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Everything posted by Drew3

  1. We have three nights in Tokyo from Tues 25th to Thurs 27th Aug 2015 before picking up a cruise. I have been informed about the Night Fox Soul Club by a mate whose daughter lives there. Does anyone know if this club has any dates in Aug (don't know if it's a bar open each night, a venue with a night every few weeks etc.) or is even still running? I've tried googling but can't find any up to date info. I've also found an old thread on here but it's from 2005. Any info on this or any other venues that we might visit for a few tunes would be much appreciated. Us being there at the beginning of the week could be a problem I guess. Kind regards. Drew.
  2. I seem to have gained access via my login name and my old password! Asked me to 'sign in' twice though. Regards. Drew.
  3. Is there really any need for this sort of statement! Regards. Drew.
  4. RIP fella. My condolences to all of Joe's family and friends. Drew.
  5. Exactly what I was after Matt. The Barbara Redd is new to me and sounds dead soulful to me. Sorta get the James Duncan, which I have heard before but, to some other it might fit the soul bill! The Barbara Redd is more soulful than some tunes played over the years. Regards. Drew.
  6. Indeed Mick, those last few lines of the song are as soulful as it gets. But that is the point, I'm sure that I once read on here that it was regarded as an R&B record when it first came out. Anyway, the next couple of posts to yours kinda makes the point; someone thinks it's soul, someone else thinks it's R&B. Keep the examples coming. Regards. Drew.
  7. Sorry, I do not know what happen to the end of my post! Should have had the following also: Now, as much as this has been a source of mirth to me since, it has had me thinkin. What are these R&B imposters that some feel have no place on the Soul/Northern Soul Scene? Please can anyone posting an example also add a link for the record so we can hear it whilst reading, as it weren't? Regards. Drew.
  8. ..........that seem to be upsettin' some folks? In early Dec last year, Susan and me went to a night in the Northwest. This is a night that I had been trying to get to for some time. 'Twas a cracking night with what I thought was some fabulous soul music of differing types, some I knew and many others that I didn't. Just the sort of thing that I like. At some point in the early hours I went outside for a smoke. Three others were outside doing the same. Anyway, I stood by them minding my own business but couldn't help hearing their conversation, which was a 'bemoaning' of the number of R&B records being played at 'Northern' nights. All of a sudden and obviously because he realised that I was listening, one of the blokes asked me what I thought. I pondered for a second, shrugged my shoulders and replied "I'm never really sure what is meant to be an R&B record as opposed to a Soul record; isn't Washed Ashore by The Platters an R&B record, I'm sure that I've heard or read it described as such?" Now, if the man in question is a visitor to this site and he somehow remembers the encounter, please do not take offence as this is meant to be lighthearted. Well, what happend next has been making me chuckle to myself ever since. You'd have thought that I'd just blasphemed or something worse! This chap looked at me with contorted disgust and informed, nay scolded me as one might tell off a naughty child, that the said record had once upon time in the 60s been voted best Soul Record by some organisation or another! Before I could respond by telling him that I'm a 'know nowt' and it really doesn't matter to me as it's all soul to my ears, he walked back into the venue 'spluttering' and shaking his head with contempt for my ignorance!!!!!!!
  9. Around six years ago a track by the Del Royals - Some Kinda Wonderful - was on YouTube. Shortly after seeing it and playing it off the tube it disapeared!!! Google it now and at the top of the page is a link to my post on here raving over what a great tune it is. Never understood why it went off YT? Anyone able to post it up in some other format please? Awesome tune IMHO. Regards. Drew.
  10. Merry Christmas everyone. All the very best. Susan and Drew.
  11. Thanks AS and Steve. Which is the A side as a 'knownowt' such as I cannot tell from the scans? I think I have heard 'Why do you treat me like you do' so wondering if that is the A side? How can one tell from those scans as both seem to have an A standing aside from the credits, (you'll tell me it's something so obvious of course ). Regards. Drew.
