A thought occured to me reading this thread that the 'music' is already being taken to the 'masses' through sampling on other types of records, adverts, backing in dramas etc. At some point I suspect that some music industry bod will do exactly what has been suggested and get a record from the NS scene high in the charts from downloads.
Therefore, why not let this happen from within the scene itself as it were, therefore controlling what that tune(s) was.
As for the arguement about keeping the scene exclussive, I argee with Bogue.
Why shouldn't this great music be made more available to those not already into it?
I never did the 'exclusive' 80s and 90's having been into the music like most in the 70's. I got back into the scene (the music never left me) because of the Internet bringing it back to me as I am sure has happened with many others.
Does what happened with us 'water down' the music or the scene? I think not.
I think that anything that takes the best of this music to as many people as possible is a good thing and the only way to ensure that a NS scene continues.
Just my humble opinion of course.
Spread The Faith.