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Everything posted by Drew3

  1. This is probably the most arrogant, self-indulgent post I've ever read on here. Who the flying f*ck are you to say when and where others can and can't listen to the music they love. Who are you to say that anyone who did other things rarther than going to niters in the 80s and has returned to whatever fooking do they choose somehow doesn't count to this scene now. Who the tw*tting hell are you to say that someone who loves soul music but only listens on the web is any less a soul lover than you!!! In fact who the sodding hell are you!!!!. More red wine induced ranting from yours truley. I thank you and good night. KTF. Drew.
  2. Fair enough. KTF. Drew.
  3. OK. It's just gone 1am and I'm full of red wine and I know that I am going to regret this but here goes: Whilst I would never attempt to take on more knowledgeable folk than I, and I certainly wouldn't wish to piss on such a positive thread, and I am willing to listen with 'open ears' but, am I missing something here? Most of what has been posted on this thread (and all are great feel good, make you smile records) would have been scoffed at by this scene 30 odd yrs ago as mainstream, chart, pop/disco records, would they not? Oh bollocks to it, Hawaii 5-0 makes me grin from cheek to cheek!!!! My nomination is: Back Street..Edwin Starr. KTF. Drew.
  4. Nicked and slightly adapted from the title of a thread recently posted: The Soul of York City. KTF. Drew.
  5. Hello Fingers. I feel privlleged to have been part of this and I'm sure that goes for all others on here who have responded to Pete's call for help . Also, like many others on here, you and I have never met. However, that doesn't matter as I think that people realised that your circumstances could happen to any of us at any time. Maybe it was simply Christmas spirit, maybe it would have been the same at any other time of the year, I don't know. None of us can change all the ills of the world but because some people on here (Pete S, Simsy and Imberboy) were thinking of others on Christmas Eve I think it simply reminded us (it did me) that completing the shopping or worrying about how many presents the kids were getting is not the most important thing in the world. This has been a good deed; not by me contributing a few quid but because people like Pete and Simsy had a friend's (or even a stranger's in Imberboy's case) needs to the fore of their thinking at a time when it is all too easy for us to be a little self indulgent. From what others have said about you Fingers I suspect you would have been the instigator of such a thread if it was happening to somone else that you knew. You don't have to justify yourself at all. Here's to you beating this Fingers. All the very best and KTF. Drew.
  6. The above should read "Trying to PM you Pete". How the hell does the PM'ing thingy work?. I think I've only ever used it to reply to a Pm. Pete, maybe you could pm me and I'll reply. Help please!!!! KTF. Drew.
  7. PM'd you Pete. KTF. Drew.
  8. That's what i said diddle i !!! Knowing me I will have got it wrong for sure. Do you have said tune sir and can you post it? KTF. Drew.
  9. ..........have the tune Pretty Dancing Girl by Tommy Henderson (I think) and is able to post it on here? I can't find it in Refosoul (which I'm finding it harder and harder to understand and navigate!!!). KTF. Drew.
  10. Wonderful Chris. Any advice on the artical would be most appreciated. The album Chain Reaction is now on my list of crizzy presents (as soon as I say I want something in our house the Gary Glitter Fan says "well Nathaniel can get you that for your birthday, Christmas, Fathersday etc ). One way or another its on its way!!!! Thanks for the posts in reply folks. KTF. Drew.
  11. Isn't the answer to the origional question much simpler than some of the posts so far? As we all know, because we experienced it at the time, the Soul/NS scene came about because a small number of white working class youths in this country, in the 60s and 70s, liked soul music. Black people, as our peers, were in a massive minority at the time so therefore any black youths of the time who were into soul/NS would be in a minority if they, like us, had stayed with this music/scene to this day. Simple maths would indicate why there is not an equal representation on the scene today. Anything else just seems to be 'over egging the pudding' IMHO of course! KTF. Drew.
  12. Is this a CD on Amazon or LP Ricky? KTF. Drew.
  13. This is played reguarly at the present Twisted Wheel. KTF. Drew.
  14. I knew A Little On The Blue Side from a few years back and have recently been raving over For You. Just been listening to the fantastic Help Me. Did this group do a bad record!!!!!!! Anyone able to post any of their records that are not already in Refosoul? KTF. Drew.
  15. Sounds like heaven Chris. I'd be up for it!!! KTF. Drew.
  16. I've only just seen your reply Brian. Thanks for the offer but the golf society do I am on covers the Sunday as well. Played Llangollen on this weekend 2 yrs ago. I loved the course. Thanks for the local soul night info Brian and Chris. If the talk of golf gets me down i might just splash out on an expensive roundtrip taxi. KTF. Drew.
  17. Thanks Chris but a round trip of 68 miles is a bit too far in a taxi. KTF. Drew.
  18. ......... from the recent Vietnam/civil rights soul thread. I posted Let Us Be Heard by Tommy Tate from Refosoul. The Refosoul info said that the label was Jackson Sound. Is this anything to do with the Reverend Jessie Jackson of (origionaly) the black civil rights moverment? KTF. Drew.
  19. Just edging my bets Kev, just edging my bets!!!! KTF. Drew.
  20. Going on a golf weekend the weekend of Friday 16th Oct. Absolutely no problem with going on the piss with my 'non soul' golfing buddies in the evening but I just wondered if anything (soulwise) might be going on nearby? Friday 16th Oct is unlikely as one has to make an effort to be with the golfers on the night out but as far as I am concerned, the seconed night is up for grabs!!!!! We are staying/playing at Hawkstone Park, which I beleive is about 15 miles north of Shewsbury. Anything happening nearby on either the 16th (see I'm already moving the goalposts to get some soul) or the 17th Oct? I love golf, but the idea of spending a weekend night with a load of fat, bald, opinionated men does not appeal to me!!!! So, anything happening around that way to save my soul?!!!!! KTF. Drew.
  21. I had a conversation earlier this evening with a young bloke who is an 80s (mindless) Dance DJ. I won't bore you with the details but he mentioned a Tommy Tate record and in looking for it in Refosoul in the last half hour I came across Let Us Be Heard (see my last played). As good a soulful protest song as you'll hear IMHO. KTF. Drew,
  22. Just seen your post Jayne and signed the petition. Places such as civic halls are important and should be kept open as they cater to the needs of a range of local people, particuarly pensioners. Important to soulies too as they are often the ideal venue. Keep up yor fight Jayne. KTF. Drew.
  23. Wonderful tale Barry. Priceless!!! KTF. Drew.
  24. Thanks for that Simon, quality. KTF. Drew.

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