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James Rice

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Everything posted by James Rice

  1. @Barry, @Philb, In the future, discussions are better done via PM's. Comments have been hidden. James
  2. Please start your own 'Want' post rather than posting on someone else's, thank-you!
  3. I really shouldn't need to be posting again to ask people to use the PM system rather than posting comments. I've hidden all the other comments, if you have anything to offer then please use the PM system! James
  4. Please use the PM system going forward with this discussion, thanks!
  5. Just going to jump in early and ask that you move any discussion regarding price etc to PMs. Thank-you! James
  6. Hello, Please keep in mind this guideline before posting next time. NO SALES LISTS AS ATTACHMENTS OR FILES Post sales lists up in text format only (not as an attachment/file). Non-members cannot download files/attachments. We want Soul Source to be as user friendly as possible and formatting on attachments or files can make it difficult for mobile users. Regards, James
  7. @Steviehay, Please use the PM system for enquires like this in the future. Regards, James
  8. I just want to jump in before anyone replies. Please everyone bare in mind that the site is liable for any copyright infringements. The copying and sharing of ripped audio, mp3s etc can get the site in trouble, so please don’t do that.
  9. Split topic from Wants post
  10. @stevemochan, please use the PM system as per the site guidelines. Thanks
  11. So, we've allowed this to run for a week now and we're really thankful to everyone for their input. It's been really eye-opening! The conclusion we've come too is to leave the wants forum as is and not change the guidelines regarding comments. As the 'wants' forum does inherently attract more discussion we will be splitting anything that we deem worthwhile to other appropriate areas of the forum where the discussion can continue and hopefully this will prevent the original want post becoming diluted. Comments are discouraged unless they actively help the user with sourcing their want, anything else should be sent via PM or start a new topic in a more appropriate area of the forum. Users posting 'wants' who 100% do not want any comments and would prefer to receive info via PM then we recommend 'locking' your topic upon posting but do include a message to encourage users to get in touch via PM otherwise you might find your want goes unsatisfied. Again, thank-you for all the input we've received. James
  12. Thanks for the input everyone. Some really interesting points for us to dig into. I think the main reason for us wanting to get user input was due to the fact that the wants section seems to inherently attract more user input/comments than the other ‘sales’ sub-forums and we didn’t know whether this was something that would be preferred by users or not. It has been fairly eye-opening for me as I’d expected it to be one sided on the side of allowing comments, so it really shows how useful these types of questions can be!
  13. As per the guidelines, please use the PM system going forward to discuss details further. Regards, James
  14. @Okehdownsouth, Anything specific about the idea that you like?
  15. As per the guidelines, please use the PM system going forward. Thanks, James
  16. This is something that I hadn't really considered before
  17. Some really great feedback. Thanks for taking the time to post. Hopefully we’ll get some more interaction over the weekend.
  18. That's a fair point, John. Thank-you for your input!
  19. Hey everyone, We're currently throwing some ideas around regarding the 'Wants' sub-forum and would like some user input. At present, we think that the 'Wants' section could benefit from some more relaxed guidelines regarding topic discussions and comments on posts. This would mean that any 'Wants' topics primary use would still be to satisfy the want but if related discussion were to arise then we would allow it to continue, any off-topic communication would be removed as normal. These changes would relate to the 'Wants' sub-forum only. Pre-existing guidelines will apply to all the other sub-forums. What does everyone think to this? We'd really appreciate any input as to whether you think this is a positive move or wish to carry on as usual. Thanks! James
  20. Please use the PM system going forward to discuss any offers as per the guidelines. Regards, James
  21. Hey @Marktsoulman, If possible, in the future, could you upload the images directly to Soul-Source? Unfortunately guest users can’t download attachments and so they’ll be unable to view the images on your listing. Thanks, James (Sales Mod)
  22. As per the guidelines, please use the PM system in the future. 'COMMENTING ON SALES TOPICS Please do not comment on the merits/prices etc of Sale Forum items. This can have a negative effect on the sale and can affect the listings of other members sales. The finer details of the deal should be done via the site PM (personal message) system. Use PMs for personal information, chat or off-topic chat. Any comments deemed to be in violation may be removed without discussion.' Regards, James
  23. Please use the PM system in the future as per the site guidelines. Regards, James
  24. Just so all aware, comments moved from wants post and new topic started
  25. Hey guys, Just going to jump in before the discussion gets going. Please use the PM system as per the guidelines. Thanks, James

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