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Sean Hampsey

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Everything posted by Sean Hampsey

  1. All good points, Rod, though I didn't mean that 'playing' Bootlegs was 'piracy'... I meant the practice of 'Bootlegging' itself. DJ's who use these materials seem to give some legitimacy to the practice and it is for that reason I feel it needs to be discouraged. That said, I proudly boast a complete set of Soul Sounds bootlegs and an almost complete set of OOTP - but that's purely an extension of the 'collector' in me - and I'd never play any of them when deejaying (particularly as they're all played out oldies ). Agree wholeheartedly that your hypothetical friend 'Biffo' is the guy most likely to buy the legit re-issues. And why not. I guess he's the one they are aimed at, rather than the hardcore 'collector' - and in any case I'm sure there are more Biffo's than Steve G's so hopefully some of the revenue ends up with the right people, as you suggest, rather than just with the canny record dealer, as is often the case. Sean
  2. Sorry Steve, I'm not trying to be contrary, but I really struggle with this one. The 3G's has been proposed as an addition to the list by Mark (above) along with the Greatstones. Let me ask you, is a venue 'UP NORTH' playing late 60's & 70's Soul not what we might call a NORTHERN night? I would say it's (at least) very much what a Northern based Soul night 'should' be (It's a superb place, by the way!) and that Soul fans (North or South) should flock there. I only mentioned that particular venue as an example where such an open minded crowd might have enjoyed a few recent Soul releases in with the mix, as they had at Worcester a couple of weeks prior. In an age where guys such as Pete Smith are making new release recommendations (gawd bless him) surely we shouldn't be closing the door and being proscriptive on newer material because of 'format restrictions'... should we? This OVO policy, if it's to be taken as read, prevents the promotion of good quality new Soul music to Soul lovers, by virtue of the fact that new releases on vinyl are in scant supply. As we all know, most newly released Soul music does not appear on vinyl. That's been the case for years (I shudder to think of the scores of great tunes that have been missed by people who might otherwise have been able to enjoy them). If this 'policy' restricts the opportunity for a DJ to play a brand new Soul track - which is only available on CD - that is prohibition of the art form and counter productive to the promotion of good quality Soul Music in the UK - surely? If it even extends to where an upcoming DJ is denied the opportunity to play a legitimate 're-issue' to a crowd at a Soul night (theres a good few quality re-issues about these days - many of them through the likes of SS members Paul Mooney, Gary Cape, Ady Croasdell, Tony Rounce etc - all just crying out to be played) then isn't that also some kind of restrictive practice? Someone stated earlier that the scene was always based on original vinyl... well, of course, that was all we had back then. We played NEW releases on the only format that was available - now we have alternative formats but, with OVO the opportunity to play new material seems to be closing and it's stifling the programming of good quality new releases. By the way, as a record collector, I'm very much an OV person and fully in agreement that Bootlegs should neither be played or encouraged - always have been. Its blatant piracy... but for the 'Northern Scene' to promote (or enforce) an entirely OVO policy and tar legitimate CD & legitimately 'reissued' Vinyl releases with the same brush is taking that particular aspect of our scene to the extreme (IMO). Sean
  3. The Poserman is real good, Buddy! Would be good to catch up some time! Must try and pull together the South Yorkshire Posee for t'Orwell one o' these days. Sean
  4. Agree Steve, a goodly tune... ...but would it get played if it had been released on CD only? Hope you're well mate. Sean
  5. Three Greyhounds in Middlewich, Cheshire is OVO. Played there on Saturday night. Very enjoyable it was too! Can't help thinking, though, that this 'OVO thing' often hampers the promotion of good, current, Soul Music. I'd have loved to have been able to play 'em some of my stuff that's only available on CD. Guess I've always seen my role as a Soul DJ, partly as a promoter of Soul Music (rather than as a 'collector' just playing his collection). So this great (new) track gets released on CD in the US... that I really want to play out... a) because it's bloody good because I reckon it will 'go' on the scene and c) because it will help spread the music which will hopefully lead to sales for the artist / label etc... ... so what then? Leave it at home? I worked at Worcester a couple of weeks ago and played a track off the new Steve Cropper album (If It Wasn't For Love). Several people commented on how much they enjoyed the track and how it sounded so 'right'. Anyone else playing it?... ...Anyone else 'allowed' to play it? Funny old scene innit? Sean
