explanation is correct. Certainly this is Tommy Tate. Andy Dyson played me the track 'blind' and I identified it as TT first guess. No mistaking the vocal as Tate's to my ears. Still find the occurence of two unrelated 'Tommy & The Derbys' as quite strange though. Sean
  13. Me too Bob, Great store. Probably the best in Memphis nowadays. Had an absolute field day. Some cracking albums too. Back to the 45... isn't it odd that Tommy Tate ended up on lead vocal here? Tommy & The Derbys comprised of Tommy Gadson (James Gadson's Brother - the drummer and vocalist on his own 'Got To Find My Baby' on Cream) and others (inc Marva Whitney at one time). They were a Kansas group, before Tommy split for fame and fortune in LA (as a guitarist he recorded with EVERYBODY). So when he left, is that when Tate came in, to do this one 45 as, essentialy, the 'new' Tommy? Sean
  14. Not really Chrissie, I guess most girls at early Wigan were also into the Osmonds, just beforehand! Still... at least they'd recorded at Fame!
  15. What You heard corking, unrepeatable, stories about Barry Gibb!! Well I never! (Think I know some o' them stories, Steve)
  16. What is it with you lot! I gave you the answer in Post 3. Ron Diggins of Boston, Lincs. Here's a pic of his Double Decks. But if you mean first 'proper' Soul DJ... probably Pete Stringfellow... ...and he's still got the Mullett to prove it! Sean
  17. I bought this LP as a new release. Remember being so proud to finally own Curtis Blandon's "In The Long Run" and Jack Montgomery's "Do You Believe It", The Masqueraders "Do You Love Me Baby" Maxine Brown etc. Really superb and Soulful tunes most of us daren't have even dreamed of owning at the time (and I'd been a collector for over 5 years by the time of release). The album took the availability of 'quality' UK released material to a different level. (The other PYE LP was total tosh in comparison). It was this LP that caused me to seek out Katie Love's sublime "Hurts So Good". I still rate it as the finest 'Northern' based Various Artists compilation LP... never bettered to this day. Even the sleeve was a masterpiece! Class mate. Pure class! Sean
  18. Ron Diggins. Started in 1947, Boston, Lincs. Legend!

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