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Sean Hampsey

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Everything posted by Sean Hampsey

  1. Sometimes you've got to tell 'em 3-4 times Pete! Sean
  2. I wouldn't do that to you Mel. Oooops! Tabs already has!
  3. It's as someone said earlier... ... It's a description for any record previously classed as a 'Modern' record, now too old to be truly 'Modern'.... hence 'Modern Oldie'. End of. Sean
  4. I have one Mel. If you'd like to come up to Derbyshire, I'll let you have your picture taken with it. Sean
  5. Cold Blood did it too John (Bay Area Psych group who also covered "I'm a Good Woman") Can't beat Betty though! Sean
  6. Saturday AND Sunday.... ...no wonder you've been laid up badly in bed! Reckon you should donate the Sock to Medical Science. Probably developed a life of its own by now!
  7. Gawd yes mate. Tracks "On The Real Side" and "We Don't" (Same As The Controllers) are to die for! Sean
  8. Is it for sale? If so, I would like it!
  9. NEVER! Especially now Cheryl's on X Factor every Saturday Night Who needs Boring old Soul Music?
  10. It's as someone said earlier... ... It's a description for any record previously classed as a 'Modern' record, now too old to be truly 'Modern'.... hence 'Modern Oldie'. End of. Sean
  11. Hi Steve, All good mate. It's his 'original' version of the new Girls Aloud 45 "The Promise". Nice version too! A Poptastic choon! Been whistling it all mornin' Nah... Reckon it's a 'same both sider' though I've heard its "Do You Think There's A Chance"... but seriously doubt it. Steve G should know. He's got a copy of the record, whereas I've only got the piccie! Sean
  12. Gotcha Mark Yeh, the Qube night was gonna be my 'Modern Oldies Across The Board Crossover Two Step Funky House' special. Perhaps it's all for the good that it got cancelled! Sean
  13. Hi Mark, Sorry, I thought we were talking 'Modern Oldies'. Not necessarily 'Northern room' stuff. But that aside, don't Phillip Mitchell, Bill Harris and King Tutt get played in Northern rooms? I thought they were very much 'Northern / Modern Oldies'. Sean
  14. It's a description for any record previously classed as a 'Modern' record, now too old to be truly 'Modern'.... hence 'Modern Oldie'. Examples - Philip Mitchell "I'm So Happy" Bill Harris "Am I Cold Am I Hot" King Tutt "You Got Me Hung Up" Etc. Sean
  15. A Yarmouth anthem if ever! Sean
  16. Sccccchhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I told her it was London! Anywhere south of Nottingham is 'London' to the old dear. And she's told all the family back home, I was 'on the wireless' with Daniel O'Donnell See you Friday?
  17. Very much appreciate the kind words and comments on here. Thanks Peter for kicking it off. Good to know that those who truly love Real Soul Music are not alone! Baz is right, the Ryan Shaw track is immense. Infact the whole album is pretty wicked! Treat yourself to a copy here:- https://www.amazon.co.uk/This-Ryan-Shaw-Us/...7662&sr=8-1 Shameless plugs - Yes, I'm looking forward to guesting at Geordie's Friendship do in Barnsley 29th November and at Modernism at Sheffield Qube, this coming Friday, Oct 31st for more of the same... where I will be autographing photographs... of Mick O'Donnell . Brett, you're no fool. Never have been mate. Soon as we've got the date confirmed for the new venue, you'll be one of the first to know... and I'm sure you'll be one of the first there for the early hour soul drenched down-tempo and deepies session... which, with what we have in store, will probably last all night! There's a definate undercurrent of folk on SS who we're aiming to cater for. The silent minority, who appreciate all shades of Real Soul music, no barriers, no hangups - Just Soul. All will be welcome to the launch party... sometime in Jan 09 - yet TBA - but be assured, I'll be in touch. For those who enjoy hearing new Soul Music, I can thoroughly recommend Micks show regardless of who's on as guest. The guy has a real passion for the music and works his butt off to champion independent Soul in the UK - and beyond! Make sure you're a regular visitor here! https://www.209radio.co.uk/shows/profile.ph...w=souldiscovery Also, if you missed it, do yourself a big favour and download Brett's Sunday Soul Selection, from last week's Shaun Robbins show here - https://SRSSS19Oct08fullshow.notlong.com Total quality throughout from Brett Franklin, as you might expect! Thanks again for the kind words. If you enjoyed the show half as much as I did, you had a ball! Sean
  18. Well up for it Steve... ...Great idea... ...But will it be an Innovation or Innervision thread? The Clever Dick Proof Reading Pedantic Poser Man
  19. Agree Mel. As I said on the show, to me Lyfe Jennings is Womack for the 21st Century. Get past the Rap and some great storylines and vocalising on all his albums. "Smile" "Keep Your Head Up" "Must Be Nice" and the WONDERFUL "Cry" are all personal faves! Anyone unaware of this tremendous artist, check out the awesome 'Cry' here.... ...and tell me Soul Music aint made no more! https://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=sf0rm6YJP1E Sean A more Audible clip of 'Cry' here: https://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=x_eU7dsbUks&...feature=related His Latest single here.... OMG! Hey.... When did you last go in a club with a vibe as good as this :-) Hearing this on the Car Radio one night in downtown Memphis is a memory that will stay with me forever. https://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=m3787j_3eaE
  20. Your little footwear joke was lost on 'em Ken! Sean
  21. Yes John... you've seen enough of my old tape lists to know that illegibility is wot keeps 'em guessing As for Carla... its a different song by Margie, in itself a nice Jazzy fingersnapper, but not in same league as Carla baby (IMO). Will respond to your pm Re Samuel later. Got to get some Zzzz off to the Lake District early in the morning! Really appreciate your typing up the tracklisting mate. As ever, you are Soul Perfection! Sean
  22. Hi Graham, I'm sure you'll be amongst the first to know once the venue is finalised mate Really glad you enjoyed it... and you're in for some superb surprise bonus tracks with the Ryan Shaw CD. Just FABULOUS! Cheers Sean
  23. Thanks Paul, Really good to get such feedback from someone who knows the difference! Cheers Sean
  24. Thanks Mel, Think you and me have got the EU monopoly on Lyfe Jennings! A Best kept secret mate! Sean
  25. The clever Dick tends to do a lot of proof reading in his particular line of work. The Devil is in the detail Stevie! Best: Pedantic Poser Man

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