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Russ 58

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Everything posted by Russ 58

  1. hi looking at the majestics would you consider swaps
  2. hi would you be interested in swaping the dana valery
  3. hi got both the bobby womack is on uk demo have you got any trades
  4. hi i have a promo on ebay starting at £25 if that helps
  5. hi not sure if any of these are any use to you all original proms vibrations surprise baby - the showmen the wrong girl - anthony and the imperials its not the same-lou johnson unsatisfied- the superiors what would i do- james robbins i can't please you on mica records this is not a promo hard to find on this label most of what i have are oldies her is a few if any use let me know all the best
  6. send me a list of what you are looking for as a swap a may have
  7. hi what price are you looking for as trade against
  8. sorry i said msm its sms label
  9. its on msm label last one i saw went for £1300 lot of money for a 1975 record
  10. hi i have a promo on ebay at the moment

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