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Sean Hampsey

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Everything posted by Sean Hampsey

  1. Mmmm I normally only pick up a copy of Mojo at the Railway Station, but this might be worth a special purchase. Thanks. Sean
  2. Hi Dave, Isn't 714 Daphne Brady - Christmas Across The Tracks, Part 1 / Christmas Across The Tracks Part 2? Sean
  3. Suggest you open it up to others to meet the shortfall, Mark? It would be shameful if we didn't follow through on this. How much is left owing? Sean
  4. Old PITCHES spin for Kev Briscoe. Luvverly tune! Sean
  5. Right again John! Previously unreleased Melvin Davis. I have it on a Goldmine CD and its also on a Rock Mill CD which Melvin put out of his own material. Sean
  6. Tough one on a Prodigal issue Stevie Baby! Sean
  7. You're dead right John. It was my spin. I first played it (constantly) at The Charade in the early / mid 70's and then right through afterwards. It took some getting off the ground as it didn't really fit the Northern mould (like many of the tunes I was playing at the time) but by the time I was at the Windmill and White Greyhound etc. it had become a bit of a theme tune for me... so along with my other Charade/Windmill faves (Bobby Patterson / Brothers Guiding Light / Eddie Billups etc.) I started to hammer it at the Nighters - Clifton Hall etc and it went from there. I rememeber you buying your Volt copy off Tim (upstairs in the alcove). Bargain eh! Sean
  8. No taming you Pete! Fair play though. Got to admire your stamina! Hope you're feeling better soon mate. Is no problem. Deep Soul fans are an especially patient bunch! Sean
  9. Contender for Christmas No1 slot? Sean
  10. You guys have great taste! One of my fave RJ Clintone 45's, for sure. Shit... they're all good! I also have "Personal Woman" by Charnessa & The Charmettes, Adam. You heard that version? Has "I Can Feel My Love Coming Down" on the flip. 1st rate Sam Dees double sider. Sean
  11. Think even the issue on this is quite hard. I picked mine up decades ago for pennies, but it hardly ever comes up for sale. The label owner was a local store in her home town who set up the label just to release an out of contract Mary. Seen at $300+ and more Cool double sider though! Good luck! Sean
  12. WONDERFUL! Thank you. The only web address I know off by heart (other than my own) - a great domain name that does exactly what it says it does! www.RecordsByMail.com Some outfit! Awesome stock - Great Packaging - Pretty sure I must be his biggest customer! Sean
  13. I would say No... to that "Super Duper Love" was played on the 'Northern Soul' scene... although it was Dave Godin who gave me my copy, many moons ago and he rated it very highly indeed - long b4 the lovely Ms Stone got hold of it. Cool tune though! Sean
  14. So sorry to hear this. A great artist with a fine body of work to her credit. RIP Sean
  15. Wally, play Julians last played clip (before he changes it). Its a blinding lyric and Steve Mancha on vocals. Pretty close to perfection IMO. Sean
  16. Another early 80's Cleggy tune. Never really took off at the time but one I hear talked about a lot these days. Mmmmm....... think I still have it somewhere? Sean
  17. Nothing beats that thunderous 'Clap Opportunity' on the first few seconds of the Jades "I'm Where Its At"... ... except maybe the one in the first 15 seconds of the Vibrations "Cause You're Mine" Altogether now!................
  18. Yes Julian - it is LP only - and its on the scarcest of their albums called simply "100 Proof" Hot Wax HA 712 from 1972. The track also gained release, early 90's, on a 45 on the Sophisto-Soul label - listed as being by Chuck Barrino - but the record is identical. When the Acetate was found and played, nobody knew at the time, for sure, who it was and word had it that the artist was one of the Barrino Brothers - hence it was played as 'Chuck Barrino' and pressed on the 45 as such. Soon after, we realised it was LP only and featured the magnificent vocal of the one and only Steve Mancha! An absolutely awesome record. Your lady has great taste! Good luck. Sean
  19. Nah John, I realise that you're not 'down with the kids' anymore! And it wasn't a typo mate. He performs as Walliams, though his real name is Williams. So, where did we get to on Matt Lucas? Is it the same or different? Sean
  20. Sounds different to me, John. Sounds slower too! Guess he cut both it before teaming up with David Walliams! Sean
  21. Yes LP only. One of several stunning tracks on the album. Sean

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