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Everything posted by Drew3

  1. Ok, thanks Stevie. PM me if you find one. Regards. Drew.
  2. PMd you Des. Regards. Drew.
  3. From what I can tell there was no US single release for this so has anyone got a copy of the following for sale? Not an expensive record from what Discogs indicates; price and condition please. Regards. Drew.
  4. PMd you pal. Regards. Drew.
  5. PM'd you at around 9.40am re Freddy Scott. Regards. Drew.
  6. I think the line "someone needs to clean their ears out" and the emoticon at the end gives it away, does it not!!!! Regards. Drew.
  7. What's With This Loneliness but it could easily be several others. Regards. Drew.
  8. From memory Mark, Blazers had three incarnations in that it's first and longest period open is when my older sister and her mates were regulars and no alcohol and I'm guessing that's when you went. It then closed for a while with a reopen and still no booze, that's when me and a few mates went a couple of times just before it closed again. It's third opening didn't last long and I believe the owners tried it with a booze licence. Soon shut again and then went up flames. The photo you posted; the shop front was a car showroom or something like and the club was further back from the front of that building with its entrance down the side street if I remember correctly. Kind regards. Drew.
  9. Mark is absolutely right. In my home town of Stockport we were spoilt for choice in terms of 'youth club soul' I remember the latter end of Blazers before the place shut and the building was destroyed by fire; a place somewhere up Cheadle Heath way called The Den, which was just some sort of scout hut but was packed each time I went and where I loved hitting the floor to Dance, Dance, Dance. Brinington, or Brinny, Youth Club was a magnet for young soul inductees and being from that council estate I attended regularly. On most 'ordinary' nights we danced to the likes of There's A Ghost In My House, I Got Something Good, Baby Hit And Run and many of the records mentioned above. However, Thursday nights were massive in terms of 'the soul disco'. I'm not great with dates but probably sometime in 73/74 there was at least one, possibly more, Thursday nights were DJs who had played at established nighters played. I remember there must have been around two hundred people in or trying to get in, massive for a youth club!!!! The thing that always struck me about those Thursday nights at Brinny Youth Club was that there was not just us kids in attendance but men of nineteen into their early to mid twenties who attended and who were clearly aficionados of the music and who had attended places we had only heard and dreamt of. So, for me and I guess for most of my age (58) who are into this music, youth clubs were massive and so, so important!!!!!! Regards. Drew.
  10. PMd you Kev. Regards. Drew.
  11. PM'd you Des. Regards. Drew.
  12. PMd you re The Precisions Des. Regards. Drew.
  13. Hi. PMd you over the Earl Gains. Regards. Drew.
  14. Thanks for that folks. Regards. Drew.
  15. Advice please. In terms of the origional first issue of AHFS which of the following statements relates to the first issue? "recently paid £28 for mine on Spring (the first edition copy with an A on both sides and no vertical writing)" "I think my copy of AHFS is an original issue as it's got the A on the House For Sale side, according the John Manship British issue book the repress has it on both sides". Regards. Drew.
  16. PM sent Des. Regards. Drew.
  17. PM sent. Regards. Drew.
  18. There was a record a few years ago in the charts, some young American girl and one of the lines in the song was something like "punks with flowers in their hair"!!!!!! Always made me raise my eyes to the heavens when I heard that line! Clueless modern yooof! Regards. Drew.
  19. PMd you Des. Regards. Drew.
  20. This is starting to read like a Dr Seuss book!!!! Green eggs and ham anyone? Regards. Drew.
  21. I may be wrong but I'm not sure that Sheddd has made his own poem up. I think that little ditty might have been posted on here before; or something very similar has!!! The sentiment it is meant to convey, well, that has been debated before on here many, many, many times. Regards. Drew.
  22. PM'd you last night sir. Regards. Drew.
  23. Appreciated sir. Regards. Drew.
  24. Giving this a bump! Regards. Drew.
  25. Thanks for your reply Stu. For the moment I'm happy to look to buy from sellers on SS. Anyone? Regards. Drew.

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