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Sean Hampsey

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Everything posted by Sean Hampsey

  1. Just remembered - I've got a Dutch copy too, somewhere. Sean
  2. Hi Roger, The guy that had a copy at our Youth Club was treated like he had a copy of Frank Wilson. Was very proud to be able to buy said disc off him, eventually, by which time quite a few had showed up. Incredible tune. Just love a bit of 'Disco'. Sean
  3. Foooooooooooook I skipped past that whilst looking for it, cos it said 'Elvis' Didn't press info button to read... "Costello with Smokey Robinson" Thanks though Beeks. Should get the last 25 minutes. Now on Record! Sean
  4. That copy was sold on eBay in October last year for $2415 US. Mint- condition. Sean
  5. I've got Sky + if that counts? What number is 4+1 mate?
  6. 25,000+ on there.... using 'Soul' as a search term in 'Records'. How many do you want to look through on a Wednesday evening? Reckon you got spoiled by all those US warehouses, Ian. Sean
  7. Yeh - but even then - as my old mentor used to say... never let the truth get in the way of a good story! Sean
  8. mmmmmmmm might not be too far fetched. Barney Ales once said that he had several copies of Frank Wilson's "Do I Love You" - which, prior to him learning of its value to collectors, his wife sold at a Garage sale. Sean
  9. You said it Phil. Vinyl prices are in decline at the moment (as are most things) and I guess this is why Pete speculates it would make less than half of what it previously sold for. Reckon you should put your £25k bid in if you really want the record - and my guess is you'd win it. As for where to put your money for a better return - I've been advised that September 09 would be the best time to invest in property. Meanwhile, if you're self employed... in a downturn market, it pays to advertise! Sean
  10. And from the same source, what Frank Wilson had to say about the record: "Prior to producing all these other artists I had been doing a bit of songwriting around the Los Angeles area and often became the vocal vehicle for my own material. Now standing backstage at the Fox Theatre in Detroit, MI one night in 1966 a decision was made that changed my life in more ways than I could have imagined. It was decided between myself and Berry that, rather than becoming a recording star myself, I would instead concentrate on being a writer and producer for Motown stable of awesome talents. Berry Then ordered all of the masters with my voice on be destroyed and overdubbed another artist (Chris Clark) on my backing track! A producer/promoter from London called me up enquiring whether I had any idea where he might get his hands on an original recording of 'Do I Love You' - of course I didn't! I had NO idea an original even existed! Though today I consider it one of my life's greatest achievements!" Good to see that Frank actually had a hand in the decision - not just Berry on his own - as supported by Neils interview above. Sean
  11. To complement that, Neil, here's Rons version of events, copied from Soulful Detroit: Here's the story on Soul 35019 by Frank Wilson: The prime pressing plant for Motown was American Record Pressing (ARP) located in Owosso.Michigan now this plant was destroyed by a fire in 1971 but later in the early 80's I contacted some of the former employee's to see if they still had saved any of the records pressed there. Well I got lucky and found a few thousand records pressed at ARP starting from 1952 when the plant started right up to 1971, I visted and purchased records from about 25 former workers, one day I received a call from a former manager saying he had about 300 records to sell and this guy ended up having the best Motown items. Included in those boxes were the Frank Wilson (Soul 35019) and a test pressing of VIP 25034 a "MISSING" number which was the Chris Clark version of the same Frank Wilson song which had Clark overdubbing her lead vocal over Wilson's track. Now here is exactly what he told me when I asked him how he had all these mint records including the Frank Wilson on Soul, he said: "we would press 6 copies and send 3 to Motown for approval and keep the other 3 copies on file" then he said one day"the owner told him to get rid of all the older records on file because they were taking up a lot of space BUT instead of throwing away all 3 copies he saved ONE copy of each and took those home, and that's what I got. The other known copy in the UK was originally stolen by a Motown employee and then sold to that collector by Simon Soussan. So IF the former ARP manager that I got my copy from was correct and the other 2 copies the plant had were destroyed then besides the one copy stolen from Motown's files that would leave only 2 possible other copies to exist. My copy of Soul 35019 was near mint when I sold my entire Motown collection to Martin Koppel in 1994 at that time I placed a value of $4000. on that record based on offers I had for it up to that time. Martin Koppel had told me he would sell most of the collection by piece meal but since he loved northern soul he would keep the Frank Wilson in his collection BUt as it turned out someone else made him an offer he couldn't refuse. Sean
  12. This was a funny one, because there was no US release or indication of the source for either side, as I recall. Yet, as Mark said, the McClure track shares the backing track to "I Can't Stop Loving You" by Love affair on UA. Would love to know how the McClure side came about. Sean
  13. Something about a copy of Frank Elson coming up for sale, some time soon, Steve! Sean
  14. Agree Pete. File under 'nice to have' but if you've got a spare £60k that's not a sensible or realisable investment. And I would say that those who would have the odd 60 spare can think of better places to put their money. Sean
  15. Yep, me too John. French ATCO with pic sleeve. Sounds great at -2! Sean
  16. On the other hand, I'm not too chuffed that some folk think that those who "like all eras" are being (or even trying to be) holier than thou! I genuinely apreciate really good Soul music from all eras... and I too am perfectly capable of deciding what I like - with or without the halo! I actually prefer Soul music from the 60's... but consider myself fortunate to be able to hear some good in all eras. What's not to like about that? Now, will someone pass me the polish! Sean
  17. Aha!.... the feeling is mutual Mr Rounce! Sean
  18. Another absolute Classic Sales Pitch from Mr Donnelly. Sean
  19. Wow! That was this week... 24 years ago. And I was just a slip of a Boy! Thanks for that. Was beginning to think I'd imagined it! Sean

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