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Sean Hampsey

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Everything posted by Sean Hampsey

  1. If he says it again Steve, I'm definitely havin him!
  2. CD only, previously unreleased track, originally scheduled for the Supremes apparantley! Luvverly tune! Sean
  3. Probably - but you still couldn't use it as it would be classed as a Re-Tissue!
  4. No but I've got the 45. If you're struggling I'll put it on CD for you. Sean
  5. Just a thought - Can you have a 'Northern' bedroom if you're in the South?
  6. Not sure it would qualify, Simon. How far North is it.... in relation to Watford? Sorry Steve, I thought I was replying to Simon - who is clearly not a Northerner!
  7. Right Steve. Excellent initiative to make the distinction. Sharpens up the Blurred edges we were talking about earlier. Thanks for that! Sean
  8. Forgiven then! It's just that we both missed you. Sean
  9. Thanks Mark, I thought he did! Right.... I'm avin 'im!
  10. I find it hard to disagree with you Gareth, on the basis that I (probably as much as anyone) am a real 'originals' freak when it comes to my own 'collection' - but then I've accumulated enough of them to DJ with for the next hundred years. I guess I feel that the overrider is in a hypothetical case of, for example, a young DJ (perhaps Rod Shard's 'Biffo' i.e. someone who doesn't have 40 years worth of collecting behind him/her and a decent disposable income) who wants to play, promote and enjoy Soul Music at his local Village Hall 'do' without incurring the wrath of the hardcore collector. Surely legitimate re-issues are fair game for his playlist and these formats should not be tarred with the same brush as the bootleg! Should common sense prevail in this case?
  11. You might be right. Didn't see him when you and I were Rockin' it large at the Sheffield Soul Weekender, t'other week! Not a Bootleg or a Dullard in sight there matey!
  12. Sorry Jock. I do go on a bit on this particular Hobby Horse... just read far too many posts on SS over the years about the non-playing of LP's and the fact that most 'Northern' venues don't provide CD's etc. I fear that, in some quarters, 'common sense' is just not as common as it should be! Sean
  13. You did mean Mamsey Pamsey didn't you Simon?
  14. And by the same token, Gareth, some might say 'if a tune is triffic' I don't really care what (legitimate) format it's on'. Sean
  15. A superb track that was the subject of discussion on the OVO thread earlier today Francis, as it happens. Think you're doing a great job mate and good to see some of your releases on the wall of my local Record Shop the other day - which I promptly liberated! Sean
  16. Spontaneous Wit Mark! Honest! Sean
  17. Also available on this LP for a tenner! https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NORTHERN-SOUL-TIME-2...id=p3286.c0.m14 Sean
  18. It's on Pay-Tons... and you'd have to 'pay tons' for it! Sean
  19. Thanks mate, hope the meal out was worth it. You missed a really great night... a perfect blend of top drawer CD only, Original Vinyl 45's, LP only tracks and unreleased acetates... ...perfect fun for all the family! Sean
  20. Great track and absolutely should be played out. Can't understand why any Soul DJ wouldn't want to play such a lovely tune. I would doubt that those, who hold the OVO policy dear, would have any cause for complaint there! Sean
  21. Hah! You and I both know that the reason CD's aren't used at Northern do's is cos Sam can't get the hang of em! Rekkids Rule! Sean
  22. A very good friend of mine had one done... ...but for DJ purposes only! Sean
  23. OK mate, all good but think some of your post needs further clarification... ...so you would support the programming of Grapevine / Kent 45's etc? i.e. legitimate vinyl releases - dues paid in full - as per the above? I'm guessing you'll say yes to that question... but I'd wager that many would say or feel that these are unacceptable. And how about newly released material on CD only? I'm guessing you'll say yes to that question... but I'd wager that many would say or feel that these are also unacceptable. Just need to make this clear, cos I reckon that this has got more interpretations, trips and turns than the offside rule. Sean

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