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James Rice

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Everything posted by James Rice

  1. @Staceys Dad, Topic has now been split to prevent further comments unrelated to fulfilling the want. Please comment on here for discussion regarding the record: Regards, James
  2. Topic split from Wants post
  3. Posts have been merged. In the future please use the ‘edit’ function to add the scans rather than posting another topic. Thanks, James
  4. Everyone, As per the guidelines, please use the PM system in the future. COMMENTING ON SALES TOPICS Please do not comment on the merits/prices etc of Sale Forum items. This can have a negative effect on the sale and can affect the listings of other members sales. The finer details of the deal should be done via the site PM (personal message) system. Use PMs for personal information, chat or off-topic chat. Any comments deemed to be in violation may be removed without discussion. Cheers, James
  5. @Kieron Taz Robathan Please edit the original posts with sold items rather than posting comments. Thanks mate. Regards, James (comments merged)
  6. @Marc Forrest, @Phil Shields, Please start a new topic in the ‘box’ area of the forum if you’d like to discuss the records for sale. Thanks COMMENTING ON SALES TOPICS Please do not comment on the merits/prices etc of Sale Forum items. This can have a negative effect on the sale and can affect the listings of other members sales. The finer details of the deal should be done via the site PM (personal message) system. Use PMs for personal information, chat or off-topic chat. Any comments deemed to be in violation may be removed without discussion. Regards, James
  7. @Big Tony Please check the envelope on the top right hand corner for any messages being sent to you. Regards, James
  8. @Viney, Please edit the post for sold items rather than posting a comment for each as it just clutters things up. Thanks mate! James
  9. Hey mate, Posts have been merged due to the following: NO UNNECESSARY SPLITTING OF SALES POSTS - Please only use one topic where applicable. When deemed unnecessary, topics may be merged. Formatting and spacing can be used to draw attention to items of special interest. Regard, James
  10. Hey Neil, We have a guideline in place regarding posting sales list via attachments of files: NO SALES LISTS AS ATTACHMENTS OR FILES Post sales lists up in text format only (not as an attachment/file). Non-members cannot download files/attachments. We want Soul Source to be as user friendly as possible and formatting on attachments or files can make it difficult for mobile users. Please post in text format going forward. Thanks mate. James
  11. Private Messaging mate. Available via the envelope at the top right of your screen. Regards, James
  12. Dropped the personal detail comments. Please use the PM system in the future, thanks.
  13. Hey @Sheep, We have an ‘edit post’ feature that allows you to edit your original post and saves the needs for adding comments when items have sold. If you could do that going forward I’d really appreciate it. Regards, James (Sales Mod)
  14. Hey @Zanetti, Merged your posts regarding the following guidelines: ‘NO UNNECESSARY SPLITTING OF SALES POSTS - Please only use one topic where applicable. When deemed unnecessary, topics may be merged. Formatting and spacing can be used to draw attention to items of special interest.’ Regards, James
  15. If we could keep the chat on topic of fulfilling the want, otherwise please start a new topic in the 'AAT Soul' forum. Thanks!
  16. Hey Jessie, We have an ‘edit post’ feature that allows you to edit your original post and saves the needs for adding comments. If you could do that going forward I’d really appreciate it. Regards, James (Sales Mod)
  17. Hey Pablo, We have an ‘edit post’ feature that allows you to edit your original post and saves the needs for adding comments. If you could do that going forward I’d really appreciate it. Regards, James (Sales Mod)
  18. Split off from the Sales topic regarding the record in question:
  19. Hey Mark, Just so that you’re aware, we have updated the guidelines regarding posting sales lists via images/files: ‘NO SALES LISTS AS ATTACHMENTS OR FILES Post sales lists up in text format only (not as an attachment/file). Non-members cannot download files/attachments. We want Soul Source to be as user friendly as possible and formatting on attachments or files can make it difficult for mobile users.’ It also prevents a need to comment sales as you can just edit the post as well. Please bare this in mind for next time, thanks! Regards, James
  20. Hey everyone, Please make use of the PM system to arrange deals in the future as per the site guidelines. Regards, James
  21. Hey everyone, As per the site guidelines, please make use of the PM system in the future! Especially since you’re sharing personal information. Regard, James
  22. Hey @Cally49, We have a guidelines regarding the reposting of sale items within specified timeframes: 'No reposting of Sales items within 3 days, then 7 days for further reposts'. Just something to keep in mind for next time. Cheers!
  23. @Northernguy, In the future, can you try and post the list direct to Soul-Source rather than uploading as an attachment. The formatting on mobile is extremely difficult to read and we would like the forum to be user friendly on all devices. Cheers!
  24. Comments hidden. Please use the PM system or appropriate area of the forum for discussion in the future, thanks!
  25. Please use the PM system, thanks

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