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Sean Hampsey

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Everything posted by Sean Hampsey

  1. Hi Andy For info its on UK Action or US Jamie. UK copy is quite hard. US copy around 25-30 these days (I guess). Sean
  2. Hi Steve, Yes - There are thousands of them. No - Little Anthony (UK) is on United Artists. Sean
  3. Incredible record. Heres one for the collectors! Sean
  4. mmmmmm you heard this played out lately Dave? Good to see you last night. A Cracking gig with the right idea! Can't help you with the record though. Sean
  5. I found my full set of Richard Allen, in a box, after the flood, last year. Skinhead, Suedehead, Trouble For Skinhead, Skinhead Escapes, Skinhead Girls, Boot Boys etc A bit worse for wear, but still in reasonable nick and our 15 year old is now wanting to read them all. The Mrs said I shouldn't let him. Might be a bad influence on the young fella... and he might turn out like me
  6. Hi mate, Been blowing the dust off the vinyl for the Friendship / Barnsley gig tonight! Never heard of Beloyd appearing on Power Exchange label - of any nationality. Certainly a new one on me. A new urban myth. If one ever turns up - I'll eat me hat!... Or, on second thoughts, give you £100 for it Sean
  7. WELCOME ABOARD! Love your stuff! Sean
  8. If you see someone, who looks like me, behaving himself, John... ...then its definitely not me! Will be good to see you old timer! Sean
  9. Yes, we quite like the Gladys cover over here too Bob... but Curtis is faultless on this! Always put this on Tapes / CD's alongside "Give It Up" - they work so well together. Sean
  10. Think I had the LP too John, at the same time, but like you hadn't played (or properly listened to) that track. I was right though wasn't I! I well remember the 3 of us looking blank at each other when Rod first played it there. Am still waiting to hear my JW tip from yesteryear - "What A Lovely Way" - played out! Might even give it a run out on Friday. Mmmmmmmm So are you going? Might even get the other boys out to play with it being a fairly local gig! Sean Oh... and you DO have far to many records and can't possibly know em all.
  11. Very much looking forward to it Bri. Sure we'll all hear something different on that night! Sean
  12. One of my favourite tunes of all time! The genius. Thank you. Sean
  13. Fully concur with Mark's review. I've had it on in the car these past few days. Just blew me away. Yet another triffic compilation superbly put together from the guys at Kent! A first class compilation that everyone should own! Sean
  14. I'm full of surprises Dave . What you might find even more shocking is I was with Kev Briscoe & John Benson at the time Rod Dearlove played it at Thorne and they didn't know it either! That must have been around 1989(?)...! Just goes to show, none of us know it all. Sean
  15. You're out next weekend though aren't you Brian? Sean
  16. No - it did come out in the US. I don't have one that's all. The UK issues, incidentally, use the US Swan Number and, I seem to think that on the label they all say 'Promotion Copy'. Sean
  17. Uk Swan was via Global and they picked it up from Swan with Modern Redcaps "Never Too Young" (US SWAN 4243) out here on UK Swan & Jaywalkers (US SWAN 4266) "Can't Live Without You" out here on UK Cream. It has a US release number, SWAN 4240 though I don't have one (got the US Jaywalkers only from the three). All of the above 1966 releases. It was essentialy the guys from MFSB, I seem to recall, as were many Philly Instrumentals which later became quite big this side of the pond. Sean
  18. Whats on it Bull? Have I missed out by not being in on this one? Just been snowed under workwise so couldn't see me hitting the brief! Are you gonna do me a set? Sean
  19. Sorry Dave for misleading, I should have realised how what I wrote could have been misconstrued - what I meant was that he played it before the Sevens release (probably) off an acetate that was done here in the UK! i.e. Not from a Detroit acetate. In fact, he may have actually played it off a CDR (CD Decks are put to good use at Yarmouth) I didn't see what he played it off... but all I know is he did play it before the Sevens release... and it was an overnight sensation - probably 'the tune' of that particular weekend. Doubt very much if it was off an original acetate and I'm sure you're right in that it was a Master Tape only track from Martin, most probably via Tim. Was only trying to answer the question re PROMOS... If their ever was a Sevens PROMO... Like you, I aint seen one - (but Rod did play it before the actual issue became available to all!). Hope that makes sense. Sean

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