Hey @glenn,
In the future, please condense single sale listings into one post. This will enable more records to stay on the first page and increase the chance of sales for everyone.
James (Sales Mod)
Hey @Richard,
Please give the guidelines a read re: multiple single listings posts.
We would prefer single listings to be condensed as much as possible and allow a maximum of two lists per day. This is to enable as many listings to stay on the first page as possible and increase the chance of sales for everyone.
James (Sales Mod)
Hey @pedero,
As a new seller and with a record requesting such a high price tag. It might be helpful to post a bit of an intro about yourself.
People will probably be more inclined to deal if they know a bit about the seller.
James (Sales Mod)
Hey @mrtall,
If you could condense single listings as per the guidelines as it keeps more records on the first page and increases the opportunity for sale for everyone.
James (Sales Mod)
Please be aware that the trading and selling of bootlegs is actually not allowed as part of the forum guidelines. Please give the guidelines a read re: the above.
James (Sales Mod)
Posts have been hidden to prevent getting too far off topic.
If any users have an issue with price or want to discuss the record with the seller then please use the private messaging system.
Discussions such as this distract from the actual sale and convolute the users posts.
Posts will remain hidden.
James (Sales Mod)
We have to think of everyone on the forum though.
You currently have 10 records on the first page, which means 10 other listings have been pushed back when they could have remained. I appreciate your understanding.
Hey @Gomez,
Please watch the number of single listing posts.
We do allow to post per day but if they are single records then we would prefer them to be condensed into one post.
The reason for this is that it keeps more listings on the first page and therefore increases the opportunity for sales for everyone.
James (Sales Mod)
You can buy more than one copy at their website. I don't think there is anything untoward happening.
Probably just an easier way for them to keep track of what stock has sold and where.
Hey @Gomez,
Please give the guidelines a re-read re: multiple single listing posts.
We'd prefer posts such as this and your other two to be condensed into one sales lists. It enables more posts to stay on the main page and therefore increases the opportunity for sales for everyone.
James (Sales Mod)
Hey @Badsamba,
Please edit your post to avoid confusion with pricing.
If the items is 1000, then please don't put any decimal or full stops.
This will help to avoid confusion and hopefully drive more sales your way.
James (Sales Mod)
Hey mate,
As per the guidelines we only allow two sales posts a day and we’d prefer that those posts be condensed as possible. I’ll leave the three as is this time but in the future please adhere.
James (Sales Mod)
No minimum, we'd just prefer that they be condensed as much as possible to allow more listings to stay on the main page and therefore increase the opportunity for people to see the post / increase sales.
You're allowed two posts per day but if they were both single listings then I'd group them rather than post them individually.
Hope that helps!
Hello @Mach,
Please give the above a ready regarding single record listings.
Hello @Big Macy,
Please give the guidelines a read regarding duplicate listings of the same record. Listing the same record everyday isn’t permitted. I have hidden your other post.
James (Sales Mod)