  12. Yes I was having a dig I suppose Byrney but only tongue in cheek and only after reading many posts by your good self that seem to do just as I suggested; that is berate so called 'returnees'. The post after your response to me by Kegsy sums it up entirely as I see things. People come to this wonderful music at different points in their lives and I guess once found it never really leaves you whatever other music one might flirt with. However, being on the 'scene' is much more subject to the other influences in life I guess, work, family etc.etc. I can only speak for myself; My name is Drew and I'm a returnee. I'm dealing with the fact! However, I am a returnee that wants to listen to and learn about 'rare shit' that has been found and played since I was a younger man. I think that we are of a similar mind Byrney but please do not keep assuming that all 'returnees' (I did not coin this word by the way) are 'nostalgia re-enactors' as is regularly suggested on threads such as this. Stay enjoying what you do fella. Regards. Drew.
  13. Does this mean that you haven't been on the scene forever and are no better than those 'goddam returnees' that you constantly berate!!! Sorry, I couldn't resist. Regards. Drew.
  14. Growing up I never really appreciated Bobby's music but, as I am now older and much more able to open my ears to (new to me) soul music, thankfully through SS and the Net in general I have learnt my lesson. The man 'oooozed' with soul. R.I.P Sir. Drew
  15. Very sad news indeed. Before seeing this thread in the last hour Boba was just another expert on here that I am genuinely in awe of. It's heart breaking that it takes a tragedy like this to bring a person from behind the avatar. My sincere condolences to his family and close friends but also to all those of you on SS who knew him and had any sort of relationship with the man. He clearly touched and influenced many peoples' lives in one way or another. Rest in peace fella. Drew.
  16. As the originator of the the question I give my apologies to Pete Roberts for simply asking a question that has resulted in what I can only describe as several daft posts in response. Maybe I should have posted the question in Events and it might not have got so ridiculous. However, I feel moved to give my humble opinion in response to this and other arguments that rage on here. I spend a great deal of time on SS reading the debates about OVO, old Vs new, returnees as opposed to those who never left, venues playing over played oldies as opposed to rare etc, etc. I learn a great deal from the debates and find much in everyone's opinions. What I don't get from the attitudes of some folk is their arrogance as to what people should do with their 'soul time'. We all know that there is a plethora of events; nights, weekenders, all nighters. We can pick and choose. Being from the Manchester area, when I don't want to hear the Wheel play list and I want to hear new (to me, cos it ain't new to all) soul music, I make the effort to go to Steve Cato's Different Strokes or Chris Morgan's ATOH. I get out and about when I can because I, like most people, have another life away from 'the scene' and most of my nearest and dearest haven't got a clue about this thing of ours. I am a humble admirer of those who do work hard to uncover and play new rare soul music, but there is a place in the 'soul world' for the tried and tested also. I went to the Peebles Weekender last year and loved hearing new sounds. The three people I was with however couldn't get their heads around DJs playing to empty dance floors (at times) because the records were so rare. So, what I am trying to say is, for crying out loud, just enjoy the music, go where your feet and ears take you and stop assuming that you are the guardians of this thing called soul!!!!!! Kind regards. (full of sunny afternoon red wine) Drew.
  17. I only asked if they were doing any Fridays for f@&ks sake!!!!!!!!!!! thanks for for the reply Pete. Regards. Drew.
  18. .......only doing Sunday afternoons and no Friday nights at its new location? Apologies if I have missed a previous post about this. Regards. Drew.
  19. It's All Over But The Shoutin' by Gladys Knight and the Pips getting plenty of repeat plays in my motor at the moment. Regards. Drew.
  20. Watched this in the early hours of Sat morning; one of the best music documentaries I've ever seen. It's going to be shown again on BBC4 and BBC4 HD at ten past midnight tonight. Well worth staying up for or taping. Regards. Drew.
  21. I was listening to a podcast of Richard Serling doing a radio show on Smooth Radio today. It was a tribute to the Torch, Va Vas and other clubs from the past. He plays records associated with those clubs. In the show he refers to Moses Smith (following playing The Girl Across The Street) as being a white artiste from Philadelphia whom the record companies could recall nothing of. If so, how is it known he was white etc? Is there now more known about this singer? Regards. Drew.
  22. Forgive me for being a know nowt Chris but which is the original here? Regards. Drew.

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