  6. Good call Pete, I think the other track on his MySpace 'I Stand Alone' is also a good un! https://www.myspace.com/anthoneywright Easy to see where he got his influences, citing Al Green, Teddy P and Sam & Dave. Reminds me of a guy I've been banging on about for ages and rate very highly, the wonderful Ryan Shaw... probably his US equivalent and finally gaining favour stateside. Anyone likin' Anthoney should check out Ryan on a similar tip (in particular the incredible "I Am Your Man)... ...right here... https://www.myspace.com/thisisryanshaw Sean
  7. Yes Malc, You are a Senior Soul Scene Citizen. You can do no wrong. (us young uns will have really no idea what effect all those tablets and treatments must have on ya!) Sean
  8. Hi John, Back from your jollys then? I have this on two different Argentian labels. The WB in your Picture, + another Argie 'JMH' Pink label. Both play @ 33rpm. I also have the US Purple issue and the US WD. Just a great record mate! Sean
  9. You're so right. Bloody awesome. "All Our Love" is also on 45! A Stunning record. But we are talking Sam Dees here. Sean
  10. No probs. Very tasty list BTW. Excellent taste you have there. Good luck! Sean
  11. No Blue Labels Malc... not in the UK anyway. The Irish' issue would have been Blue, at the time, if there ever was such a release (but I don't recall ever seeing one). Sean
  12. Sadly... Bettye Swann "I Want Sunday Back Again"... ...does not exist! Unreleased (but very, very beautiful!).. Sean
  13. Hi Peter, It was actually quite a 'dated' sounding tune at the time. You remember how it was back then: people mainly wanted truly 'modern' sounding records - 80's 'modern' rather than late 60's or early 70's type sounds. I didn't think that it fitted the Clifton Hall or Cleethorpes Winter Gardens stuff I was playing at the time, so hardly used it there, but played it often in the main room at Bradford, along with the more 60's oriented things in my playlist such as The Quotations "I Don't Have To Worry" Don Gardner "We're Gonna Make It Big" etc. I actually cut the LP down with a hot knife (as it was the penultimate track on one side of the album) and covered it up... as the DYNAMICS (in the same way as I did the 'Leon & The Whispers' "Gonna Love You More" cover up) . Nobody knew who it was a the time! And I'd almost forgotten about it too, until this thread came up. Anyway... here's a link, which looks as if it was posted previously by, top man, Roger. Maybe someone can pull it into the thread for us cos I'm a bit dim on such matters. Cheers mate, Sean https://www.soul-source.co.uk/rare-northern...k-gold-bg5001-a
  14. Ahem... All interesting stuff, but the track played on the Modern Scene (which ImberBoy was enquiring about) was "You Make It So Hard To Say No".... ...as I said earlier! Ry You No Rissen!
  15. Yes Bob, it is Sheila Ross of the Royalettes. Agree, Robery Dobyne is probably the hardest issue. Terry Collins "Show" is also quite hard on an issue with flip (BEEEEEEEAUTIFUL record by the way). Sean
  16. Just buy it Baz. Trust me. It's the don! Sean
  17. I believe you Mel. But thousands wouldn't
  18. Here, Here, Steve. Difficult to imagine it being covered up for long. A Stone Soul Classic if ever there was one! Sean
  19. His original version of the Patti Labelle mini hit "You Make It So Hard To Say No". Nice Fingersnapper! Sean
  20. That's right Rich. About 10 years ago. Paid only a couple of quid for mine, donkeys years ago, but think a couple of hundred seems right, now. Sean
  21. 7678- Classic Sullivans- Paint Yourslef In A Corner / I Don't Want To Lose You 7685- Sheila Ross- Miracle Of Miracles / You Hold My Life in Your Hands 7688- Spyder Turner- Since I Don't Have You / Happy Days 7703- Bobby Byrd - I'm On The Move / Try It Again 7714- Robert Dobyne - Spent A Lot Of Years / Buddy 7715- Classic Sullivans - A Ring Don't Mean A Thing Without Love / Right Before My Eyes 7739- Terry collins - I L.O.V.E. You / Action Speaks Louder 7766- Terry Collins - The Show Must Go On / Action Speaks Louder 7800- Black Ivory - What Goes Around / No One Else Will Do Have completed the flipsides. I think that's the entire US label. Highlights for me are the two Terry Collins releases and the Robert Dobyne. The three UK releases were:- Classic Sullivans- Paint Yourself In a Corner Black Ivory - What Goes Around Spyder Turner- Since I Don't Have You The following also gained a UK release on the WB logo:- Terry Collins - I L.O.V.E. You / Action Speaks Louder Than Words I've never seen any of the Kwanza US appear on the WB US Logo that I can recall, although Dave is correct in that it was a WB stable label! Not the hardest to collect, but some nice output! Sean
  22. I mentioned on here a few weeks ago that I once read it had changed hands for £1,000 about 10 years ago. No idea of current value, but it's apparentley back in favour again. Sean
  23. I used to play a cracking dancer off the Black Gold 'What A Shame' LP called "You'll Never Find A Man Like Me" by the Dynamics, back in the early 80's. It should have been a monster... but never really took off! What a shame! Sean
  24. Mmmmmmm not realised, until now, that John E. Paul's "I Wanna Know" was produced by Beacon Record label owner, Milton Samuel.

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