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Everything posted by Drew3

  1. I'm not a collector and certainly no expert on records and their labels but I do flick through record boxes/piles in charity shops and car boots. I did this at a car boot this summer and found and left (now I think this is the right way round) a Frank Sinatra record on Dot and a Lonny Donaghan on Kapp (I think it was LD). Defo FS on one of those labels. Kind regards. Drew.
  2. Key To My Happiness sets my teeth a grinding!!!! Regards. Drew.
  3. Please,please,please do not stop posting your choices. I hear so many 'new to my ears' great records on threads such as this one. Some fantastic tunes posted so far. Simsy, the Majestics is new to me and a top tune IMHO. However, the best new tune to me on this thread is the Ronnie Milsap record A Thousand Miles From Nowhere. Feckin' awesome tune!!! Had me and Susan dancin' around the kitchen!! Afterwards I asked her to write down the title and artiste. Instead she text'd it to me from her phone. she'd text'd A Thousand Miles From Nowhere Reggie Alsop!!!!
  4. This is awesome too! I can't understand why anyone might not want to hear this type of record at any soul do. Regards. Drew.
  5. The Lou D Washington track is awesome and would have me 'hot footing it' to the dance floor!!! Regards. Drew
  6. There was a good thread on the BJD Boots a couple of years ago if anyone can find it and merge it with this thread. I think I posted a tale about going to the local youth club at around 13/14 years of age with my sister's boyfreind's copy of (At The) Discotheque which was on a blue BJD. Me and my mates thought it was origional until some older guy told us it was "a bootleg you knobs" or words to that affect!! Regards. Drew.
  7. Hollands dosey(ier), Hollands! Sorry, I couldn't resist that. I'll get me coat. Regards. Drew.
  8. I have telephoned the Peebles Hydro Hotel but can only get an answer machine. I will keep trying. A standard double room with B&B, evening meal x 2 for 2nights for two people is £460. Have I got it right that the offer is half the hotel's normal price for this weekend? Please advise. Regards. Drew.
  9. Just to put a 'punter's' point of view in here. I'd never heard this before so was intrigued to. Therefore, I just played it to my partner with us watching the video clip of Prestatyn and me explaining the debate on here. "I'd dance to that" she pipes up "I enjoy the rare soul do's we go to love but there's hardly anyone ever there". From my own point of view this is the sort of tune I'd expect to hear in a 'Modern' room and on first listen found it ok. There is some soulful content to parts of the record IMHO. Regards. Drew.
  10. Been browsing Youtube and came across this fantastic 'new to me' tune. As can be seen from the label it says it was produced by Tony Clarke. Is this the Landslide Tony Clarke? Awesome tune. Where was this first played out and is this a rare record? Any info please. Kind regards. Drew.
  11. Two ideal tunes would be Make Me Yours Bettye Swann and Some Kind of Wonderful by The Del Royals. Words of both are pretty romantic and appropriate for that first dance for the couple. You're gonna have to play a lot of these suggestions to the couple Mike. By the way, I cannot find Some Kind of Wonderful by The Del Royals on You Tube anymore. Anyone know why that might be and more importantly can anyone put it back up please? Kind regards. Drew.
  12. If the kids want retro they want to try the first pair of swimming trunks I was given as a small lad in the mid 60s. Navy blue knitted wool! Nearly F'in drowned me when they got wet!!! Drew.
  13. I used to manage a mens footy team and a few years ago a couple of my players who were in their twenties tagged along to a soul do in Denton. On picking up a flyer that proclaimed an 'Oldies night' one of them remarked " you mean to tell me that there is another soul do somewhere with people older than this lot"!!!!!!! Drew.
  14. Those long winter nights must fly by in your house Bazza!!!! Kind regards Drew
  15. Could some kind person put TMYLM on here from YouTube please? Many thanks in advance. Drew
  16. Came across this great (new to me) tune a few days ago on Dave Greet's page on the Hitsville Soul Club site and I can't stop playing it from the site player (on You Tube as well). Awesome record. Is anyone playing this out at the moment? Could someone post a You Tube link to the record for this thread as I don't know how to do it? Also, is Dave Greet on here? I would like to PM him about something. Cheers. Drew
  17. Just have and not a patch on the Commands IMHO. Kind regards. Drew.
  18. I recently listened to Derek Pearson's show on the Net and he played a record by The Commands called No Time For You. Absolutely blew me away and I can't stop playing this from Youtube. New group and tunes to me and I've listend to everything else of theirs on Youtube. Wonderful male group harmonies. They didn't make a bad record IMHO. Anyone playing their tunes out? Kind regards. Drew.
  19. I can remember it well. My sister is almost 3yrs older than me and was into Soul from around 1969 and she had a small collection of records which I now know were mainly boots (but she didn't know). In 1970 I was 11yrs old and remember that whenever my sister played her records I would moan to my mum that our kid was playing her crap again (me thinking Fire by Arthur Brown was the bees knees!!!) The following summer in 1971 I was approaching 13yrs of age and 'kick can football' in the playground was loosing its appeal and was giving way to me and my mates noticing that girls were not just sisters or general nuisances but actually had much more about them!!!! The sap was clearly starting to rise. At around 7pm one summer's evening I was board and wondered into our dining room where we had a steriogramme. Our kid's record box was there so I pulled out a record with a bright yellow lable with the logo V.I.P. (boot I think) and played Needle In A Haystack by The Velvelettes. I was awestruck and to this day I can conjur the feeling I had of absolute elation and pure joy. No more hanging around on the park with my old gang and it was off to the local youth club for me. Oh to be young again and I wouldn't mind having our kid's collection of boots!!!! Drew.
  20. Wow, just like the Dude the WTRSSSU Thread endures!!!! Back when this started Ian Dewhurst suggested that Kev Roberts had some great stories about his time with SS. I've not re read the whole thread but I don't think Kev has shared them yet. So how about it Mr Roberts? Also, I bet Ian D has a few more (without knackering the book he should write). All the best for 2012 to all on here. Drew.
  21. Thanks Paul. Anyone else got any info on the night itself? Kind regards. Drew.
  22. Question for London residents or those who have attended this event. I am in London this coming weekend and on Friday 11th Nov and after the Theatre I am thinking of attending a night advertised in Events on here. The night is Double Shot O' Soul @ The Russian (Bar), 267 Kingsland Road, Dalston, London E2 8AD. I have PM'd someone known on here as SmartPhil who posted the event in Events but I have had no reply to my question. My question is can I make the journey from Soho to the venue on the tube and then train (the venue is in an area served by overground train and not tube) at around 11pm or will the overground trains have finished? We are staying near Liverpool St Station so is the venue a short walk from there? Also, has anyone else on here been to this night; does it have a good mix of music, is it well patronised, in a good venue etc? Any info would be much appreciated. Kind regards. Drew.

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