All of us in our house, me, the Gary Glitter Fan and the boy are Dr Who mad but there is only me into our beloved music!!!!
I need the poster you have posted Mel but with the Dalek saying something cool about dad's music, but also threatening about the boy's belligerent position of "it's only dad's sad soul music".
Firstly, can I get a poster; big, small, even postcard size will do and can the narrative be changed? I'm sure it can.
Secondly, what should the Dalek be saying to my cocky little sh*t of a McFly loving 9 yr old folks?
It has to have the punch of us all getting back at him (and all the rest of them). Agreed?
My undying gratitude to the best suggestion for the Dalek's 'bubble' and to you Mel if I can get this as a birthday present for the little 'gobsh*te'!!!!!!!!!!
This I need.
The Daleks are the most evil creatures in the universe I might add!!
Keep your eyes peeled.