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    Love’s gone bad, Chris Clark

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  1. Not quite Sheffield, Amy, but worth looking up the Rotherham scene too. Late 60’s - early 70’s venues like The Pendulum, Charade, Assembly Rooms, Up and Up, and later on, Clifton Hall were quite influential by all accounts. There is a thread on here, Charade Rotherham, from a while back that you might find of interest. There’s also a little book about the Charade’s story that’s worth a read, although in the 70’s it turned into more of a rock venue.
  2. Not strictly on thread, but I remember a few years back, Stewart Maconie talking to the American band Algiers about their track “The underside of power”, saying that it had been picked up on the NS circuit. I saw them soon after at Brudenell social club in Leeds and spoke to them before the gig. They were totally ignorant of NS but were interested in talking about it. I often wonder whether Maconie was right about it, but I certainly have never heard any reference to it on the scene since. ( I do love the track)
  3. Wonder if the Sunday Times asked Simona for permission to use the photo of her to illustrate the review?
  4. Interesting that Godin was encouraging soul people to “spread the faith”. Much of the discussion on this forum recently seems to be about keeping the “scene” more underground and exclusive. Wonder what he would make of the NS Proms etc that has produced such a scandalised reaction on here. (NB I remain strictly neutral on this issue, not having been part of the early scene myself.)
  5. Thanks. At my advanced age, the memory can play strange tricks.
  6. A few years ago at a Northern night, I seem to recall a couple of Van Morrison tracks being played - Wild night and Domino. Never heard them mentioned or played out since. Was this an aberration or were they played out back in the day? (The response on the dance floor was positive, suggesting some familiarity)
  7. Wow! Thanks to all who responded to my post. There’s a lot for me to digest here. Seems my inkling that it might provoke some discussion was correct. Thanks again for the inputs.
  8. A big thank you to all who have responded. Very helpful
  9. Thanks, Roburt, just what I was looking for.
  10. Thanks for that. Will try to find time for a listen.
  11. Thank you. Will give that a go.
  12. As a teenager in the late sixties I was a huge fan of the soul music of the time - Stax, Atlantic, Motown; Otis, Sam and Dave, Isleys, Marvin Gaye etc. - before it all went a bit psychedelic and (worse), Philly and disco, and my tastes veered in another direction. I’m therefore not of the “Northern” generation. Over the last ten or so years, as a result of my other half returning to the “scene” after a period away from it (she’s a dancer, not a collector or archivist), I have come to enjoy attending NS events as an observer. I realise that there are a range of historically iconic venues, and I am aware of the general chronology, but I hear and read references to the typical sounds of these venues as “Torch”, “Casino”, “Cleethorpes” etc tracks. Without me seeming to be too “divvy”, would anyone like to suggest a list of ten classics representative of what would be heard at each of the following venues: Golden Torch Twisted Wheel Casino Blackpool Mecca Stafford Cleethorpes Clifton Hall Any others? I’m hoping that my self- confessed ignorance does not provoke the “If you know, you know”, “Johnny come lately” or “divvy” responses I’ve had from those who see themselves as the “keepers of the (faith) keys” when asking for opinions on this site previously. The post might even provoke an interesting discussion among contributors…..
  13. I’m pretty sure that the event was about “Northern Soul”, not specifically Wigan. There were loads of venues playing what came to be known as NS long before the Casino (and post-Casino for that matter). Some on here seem to think what went down in Wigan tells the whole story. Ironically it was that very Wigan-centric view that gave rise to the much-mocked cliches of baggy trousers, vests, circle skirts etc.
  14. Would be interested to know what would be acceptable aspects of the “Northern Scene” to those who are bad-mouthing the way things are at the moment. Which venues/events/DJ’s are considered to be true to the original spirit of the scene as they feel it to be? Or are the true followers meant to just sit at home playing their OVO stuff and reminisce about the good old days?

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