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Everything posted by Drew3

  1. Don't think I have heard this before. If I have I must be losing it cos it would be hard to forget such a cracking tune!!!!! KTF. Drew.
  2. Went to Denton on Friday last with a couple of mates....excellent....but cos one of the guys said he'd always wanted to go to the Twisted Wheel (new to the scene) we left Denton around midnight. Anyway the Wheel was packed. Great atmosphere and some great (if not same as last time) tunes. Right at the death me and me mate are on the dance floor to the Wheel's regular ender Soothe Me. I'd told him about the clapping bit in the middle and how it would have the place 'fizzing' and so on. I'm dancing right next to this 'man mountian' of a fella when just before that clapping bit this guy really forceably pushes this other bloke to the floor!!!!! Don't know what the second guy had done but the big fella was fuming and ready to follow in! Full of drink and 'dutch courage' I (along with a few other punters) put myself infront of said 'mountain' telling him it wasn't worth it, don't spoil your night etc. Anyway luckily he left it and even more luckily he didn't belt me!!! F**king spoiled a belting 'ender' for me though!! Can't remember the last time I saw a fight at a soul do. Anyone else seen any trouble at their do lately? KTF. Drew.
  3. I said this on a much earlier thread but here goes again. I defy anyone (metaphorically speaking) to tell me that Elvis Presley's Kentucky Rain is'nt soulful. See htt://susie1114.com/KentuckyRainElvisP.html Can anyone post up the song for the purpose of my point please? Always thought that a tune by 'none soul' artistes that was made for the scene cos it would be a good dancer would be Talk To Me by Southside Johnny & The Astbury Dukes. Anyone able to post that up? Agree with Mikey about First Of A Million Kisses by Fairground Attraction. Superb tune. But these being Soul Records is all up for debate I suppose. KTF. Drew.
  4. Absolutely Malc. KTF Drew.
  5. I just want more 'plays' on her name, epecially from you Stomper45!!!! KTF. Drew.
  6. Martin Thomson (Northern-soul.com) tipped this as a possible biggie at the end of 2005 (for 2006) I think it was. Instant hit with me when Martin suggested it. I ask for it pretty much everywhere I go but only been successful once, but for the life of me can't remember where it was now!!! Martin may have plugged it at the clubs he runs/DJs at in London. It would be interesting to know if it is/was getting much more of an airing down there? KTF. Drew.
  7. Thanks for posting both up BR. Having had a good listen to The Volumes version I have to say that I prefer the Shades Of Blue. Don't think that it's because this was the first version I heard, the Volumes is excllent also but I just think it's not as smooth as SoB. I agree with Ken also, the Volumes version isn't as good a 'dancer' IMHO. KTF. Drew.
  8. No worries mate. Anyone else got a sound clip please? KTF. Drew.
  9. I've checked JMs site Phil and I can't find the Volumes version. Any help please? KTF. Drew.
  10. Can't find The Volumes version to listen to anywhere Joan. Could you (or someone else) post a sound clip please? KTF. Drew.
  11. Nearly dragged me bones up to Wilton last Friday Headsy. Should have done so if quality sounds such as this are being played. KTF. Drew.
  12. ...........an excellent tune new to me. A Way To Love you - Shades Of Blue. Usual questions folks........ever played out etc? Great mid-tempo dancer IMHO. I'd be bollocks(ed) without The Soulclub Jukebox. Thanks Atom. KTF. Drew.
  13. Pete. Why not send the disc to Paul and give it a good home. At least he'd play it. KTF. Drew.
  14. Point he was trying to make Malc was that this might finally unite the Human race. KTF. Drew.
  15. Smokey Robinson being interviewed on The Heaven & Earth show now!!!! KTF. Drew.
  16. A thought occured to me reading this thread that the 'music' is already being taken to the 'masses' through sampling on other types of records, adverts, backing in dramas etc. At some point I suspect that some music industry bod will do exactly what has been suggested and get a record from the NS scene high in the charts from downloads. Therefore, why not let this happen from within the scene itself as it were, therefore controlling what that tune(s) was. As for the arguement about keeping the scene exclussive, I argee with Bogue. Why shouldn't this great music be made more available to those not already into it? I never did the 'exclusive' 80s and 90's having been into the music like most in the 70's. I got back into the scene (the music never left me) because of the Internet bringing it back to me as I am sure has happened with many others. Does what happened with us 'water down' the music or the scene? I think not. I think that anything that takes the best of this music to as many people as possible is a good thing and the only way to ensure that a NS scene continues. Just my humble opinion of course. Spread The Faith. Drew.
  17. You're right once again Mr Bicknell. The flip is absolutley awesome. God, I love knowing now't cos there's new stuff almost daily. KTF. Drew.
  18. Was at the Denton November night Steve but didn't get there until after 10pm so missed it. Going on the pop with a few guys this afternoon/evening so may not be there tonight. That said, I'll probably get fed up of buisness talk and watching guys who are old enough to know better trying to pull women young enough to be their grandchildren!! Hope its a good night for everyone who is there. My first two have been belters. KTF. Drew.
  19. KTF. Drew
  20. Sorry Simon. Is that 'laughing out loud' or 'lots of love'? Don't get the post! KTF. Drew.
  21. Thanks Mark. Needs playing to a dance floor though. Anyone done so recently? Any chance of a sound clip of the flip side? KTF. Drew.
  22. Thanks Tony. Sorry for being thick, I'm not familiar with the expression "tape sound" What is it? KTF. Drew.
  23. Just been listening to The Soulclub Jukebox....... Little Ben and The Cheers.......I'm Gonna Get Even With You. Excellent tune. Any info please.......Label...where first played, if at all ...does it get played out anywhere now etc? Good dancer IMHO. KTF. Drew.

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